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Thirty Years War AAR
11-24-2018, 12:05 AM,
RE: Thirty Years War AAR
Spring is in the air in Central Europe and along with that a lot of mud.  Nothing changed much since the last turn except that Bethlen-Nabor finally decided he'd had enough of the Austrian winter and left for Brunn.  No movement on the HRE side as it will take a turn or two for everyone to get resupplied.  My supply wagon did make it to Budweiss and started building that depot up to a level two one to help with supplies for a future offensive to Prague.  Bucquoy stayed in Wien to resupply but did get reinforced from the substantial Wien garrison.  Played the negotiate with Bethlen-Nabor card again hoping that we can talk him out of the war rather than chasing him all over Bohemia.
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11-25-2018, 08:07 AM,
RE: Thirty Years War AAR
Well nothing new to see from the HRE side in April of 1620.  Looks like it might take Bucquoy until next spring to get fully supplied at the rate he is going.  Marradas has 2/3rds of his supply but there are two Protestant armies on the march in the direction of Budweiss so he stays put and the Spinelli force from Linz moves to reinforce.  Of course it is still mud everywhere so maybe it's better I don't contemplate movement forward just yet anyway.  Money situation is grim as I really need some of the Catholics of the Empire, or more in particular the Pope, to cough up some thalers for the war treasury.
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11-26-2018, 04:25 AM,
RE: Thirty Years War AAR
Another month of mud and still Bucquoy is not fully supplied. You would think that the capitol province would provide more supplies but the supply rules have always been the most difficult for me to grasp. We'll expect better weather and enough supplies to march next month. Maracas still waits in Budweiss to see what the Protestants intend to do. He is fully supplied it the opportunity arises to march. He just doesn't have enough command points to fully lead all the troops available to him.
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12-03-2018, 02:44 AM,
RE: Thirty Years War AAR
Sorry for the delay but had some serious catching up to do this week after being on vacation the week before so a lot of late nights.

It is now June 1620 and things are taking an interesting turn.  Marradas was thrown out of Budweiss province by that nasty Protestant army but took few losses.  I was all set to move Bucquoy to the rescue but lo and behold, the Bavarians have decided to contribute to the war effort and I don't mean by shipping me delicious creme filled pastries.  Tilly has arrived with a rather large army and he will be sent to Budweiss to deal with that nasty Protestant army while Bucquoy heads for Brunn to deal with that Protestant cavalry force there and reclaim the city.  I forgot to check his supply status but he was going whether fully supplied or not.  It is going to take Tilly a while to arrive at Budweiss so hoping the garrison can hold out until then.  I expect the cavalry force at Brunn to quickly retreat once Bucquoy arrives allowing me to retake Brunn and then move on Pressburg.

[Image: June-1620.jpg]
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12-09-2018, 03:09 PM,
RE: Thirty Years War AAR
July 1620 has seen the HRE regain control of Brunn and start to bring the populace there back to the one true faith.  The Protestants have forced a breach in the Budweiss city wallls so Marradas in on the march to try and relieve the city with Tilly and the Bavarians on the way as well.  Sorry was short on time so no screenshot this turn.
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12-14-2018, 03:26 PM,
RE: Thirty Years War AAR
Well apparently the Protestants are in league with the devil as they have taken Budweiss.  However Tilly has joined forces with Marradas to form a very strong army and they are on the move to reclaim it.   Meanwhile Bucquoy leaves a detachment at Brunn and moves on Olmutz.  Polish Cossacks and another artillery unit join the forces of the Holy Roman Empire with two more Curiasser units under construction.

[Image: August-1620.jpg]
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12-15-2018, 07:26 AM,
RE: Thirty Years War AAR
October 1620 looks to be a busy month.  Tilly made it to Budweiss but no attack came.  He is combined with Marradas now so between the two of them they have a powerful army to try and eject the Protestants once and for all.  Bucquoy has secured Olmutz and is on the way to Presburg to save it for the Emperor before winter sets in.  Another Spanish contingent has arrived in Frankfurt but unfortunately is frozen in place while a new Protestant army has appeared to their south.  Going to be an interesting spring in Central Germany!

[Image: October-1620.jpg]
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12-22-2018, 07:57 AM,
RE: Thirty Years War AAR
Sorry but no screenshots this turn.  November has brought the first snows to the map so the campaign season is coming to an end.  Burcquoy has retaken Brunn and left a garrison as he has headed back to Wien.  Tilly has breached the walls at Budweiss so should have retaken the city when I get the turn back.  No snow there so fortunate to make one last assault in good weather.  Cordoba is forced to retreat to Frankfurt due to the snow.  Will rest up and be ready to march on the Protestant cities of the Rhine when spring comes.
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01-02-2019, 02:13 AM,
RE: Thirty Years War AAR
Well it's a new year in Central Europe as well but January was rung in there about as quietly as it was at my house this year.  Mainly scrambling to get everyone someplace where they can be warm and fed until spring campaigning starts so no screenshot this month.  However with Tilly in the field I look forward to campaign season when it arrives.
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01-03-2019, 08:43 AM,
RE: Thirty Years War AAR
April 1621 finally brings something besides snow though there is plenty of mud.  Forces of the HRE are on the move.  Tilly is ordered to move on the other side of Budweiss and Bucquoy moves on Pressburg to bring it back in the fold.  Cordoba's army moves on Mannheim to help secure that area of our empire.  Cavarly scouts are out looking to see what the heretics are up too.  Screenshots to come next month when something will actually look different.
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