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PzC Kharkov '43 Just Released
12-04-2010, 08:08 AM,
RE: PzC Kharkov '43 Just Released
The CD player is going the way of the floppy drive. It's dead technology.

There is no hope or future in trying to hold on to it. Soon there will be a day you dont even have one in your computer.

As for the fountain of misinformation, wow. I mean...wow. You would think digital downloading was brand new. Thats not to say there will are problems with the way they are doing it.

I have purchased the game..actually..purchased it about um..3 hours ago. I am still downloading it. I have a 30Mb/s connection, with 2Mb/s up....in fact I am full of b/s :) But it is download soooooo sloooow. Its probably because I am sharing bandwidth with everyone else who has bought it. If he had released it through a company like Impulse or Steam, it would have been better in many ways. (except less revenue for him)

Of course, if you really want to play on multiple computers, there are a few ways to do it...legally even.

One is use Remote Desktop. I remote in to my home computer from work, from my parents, from the kitchen. No problem.

But the majority of the time, I play on a single computer, in a single place. And if I was to go on an extended vacation, and wanted to bring a PzC game with me (to continue a PBEM), they do give you the option of moving the game over to that computer.
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12-04-2010, 08:18 AM, (This post was last modified: 12-04-2010, 08:19 AM by Glenn Saunders.)
RE: PzC Kharkov '43 Just Released

Info on the activation process is on the John Tiller Software Website.


It works quite nicely and the smae peopel who supported the games over the years are still involved supporting them now. I'll try to respond to specific issues later tonight when I get a chance to look though the forum again.

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12-04-2010, 08:31 AM, (This post was last modified: 12-04-2010, 10:32 AM by KG_RangerBooBoo.)
RE: PzC Kharkov '43 Just Released
The one computer thing is going to put me off on this. The digital download thing is not a big issue though I would have preferred having a CD. I normally load my games at home and my work computer as I do PBEM files on my lunch hour. Just knowing that I'm not going to be able to do that is going to put me off doing PBEM and if I can't comfortably PBEM then I don't know whether I will buy or not.

Well I went ahead and pulled the trigger on this and crossing my fingers that they listen to the masses and allow two activations per computer someday.
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12-04-2010, 08:37 AM,
RE: PzC Kharkov '43 Just Released
Well, I travel quite a lot in my job and thus I use my laptop almost as much as my desktop. I have many programs that I buy and load on more than one computer. Microsoft Outlook and Quicken are two that come to mind. I understand the need to control unlimited use of programs but limiting use to only one computer seems quite weak to me.

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12-04-2010, 10:03 AM, (This post was last modified: 12-04-2010, 11:36 AM by Volcano Man.)
RE: PzC Kharkov '43 Just Released
(Not directed to anyone specific)

If anyone thinks that Mr. Tiller does not listen to the public then you are mistaken. However, I want to try to put this into perspective, because I am seeing some hateful and ill informed posts in another thread:

The sad fact of the matter is, game designers spend YEARS making these games, and there is very little money in it; I can personally attest that I spent over four long years making France '14. I certainly made it out of love, otherwise it would of never have seen the light of day, but compensation is nice, especially since it directly determines how much you can reinvest in future titles and improvements. I am sorry that everyone feels like someone is being cheated here, but the real truth of the matter is, the people that work long and hard on these games are the ones getting cheated (not by piracy alone mind you, but by publishing costs). It is unfortunate that there cannot be more understanding of that fact, but that is the way of things - people see what they want to see. Please do not put words into my mouth here that anyone is looking for sympathy, or that I am suggesting that understanding and patience should only flow one direction, this is naturally a symbiotic relationship but there are some things must be kept in perspective here.

Love it or hate it, this is the future of software distribution. Shipping out CDs is nice, I certainly liked having a CD myself, but the old way must eventually give way to the new in a niche market where very little money is being made. DD allows prices to stay low, yet profits to be higher so that money can be reinvested into the games themselves. There are several alternatives to DD, which is continue making physical copies and scratching out a minimal existence, or to simply stop developing altogether (I am not suggesting that will happen, I am speaking hypothetically). So, you have a situation where there is very little money, so DD is the method which alleviates the problems and it also provides the consumer the ability to have the game NOW, on demand, without waiting for it to arrive my mail. However, with DD comes the side effect that we are talking about here: you cannot just give your software away as a download without any protection, that would be akin to slitting your own wrists as a developer -- the people who spend *years* of their life making these "games" are, in good sense, not interested in that approach. :(

This is just something to keep this in perspective. The main change here is the shift to DD for obvious reasons. As someone said, DD was not invented yesterday, and it has become method of higher efficiency that a niche market requires to be successful. You can dispel those false assumptions that someone was sitting around with feet-on-desk, puffing-on-fat-cigar trying to figure out ways to force a DRM method on everyone. The DRM is a necessary side effect/evil of digital download. Who knows, maybe the DRM may change to allow multiple activations with one serial number, the whole thing was only announced today and we get the idea: there should be more than one activation allowed for those that might want to put the game on a laptop for traveling purposes. That is perfectly understandable. Lets be patient as, with everything new, some things might have to be ironed out (or not, who knows). Just remember to keep both sides of the issue in mind...
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12-04-2010, 10:22 AM, (This post was last modified: 12-04-2010, 10:23 AM by cmurphy625.)
RE: PzC Kharkov '43 Just Released
I've always wanted Digital.. get rid of the CD's (is this still happening with patches or off the table now).. I have no problem with developers protecting their work.. I just want to play my purchase on whichever of my computers I own.. If a developer feels I have to buy a copy for each PC, then I am no longer interested in the product, that's just the way it is.. If he is listening, and that will change then that is good.. if not, then so be it..

I'm a big fan of Steam/Gamers Gate both of them make you activate.. Developer get's his protection.. user get's to use his product on any of his PCs..
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12-04-2010, 11:07 AM,
RE: PzC Kharkov '43 Just Released
Volcano Man,

Thanks for spelling things out and expressing things from "the other side", that "we" consumers may have little or no knowledge of.

Today, should be an exciting day for HPS/JT fans, because another quality PzC game was released, thanks to a lot of hard work from many individuals.

Unfortunately, in my opinion, it has been overshadowed by news of a new game format, and computer user restrictions.
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12-04-2010, 11:10 AM,
Thumbs_Up  RE: PzC Kharkov '43 Just Released

Well said my friend, I will say no more.


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12-04-2010, 11:23 AM,
RE: PzC Kharkov '43 Just Released
What seems to be forgotten is that we'd pay MORE than $39.99 for a decent operational level board game and with it we'd only get to play ONE GAME AT A TIME. We'd have to leave it set up, hope the cat doesn't mess it up or the kids don't bump into it. And we wouldn't be able to play several opponents at a time in different scenarios, let alone play it at home and also on the road.

And we get many more available opponents, what with pbem and the Blitz and all...

The world is changing, but in this regard it only seems to be improving. :bow:

I'll be downloading my copy when I get home tonight. :whis:
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12-04-2010, 11:41 AM,
RE: PzC Kharkov '43 Just Released
I've been reading the comments about Kharkov '43 & the activation scheme both here & on other sites all day. I had a big speech all ready to go but Ed expressed my opinions probably better than I could ever have done.

I would just say that I, too, am dismayed by the ill-informed & outrageous statements I've read. The game hasn't been out a day and there are some who are all ready to send HPS & JT down the river - forgetting the years of quality games & first rate support both have provided. I think they deserve the benefit of our doubt & the opportunity to address some of the comments & concerns before the posse hangs them.

I had the pleasure of meeting Glenn, Ed, Ricky B, Blackie & others at TC-3 who are directly involved with the development of PzC & I can say from first-hand experience that they DO listen to suggestions. All one has to do is look what has been added recently for proof of that.

I am also concerned about single computer issue. Someone else mentioned that they like to play a PBEM turn at work while eating lunch. That's something I like to do also but I'm also confident that JT software will look at this.

Finally - thanks for putting out another quality PzC game. Can't wait to try it out.
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