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Random chatter...
06-05-2013, 12:52 PM, (This post was last modified: 06-05-2013, 12:52 PM by Jim von Krieg.)
RE: First Clash at Carpiquet with Von Dondo
(06-05-2013, 03:35 AM)Jim von Krieg Wrote: On the Western Front, the Germans (me) and the Canadians (Mike) face off. I haven't played this and its probably one of the classics of the WF battles.

I've assessed my units and mission. I have a lot of Mk-IVs and infantry with a little bit of artillery to drive the Canadians into the sea. Looking at the Canadians, they have a lot of armor and a lot of heavy naval artillery. I could sit back and respond to Mike's moves OR I could go after him. Of course, there is no choice in that. I'm going to go after him.

Over the course of the game, we seem to have had the same idea... push forward along the roadway to the villages of Gruchy and Buron. There's been a little harassing activity on my right flank at Epron, but so far its a side show. Though if his reserve forces release, it could become a major headache for me very quickly.

His scout forces sweep through both Gruchy and Buron just in front of me. Does not look like anything more than his lead elements of Stuarts and Bren carriers with infantry. As he moved in, my infantry and armor move up to take Gruchy. After a short and furious fight, I drive Mike out of Gruchy.

He seems to be locking down Buron and casting his eye on St. Contest as his infantry and light tanks push toward the village. My AT Guns engage along with long range tank fire. We've got a duel going on as his Shermans pop out, shoot and scoot behind Buron. There seems to be a lot of armor back there.

Then, the unbelievable use of large smoke screens to block my LOS from my supporting fires. We're in a close in fight for St. Contest. He's stuck on the outskirts with his infantry and my panzergrenadiers duking it out. Mike's unwillingness to commit his Shermans to the fight seems to give me the advantage in the fight, but they are definitely give excellent supporting fires. I've pushed up more infantry to support the attack on Buron, but this attack out of Buron toward St. Contest has locked them down defending St. Contest.

As this battle rages, I mass my forces to seize Buron. We're still battling in the treeline on the low ground between Buron and Gruchy, but I'm slowly gaining the upper hand. As I clear the trees, I begin to move up for the assault on Buron. This is going to be a tough nut. I suspect lots of infantry on the back side of the village with a lot of Shermans that have been popping out to blast my infantry near St. Contest quite effectively.

As I mass, Mike is scouting way out on my left flank to gain LOS to see what I'm up to. I blast Stuarts and infantry units attempting to sneak a peek and drive them out of LOS several times.

My artillery is not doing very well. Mike just doesn't really give me anything to shoot. As my infantry moves up for the attack, I lay down smoke to reduce the losses. I assault into Buron and drive him back, but a furious counterattack knocks me back.

His naval guns really did a number on me this turn and then he assaults forward to retake the village and drive me out. I lose a Mk-IV platoon and have over a company of infantry and engineers reduced and disrupted.

As my forces retreat back through the village, my second echelon counters his counterattack. I drive forward with supporting artillery and mortar fire to retake the village and drive back his forces. As my panzers push out, his Shermans engage disrupting two platoons of Mk-IVs; however, there are a lot more where they came from.

My Mk-IVs move up to essentially wipe out two platoons of Shermans and a platoon of Stuarts. I pull back waiting to see if he has second echelon forces to counter my counter to his counter. LOL... Engineers lay smoke and I hope I've pushed through far enough to escape his murderous naval gunfire. I'm just hoping he runs out of ammunition. I can't stand much more of those bombardments.

We have an excellent fight underway. Currently, we're locked in close combat with a draw and I'm not sure I'm going to have an opportunity to push forward to victory.

I'm bleeding out as Mike pounded my St. Contest defenders hard with tank fire. I accelerated the bleeding as I attacked into the teeth of his strength. I drove off his attack into St. Contest as well as seizing Gruchy and Boron. I only hope I can hold it. I drove off a lot of enemy infantry, destroyed a company of tanks, and will hopefully be able to continue my push forward towards Villons. Not sure, but I need to look hard at what I'm going to do next.

Mike's a tough opponent who is aggressive, but doesn't give you much to shoot at... Hmmm... Clash is definitely a tough fight for both sides as we both seem to be on the attack.

Heading for the hills... His defense of Buron is broken and he's cutting and running... I left a few tidbits exposed to see if I could get a bite which would leave his Shermans exposed... As his infantry heads for the trees, his tanks take time to blast my 75mm Half-tracks. Then they roll out of sight... but I'm sure they didn't go far... BWU HAA HAA!!!

Near Epron, a strong probe moves up supported by several Sherman platoons. He blasted my front edge defense and I lose an AT gun that popped for no effect on his Shermans... Three platoons surge into my LOS from the low ground and in the trees on the flank of my main defensive position in the area... Finally, a target rich environment...

His naval guns blast away... a panzer burns on the VP objective, but he didn't come in close to counterattack so it's an acceptable loss... As my panzers surge out, supporting fires hit nothing because of the quick withdrawal... I take some mortar indirect OPFIRE... Nothing...

One of my AAA trucks rushes down the road to scout ahead... I run nose to nose into a full strength Sherman platoon blocking my path... My panzers move forward to engage the exposed tanks... round after round slams into the first Shermans, driving them off the road and to their destruction as the rear shot destroys the whole platoon... My AAA truck surges forward again and runs into two more Sherman platoons... the long range panzer fire brews up the Ronsons... Simultaneously, I push forward to the treeline and run into his disrupted infantry... My infantry and other AAA vehicles decimate the infantry units sitting in the low ground...

Near Epron, my MG and infantry fire drives off his infantry company that is pushing forward on the objective where I sit. This is going to be a while as he has enough firepower to hurt me in the area. I'm not defenseless, but most of my combat power is on the other end of the battlefield...

I'm dreading the next few turns as his reserves "may" come in to play if he gets the right dice roll to release... I'm pushing down the points towards a minor victory, but I'm a long ways from that.. I've lost too many panzer grenadiers... and that's adding up against me... the cost of an aggressive plan...
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06-07-2013, 03:38 AM,
RE: First Clash at Carpiquet with Von Dondo
I saw something crazier than my suicide jeep run against a King Tiger in Still Full of Fight... A suicide Sherman run in First Clash...

Mike sent a platoon of Shermans to assault Epron... they moved up, took some OPFIRE from the adjacent hex to no effect, then they just vaporized in the close assault on the village... No supporting fires, no supporting infantry, no nothing... Not sure what he was seeing, but more Shermans bite the dust...

I guess Mike only saw the AT Guns and thought easy mark...
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06-07-2013, 03:46 AM,
RE: First Clash at Carpiquet with Von Dondo
(06-07-2013, 03:38 AM)Jim von Krieg Wrote: I saw something crazier than my suicide jeep run against a King Tiger in Still Full of Fight... A suicide Sherman run in First Clash...

Mike sent a platoon of Shermans to assault Epron... they moved up, took some OPFIRE from the adjacent hex to no effect, then they just vaporized in the close assault on the village... No supporting fires, no supporting infantry, no nothing... Not sure what he was seeing, but more Shermans bite the dust...

I guess Mike only saw the AT Guns and thought easy mark...

Sounds to me like a classic Ashcloud attack strategy - you can see Mike has been playing way too many games against me, my ability to squeeze out a loss despite all the odds being in my favor is rubbing off on him.
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06-07-2013, 05:12 PM,
RE: Random chatter...
Apparently I can't take any credit for the before-mentioned tactics - different Mike, I stand corrected...
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06-07-2013, 07:36 PM,
RE: Random chatter...
(06-07-2013, 05:12 PM)Ashcloud Wrote: Apparently I can't take any credit for the before-mentioned tactics - different Mike, I stand corrected...

Sorry Ashley!!!!Wink
Meine Ehre heisst Treue

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06-07-2013, 07:45 PM,
RE: Random chatter...
(06-07-2013, 07:36 PM)Warhorse Wrote:
(06-07-2013, 05:12 PM)Ashcloud Wrote: Apparently I can't take any credit for the before-mentioned tactics - different Mike, I stand corrected...

Sorry Ashley!!!!Wink

No worries, I am glad it wasn't you that I was rubbing off on in a bad way.
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06-08-2013, 07:47 AM,
RE: Random chatter...
LOL!!! No way man, I enjoy our battles!!!
Meine Ehre heisst Treue

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06-09-2013, 01:40 AM,
RE: First Clash at Carpiquet with Von Dondo
(06-07-2013, 03:46 AM)Ashcloud Wrote:
(06-07-2013, 03:38 AM)Jim von Krieg Wrote: I saw something crazier than my suicide jeep run against a King Tiger in Still Full of Fight... A suicide Sherman run in First Clash...

Mike sent a platoon of Shermans to assault Epron... they moved up, took some OPFIRE from the adjacent hex to no effect, then they just vaporized in the close assault on the village... No supporting fires, no supporting infantry, no nothing... Not sure what he was seeing, but more Shermans bite the dust...

I guess Mike only saw the AT Guns and thought easy mark...

Sounds to me like a classic Ashcloud attack strategy - you can see Mike has been playing way too many games against me, my ability to squeeze out a loss despite all the odds being in my favor is rubbing off on him.

Ha - might be a different Mike, but if there is a will there is a way for my troops to incur losses in the most unconventional ways!

Jim had been pounding the village we had both committed a major portion of our forces to, so I wanted to take the opportunity to relieve some of the pressure and strike on the left. I had an objective hex spotted for a few turns and was certain it was solely defended my an AT platoon (or, as I mentioned to Jim, that was my assessment after a few glasses of scotch). Very, very interesting battle! Jim is a great and tough opponent but I'm hoping the Canadians can recover and push the Germans back.
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06-09-2013, 05:04 AM,
Kursk Team Game
(05-25-2013, 02:07 AM)Jim von Krieg Wrote: Tank7 T34s step onto the Kursk stage. Casualties in German ranks sky rocket where ever they appear. Huzza, Huzza, Huzza!

Glorious Defenders of the Motherland, Red Army Tank Corps IVO Kursk - Unit Commander stands tall in his hatch straining to see over the ridge through his binoculars. He flashes his hand and arm signals to the other tank commanders. Move forward to crest the ridge. Engage enemy at long range.

As the T34s move up, displayed before them along the valley floor is a vast armored spearhead of unsuspecting panzers overburdened with infantry. It is moving forward with typical German precision towards the river and the Russian trenches. They are also moving into a Russian fire sack.

Sturmovichs thunder overhead, streaking above the Russian positions to swoop down into the valley that points like a dagger into the Red Army positions. Artillery rounds scream in anger as they seek out the advancing German foe. All timed to rake the German forces as they cross the river. At the head of the wedge a panzer burns and an infantry platoon bleeds.

Almost simultaneously, T34s crest the rise. TC: Comrade Gunner, HE... extreme range... FIRE! Gunner: Round up, ON THE WAY!!! TC: More HE... extreme range... FIRE! Gunner: Round up, ON THE WAY!!! Round after round explodes along the German armored wedge. Exposed panzergrenadiers tumble through the air from their armored perches to rise no more.

All along the front, the Red Army attempts to stem the tide of the German push. All along the front, survivors stream to the rear in utter exhaustion from the tremendous German barrages pounding their positions which are quickly followed up by murderous small arms fire from the enemy assault troops.

This is no rapier thrust. This is a massive slugfest that harkens back to the Great War. Artillery flashes all along the front. Large infantry formations fight it out in trench lines. Only difference from the previous generation is that now there is a great armored serpent uncoiling itself to strike deep.

(05-24-2013, 11:31 PM)John Given Wrote:
Quote:Wish there was a way to record a game and watch the whole thing in playback - would love to watch this one.

There a 'record game' button on the menu bar, but when I tried it on one game I got some kind of error message. I've yet to hear of anyone who got it to work correctly, but I'm holding out hope. Helmet Smile


Don't quote me on this but IIRC this replay originally only worked for a solo game. Also, I think it may no longer work with the Matrix upgrade.

To all others following my random chatter on Kursk, I've created a series of screen shots and will eventually start sharing a few. Still too early yet. As I might reveal "State Secrets" to the Fascist Invaders during the course of the battle, I suspect it'll be many turns down the road before I start downgrading their classification status for releasibility. LOL...

I'm considering doing this with Death's Head, but it takes a lot of work to keep up with this. This is a fight worthy of it though. Tremendous fight and lots of punishment administered by both sides.



Near Cherkasskoye a massive battle rages... Large concentration of German armor and infantry are battling on the outskirts of the small Russian village attempting to fight their way through the trenches, mines and blocks. With little to stop the large formation of Panthers, a miracle occurs. Harassed by approaching infantry and smothering artillery barrages, gunners of the Anti-tank brigade sight in on the Panthers along the ridge who unexpectedly expose their flank. Gunner pulls the lanyard as the 76mm AT Gun targets five of the Fascist Invader's newest wonder weapon. Moments later, the Panthers burn along the ridge overlooking Cherkasskoye.
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06-09-2013, 08:08 AM,
RE: Random chatter...
This would not be possible for a typical platoon of PzV... It was not one of my platoons but I am guessing this was one of morale 1 platoons which are common in this scenario- i.e. easy to kill by morale going to 0 when losses inflicted or retreated ( i.e. shot was reduced by 1 Eliminated -not possible for 5 step unit unless morale very low etc..).... I would be interested to learn what Earl has had in mind setting them up like this..

Well with EA on and high assault factor of Soviet SMG's it is a nightmare fro a commander of German side to plough through these infinite trench lines...
Bump JarBump Jar
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