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New matrix for ranks online?
07-25-2006, 10:22 AM,
RE: New matrix for ranks online?
LOL! :laughing:
Randy, you gave me a great idea! I stare at my wife and kid and wonder. ... Name tags would solve everything! ;)

Rob, good attitude, I understand the disgruntled. [I do have to wonder about those who don't care but, complain anyway. :smoke:] All of us took hits? And, we all have challenges? :cool:

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07-25-2006, 11:06 AM,
RE:��New matrix for ranks online?
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07-25-2006, 09:46 PM,
RE: New matrix for ranks online?
The CS games are not exclusively WWII. With the mods for DG we have Mideast post 45, Vietnam, Europe cold war, I think there is a French Indo-china in works, a team was working on a WWi mod, and then Paul was working on a Africa mod to account for Africa 50's and beyond.

I think if there is a country on the country list it should allow for a ladder of ranks. I know it is more work but just my thoughts.

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07-26-2006, 12:29 AM,
RE: New matrix for ranks online?
Don't forget the Korean war mod as well :-)
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07-26-2006, 12:50 AM,
RE: New matrix for ranks online?
I create and revise: Order of Battles, Table of Equipments, Weapon Values for Modern Wars (in work: DG Lebanon War 1982 - 1985, DG Falklands War and again CWE!)
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07-26-2006, 03:02 AM,
RE:��New matrix for ranks online?
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07-26-2006, 05:15 AM,
RE: New matrix for ranks online?

I was stripped of my recent General rank to Staff Seargant. Not a problem since I thought there were way too many officers and not enough grunts anyways!!!

As Seargant Hulka once said: "You don't say "sir" to me.
I'm a sergeant. I work for a living."

Great decision to change the ranks.
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07-26-2006, 11:22 AM,
RE: New matrix for ranks online?
I think it was Wyatt who was working on the African Mod, as well as the Islamic, Muslem, and PRC mods.
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07-26-2006, 05:57 PM,
RE: New matrix for ranks online?
I started this thread, so I may present my point of view?
Acctually, I got some information some months ago, that the staff (Ed) is working on a revised version of the table of ranks. I only was a bit surprised, that it was installed without public annoucement.
And I don't understand the complains about the new matrix.
We still have the same amount of points than before, we still have our wins and losses, the ranking at the ladder stayed the same, only the lable changed. Now the former Generals and Fieldmarshalls have the opportunity the gain again new stripes and stars. So what's the problem?

Just my two cents,cheers
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07-26-2006, 09:31 PM,
RE: New matrix for ranks online?
A round of applause to all the gents that worked on this. The SS Officer's Club was gettin' a BIT crowded! I got busted to Major from General so I can still belly up to the bar....I just don't have to fight for a seat anymore. cheers With all the SS Oberstgruppenfuhrers (say THAT 3 times fast!) floatin' around we could have had our own little army.

Seriously though, I remember the past thread(s) that this was brought up on (and a poll as well) and I also seem to remember a general consensus that changes needed to be made. Those of us that were playing alot of games at the time were stuck with no room for advancement. Now I have something to work for. LOL
"I keep a flask of whiskey in my left pocket in case of snake bite....and I keep a small snake in my right pocket" W.C. Fields
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