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Speed in Meeting Engagements
11-28-2006, 06:28 AM,
RE: Speed in Meeting Engagements
Randy, what I insist upon, is respect and fair treatment for all. Thinly veiled sarcasm does not fit that expectation.

Please do not take every difference of opinion as a personal attack against you or your management.
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11-28-2006, 11:34 AM,
RE: Speed in Meeting Engagements
back to the topic this thread started with...

If you want to cry foul at each other you can stop reading now...

OK. anyway...
what about the idea of setting your ME up as usual but istead of going with the computer victory system you go with points. exchange passwords at the end, look at the second to the last turn, since in the last turn all the computer declared losers side is captured, and tally up the units and types. then go to the QB unit selection page for the appropriate era and figure out the unit cost of all units eliminated or broken. whichever side has the most points worth of "lost" units is the loser. maybe if you want to use flags, go with the computers decision but let the person with the lesser # of lost units bump the victory one extra notch in their direction...

just a thought. negociating the victory conditions ahead of time is one way for those not satisfied with the "tactics" level to make it more appealing...
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11-28-2006, 11:41 AM,
RE: Speed in Meeting Engagements
back to the topic this thread started with...

If you want to cry foul at each other you can stop reading now...

OK. anyway...
what about the idea of setting your ME up as usual but istead of going with the computer victory system you go with points. exchange passwords at the end, look at the second to the last turn, since in the last turn all the computer declared losers side is captured, and tally up the units and types. then go to the QB unit selection page for the appropriate era and figure out the unit cost of all units eliminated or broken. whichever side has the most points worth of "lost" units is the loser. maybe if you want to use flags, go with the computers decision but let the person with the lesser # of lost units bump the victory one extra notch in their direction...

just a thought. negociating the victory conditions ahead of time is one way for those not satisfied with the "tactics" level to make it more appealing...
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11-28-2006, 03:53 PM,
RE: Speed in Meeting Engagements
IMO thats too much like hard work.

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11-28-2006, 04:26 PM,
RE: Speed in Meeting Engagements
I think we limit ourselves by playing the same type of ME, why not forget the points totally and concentrate on something more tangible without flags. Agree that one side wins if a bridge is destroyed and the other if the bridge still stands, Arty cannot be used on the bridge, or the 1st player to occupy a certain building for 5 consecutive turns but not allow either player to occupy the building for the first 15 turns. I don't know , just thinking out loud. There are more ways to play this then Capture the Flag.
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11-28-2006, 08:23 PM, (This post was last modified: 11-28-2006, 08:36 PM by Fullhouse.)
RE: Speed in Meeting Engagements
McIvan Wrote:
RedDevil Wrote:well lads, as you know the fragment forums are Geordies Pride and joy because of their "content", adult like discussions, and the superior well beings who dwell there. So in due time, his self indulgence of ego mannerisms brings him back to the old blitz place where we have "heavily moderated forums and dictorship juntas" controlling your every move and he just can't stand it.

He just can't stay away from the place because his love to get as much atttention everywhere he graces with his presence so naturally he needs to come here and "contribute" to a good discussion with his charming demeanor.

We only have to endure so much as he'll step over that line, as he always manages to do and he'll be off on his merry way, posting his grief on the Fragment forums and starting another tirade of Randy hate threads with his bros. (which BTW Geordie, it is spelled with a Y not an I)

Of course, don't forget now it's some very interesting reading on CM over there once you get past all those adult discussions they're having about the blitz and it's members.

So Geordie, best keep your fragment style over there on that BEST forums on the WEB, as I won't hesitate to take all these emails I've gotten and put them to action.

And B4 anyone wants to defend the chap, Don't bother wasting my time or yours.
I have little respect for those who feel his actions and remarks against the Blitz and its staff are worthy of any such debatable effort, and if you feel offended, by all means, go post your grief on the fragment forums, it'll fit right in with the rest of the garbage.

What irony, suggesting that Geordie might be the one to start a tirade. He'll be at least one post too late.

So is the following not a rant?

Quote:OK, you all disagree.

Heres what I think.

You do what you think will win you the ME QB, if it works for you, you keep doing it until you meet someone who kicks your fat Arse.

Then you change what you do, or maybe you dont.

So what!

You either learn or die, or learn and Turtle, and we all know what a Turtle does................

Is the following not blatat trolling?

Quote:Can you clarify what you mean there?

As you are coming across as a right Knob.

And this after you suggest that it is "to easy" to jump on to the bashing Geordie bandwagon.

Perhaps if you spent less time on the paranoir and hysteria sub section of Fragment, were bashing Red Dev is priority No1 you could when venturing back over here manage a semblance of impartiality and not revel in an obvious bias.

Its sad how some are able to let Geordie's and cos blatant and undounded excesses pass on the fear and hyseria forum without raising a squeack but over here you jump on any glimmer of excess from Red with rabid enthusiasm.

Some people who are not the central antagonists in this on going storm in a Tea cup need to take a step back and try to gain some distance and detachment, as their "judgement" as evinced by this thread has become skewed beyond any hope of rationality.

Geordie ranting and trolling = Ahhh he just grumpy.

Red responds to above = OMFG fascist. (This is an exegeration, but it is made to illustrate a point. It is an exegeration of a theme, the theme itself is quite clearly there. Though it must be said that on the FaH forum RD is called a fascist several times without complaint or anyone steping into ask if that is a fair or balanced assesment)

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11-28-2006, 09:08 PM,
RE: Speed in Meeting Engagements
Your post, if it can be called that, is not worthy of a reply.

Do you really want to keep flogging this dead horse? If so, please take it to PM.
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11-28-2006, 09:36 PM,
RE: Speed in Meeting Engagements
McIvan Wrote:Your post, if it can be called that, is not worthy of a reply.

Do you really want to keep flogging this dead horse? If so, please take it to PM.

You know youve hit the nail on the head when the person you are talking to cant muster an actual reply and must instead make a weak excuse.

By default then you admit your bias.
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11-28-2006, 11:09 PM,
RE: Speed in Meeting Engagements
Now Ladies enough is enough. It's only a game. You got too love a message board where one of the MMFIC's gives himself an article 15 that's just cool in my book.

Quit bitch slapping each other and get back too more important things like killing T-34' and Panther's.

Rushing the flags ? Show me any military thought in the past 6,000 years where a screen force,recon element, or advance guard is not stressed in a movement to contact. That how I look at the opening moves in a ME QB. Now I will admit that rushing a flag with truck mounted inf maybe alittle crazy, having been in the military before I can assure you that would be low on the list of crazy things I saw in real life.

IMO in this game if you rush anything too much you are going too get your butt kicked.

So please don't take this wrong and go off on me.
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11-29-2006, 05:59 AM, (This post was last modified: 11-29-2006, 06:10 AM by McIvan.)
RE:�� Speed in Meeting Engagements
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