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Change of Personnel in the H2H Section
01-24-2010, 08:40 AM,
RE: Change of Personnel in the H2H Section
Don't scare them John. ;)

And, I can assure the designers that the scenarios will not be deleted without copying them first. I may even think about then loading them into the regular dBASE and letting time test them for balance. :smoke:

Diplomat, me? Hardly! :cheeky:


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01-24-2010, 08:56 AM,
RE: Change of Personnel in the H2H Section
Yes, just to clarify what John is saying we are going to be contacting designers with scenarios uploaded at the CS H2H to see if we can help them in anyway, while it is indeed the responsibility of the designer to post for testers and follow up on feedback provided John and Ed are also here to try to grease the wheels of the H2H test system for designers to help smooth the path to seeing these scenarios be approved. :)

So nothing will be removed without the designer being contacted and if you are a active designer with active tests then you have absolutely nothing to worry about. Big Grin

But i have to say their has been in the past designers who have uploaded scenarios and then either not bothered to get them tested or just lost interest, in those situations we would be looking to free up space on the test page for new scenarios by removing these (having of course spoken to the designer first). ;)

I hope that clears things up.
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01-25-2010, 05:09 AM,
RE: Change of Personnel in the H2H Section
(01-24-2010, 06:38 AM)Von Luck Wrote: Damn what gives with the constant log in crap.Ed's the man peep peep.Ok as to the h2h now i seem to have gotten on to the new board design after a long try.Beware all desingers will have to find testers they will have to keep in touch with said testers and they will have to make sure said scenario is getting the test it need's.Not in stone yet but all designers who fail to follow up their scenarios on the h2h area will have them deleted.IE No point in putting a scenario up for testing if nothing happens,or no feedback for the h2h custodians so they know what is going on.Dont get me wrong i have nothing but praise for all those designers who take all that time designing a scenario but due to new rules etc the designer has to take 80% of it to get it up there.We will help where needed so if there is a prob feel free to contact us.Hopefully i havent said anything out of place here.
Getting into the new board now.Appoligise to all if i was a bit over the top in my last message didnt mean it to be like that.:bow::bow::bow:PS Think Ed might be the Diplomatcheers

I'm still having problems logging into the new board:conf:
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01-25-2010, 05:28 AM,
RE: Change of Personnel in the H2H Section
(01-25-2010, 05:09 AM)Wolfman Wrote: I'm still having problems logging into the new board:conf:

Let Raz know what kind of problems you're having. In the meantime you went here I assume: https://www.theblitz.club/announcements/...n%21/aid=1

It probably has something to do with "cookies". If the site finds old ones it will mess up the login. Google "how to clear cookies in IE or [Firefox]" if you're not sure how to do it. Raz can reset your password too if nothing else works.

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01-25-2010, 06:15 AM,
RE: Change of Personnel in the H2H Section
Following comments in the past about h2h, I still wonder why it's needed?
I'm sure many can produce scenarios, as I do. Surely the purpose of breathing new air into the site is to get scenarios uploaded to play? They don't neccesarily need to be approved, that's something the players will do when playing them, like it or forget it?
As said before, some guys have a team of friends who try out the scenario and appraise it, if they are happy it gets uploaded, guys can then either enjoy or dismiss the game?
It seems from the past that, scenarios take too long to get approved in h2h, the important thing surely is, getting many games to play to keep the site thriving?
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01-25-2010, 07:07 AM,
RE: Change of Personnel in the H2H Section
Pete no offence mate its not just a case of new scenarios hell even i could make one up.The purpose is to try and get evenly balanced scenarios where all have a chance of winning be it a new player or a vet.
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01-25-2010, 07:23 AM,
RE: Change of Personnel in the H2H Section
no probs VL, just my perceptive on it. What I'm saying is, if people test a scenario out between trusted friends and find it ok, why does it need to go through the process of h2h also? The more scenarios to play the better for all?
There's scenarios I've played where I've felt, I was at a loss pretty early on. I'd then choose not to play it again. Maybe, like others, I lost them due to inferior play against better players. The point is, there's many scenarios to play and many players with differing abilities, so the h2h section seems a bit elitist to me and unnecessary to promote scenarios to keep the site alive?
After all, how many people have played a scenario and it wasn't to their liking, despite being an h2h approved scenario? Doesn't that alone negate the h2h section's views?
Sorry to be negative, I always admire those who put their time into voluntary contribution, my post is just a view for discussion.
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01-25-2010, 07:55 AM, (This post was last modified: 01-25-2010, 08:15 AM by Jim von Krieg.)
RE: Change of Personnel in the H2H Section

Philosophically, H2H is about quality, not quantity. I've seen dozens of scenarios that were crap. Which is why H2H exists.

It is a systematic attempt to weed them out and give players a tool to assess a scenario. If a scenario gets the club's approval, several sets of eyes should have reviewed and played it. The intent is that the feedback process affords the scenario designer an opportunity to create a better scenario.

Unfortunately, over time H2H suffered from not enough support to pump through the scenarios.

Consider it a Seal of Approval from the club. Too often a scenario is created and it never gets played because it just isn't there. Few scenarios are good right off the shelf. They need work.

A little history from the 90's. No scenario was released by Talonsoft without extensive play testing. What we are wanting to recreate is the dynamic interaction between scenario designers, gamers, and scenario development. I've seen what it can do when it is working. We've had many designers improve their ability through the process. So, even though it is about the scenario, it is also about giving a scenario designer support so he can elevate his game.

I also consider H2H a scenario designer development process. Over the years, I have seen a lot of designers appear. IMHO it takes time and feedback to develop their skills to the point where they consistently create quality scenarios. I've observed many scenario designers elevate their ability through the use of the H2H process.

Keeping the game alive is all about creating new scenarios and making sure they are good for PBEM. This is our effort to get a team process going. Over the years, I have seen much success. Our new push is to get the system operating again as it should.

If a scenario lingers it is because not enough players step up to review it. If we want the game to stay alive and remain vibrant we need new quality scenarios. To accomplish that we need to develop good designers who communicate with players in a development process.

I hope that helps you understand what the intent of H2H is. Many people put in an effort to make it work, but we need to get everyone pushing in the same direction. All of us are busy, but if we all pitch in we'll have some quality scenarios pumped out. Wanting to lead by example, I've picked up a scenario in H2H to playtest. It is a good scenario and with with a little feedback it'll be an excellent scenario.

If enough folks dive in, it isn't that hard to pump better scenarios out. I know it takes a little effort, but IMHO it is well worth it.

If the game was played and extensively reviewed by others, as in the case you mention. If the players were club members, then I think we can see about validating it through H2H without additional work.


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01-25-2010, 08:11 AM,
RE: Change of Personnel in the H2H Section
No problem with you asking why the H2H area exists, Jim has put all the points i wanted to make and i only wanted to repeat it is the lack of testers that slows the H2H down, we never lack designers.

If that same designer you mentioned uploaded his scenario to the H2H and used his group of friends to do the testing it would be H2H approved in no time! :)

So if player wants to design their own scenarios and upload them to the scenario list that is just fine, but if they want that scenario to have the Blitz H2H Approved seal it has to go through a structured system at the H2H.
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01-25-2010, 08:31 AM,
RE: Change of Personnel in the H2H Section
Jim/Foul, I'll come back to you on that, apppreciate your comments but have a lady here wanting attention now, lol!
I do see where you're coming from, I'll comment later on it.
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