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Quiz: Who Am I?
01-31-2008, 09:28 AM,
RE: Quiz: Who Am I?
PzHeinZ Wrote:Correct!.... The Lada is brown, but it only has three wheels. Sorry :P

Oh it is the standard model then? ;) Big Grin cheers
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02-01-2008, 12:25 AM,
RE: Quiz: Who Am I?
Standard model, yes :)

Here´s a new one, if you need pointers on previous just ask.

”I was born for a ”job” that goes a long way back to mythology. I ordered my country to learn from those who had not been tolerated here for long, except for one. I could defeat those who had looked down on me and underestimated my strength. I created the basis for military power of my country for the next eight decades.”

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02-02-2008, 03:23 AM,
RE: Quiz: Who Am I?
It appears that hits are needed:

"I lived about a 1000 years after Leonidas, I had my people converted to catholics, I was the last leader of a people that is known by its name by everyone, but the present meaning of that name does no justice to my people."
****My kingdom used to be in north Africa.

”I was born for a ”job” that goes a long way back to mythology. I ordered my country to learn from those who had not been tolerated here for long, except for one. I could defeat those who had looked down on me and underestimated my strength. I created the basis for military power of my country for the next eight decades.”
****You will find the answer at the land of the rising sun.
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02-02-2008, 05:55 AM,
RE: Quiz: Who Am I?
i'm thinking vandals, but hilderic was the catholic, and he wasn't the last leader

emperor meiji?
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02-02-2008, 08:09 AM,
RE: Quiz: Who Am I?
Lazy Wrote:i'm thinking vandals, but hilderic was the catholic, and he wasn't the last leader

emperor meiji?

You are correct Lazy! I was after the last leader of the Vandal people, and I made my question carelessly. Hilderic was indees a convert, but his cousin, the last leader of Vadal people was not, he sticked to Arian christianity. So, pardon me for this no-good hint, the last leader of Vandals was........?

The other one is ok, Meiji aka Mutsuhito was what I was after.

Well done Lazy!
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02-08-2008, 11:58 PM,
RE: Quiz: Who Am I?
Great quizzes. I guessed right on the first one, I picked up on Leonidas pretty quickly but was totally out in left field with the third, so I guess I'm batting .500. Where do I pick up my 3 wheeled Lada?
Anyhow, I enjoyed these historical head scratchers so I thought I would contibute my own. This is probably fairly easy but here you go.

"I am a woman, but no ordinary one. I am a ruler, an admiral and I have the ear of a great king. In battle my ferocity and quick thinking has served me well."

Another hint in my next post.
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02-09-2008, 12:01 AM,
RE: Quiz: Who Am I?
If you haven't guessed this one yet, consider this.

"The first historian was born in my capital and tells my story well."
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02-09-2008, 12:13 AM,
RE: Quiz: Who Am I?
Faith Divides Us, Death Unites Us.... "We were never to say die or surrender" -- Chard
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02-09-2008, 02:46 PM,
RE: Quiz: Who Am I?
A good guess, Red Devil, but the correct answer is Artemsia.

A remarkable women, she succeeded her husband to rule over the Ionian city state of Hallicanarsus during the time of the Greco-Persian Wars in the 5th century BCE. This was an unusual accomplishment for a woman at that time. Even more unusual, when Xerxes assembled his army and fleet for the invasion of Greece in 480 BCE she contributed and led 5 triremes into battle; making her probably the first women admiral in history.
She also had the ear of King Xerxes and supposedly warned him against attacking the Greek fleet at Salamis. He would hear none of it and ordered the attack while he watched from his throne set up on a hillside. He expected his numerically superior fleet to crush the Greeks but in the narrow confines off of Salamis it was the Greeks who inflicted a devastating defeat on Xerxes, sinking 200 triremes and killing 40,000 of the enemy.
During the rout that followed, Artemisia's trireme was being pursued by a Greek trireme. Just as the Greek ship was about to overtake her, Artemisia abrubtly turned her ship towards another Persian ship and rammed it amidships. The pursuing Greek ship assumed she was a fellow Greek and turned away looking for other prey. Xerxes saw this action and asked to know who the captain of the ship was that rammed what he thought was a Greek trireme. On being told that is was Artemesia he was said to exclaim, "My women have become men and my men women". Her quick thinking and cunning would see her safely through the battle.
The world's first historian was Herodotus who was born in Hallicarnasus. He documentated the events leading up to war and the important battles of Thermopylae, Salamis and Platea in his work "The Histories". Herodotus is also known as the world's first liar, as he definitely had a pro-Greek bias and was guilty of grossly over estimating the size of the Persian army among other things. Still, Herodotus gets most of his facts straight and his "Histories" makes for great reading
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02-09-2008, 08:49 PM,
RE: Quiz: Who Am I?
Very interesting, although i had never heard of her and so i had no chance of answering this and adding to my collection of 3 wheeled Ladas.....Cry

Lot more stuff like this being talked about since 300 hit the screens!
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