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"Come back here ya coward, it's only a flesh wound..." SFS Round 2 Sitrep Thread!!
07-21-2006, 09:45 PM,
RE: "Come back here ya coward, it's only a flesh wound..."��SFS Round 2 Sitrep Thread!!
West of Noyva Zhite USSR:

After 72 minutes of action, things look grim for the fatherland here; despite the fact that only two locations vital to the Russians have been taken Noyva Zhite and the second rail bridge, the casualities are frightful.

Screams of 152mm and 76mm rounds down the road toward Oberst Lucht and myself, along with our platoons of Engineers send one group of the landsers to the rear some 250 meters. Five fall before me in a mangled heap of humanity not easily recognizable as living beings, because they no longer are.

Luckily Herr Oberst and I along with the remants of troops beat a hasty retreat amid a hail of heavy 50 cal MG rounds from a Half track.

Into the woods we go and I ask for the radio, I marvel that the battered set is still usable, as I hear frantic reports from all over the front. One Bn. HQ ceases to exist as a Russian platoon enters the center rear and slams the HQ with 76mm shells, forcing it into a woods already under deadly fire and the death that awaits it.

More panzers smoulder under the dealy but accurate fire of General KK's forces; We learn of his exit from the battlefield to visit "The Boss" at his Dacha just east of here; no doubt to recieve his latest Hero of the Soviet Union star, adding to his collection of fruit salad.

A Russian Tank is dispatched from our rear, but such is a small victory when scores of our troops fall under the blades of the red banner this day. I turn to the Oberst and look for some sign in his face that this day will somehow be rescued, but no such look can be found on his dirty face full of Russian soil and German sweat.

"Even if we are able to recover the village and rail bridge, our losses are such that we will not prevail here I fear" he said as he looked down at his map, while reports contiunued to pour in across the radio waves.

" I'll not go quietly" grumbles one NCO in our crowd. "Nor will I" others mumble. " The odds don't look good Herr Oberst" I respond.

" WE must try" Oberst Lucht responds, answering the call of the spirit shown him by the men around us. " These woods will be warm, but such is the Flames of War" he said with grim but firm determination.

And so we are moving...Moving East..Heil Und Seig
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07-24-2006, 04:05 AM,
RE: "Come back here ya coward, it's only a flesh wound..." SFS Round 2 Sitrep Thread
Hans and Joerg's platoon was stranded out in no mans land. No cover was to be afforded by the open road. Would this be the end for them!

Mortar rounds fell to the west!

Tank fire hit to the east!

Small arms fire was everywhere!

"Are we dead yet, Hans?"

"I don't think so."

A familar order was heard over the din.

"Clear that treeline!!!"

Once again rifle fire forced back the Red intruders.

"Those engineers don't look so good, Joerg."

"Lets go help them!"

As they moved to help the engineers, smoke started to obscure the road.

"This is good!"

"Yes, but if we live, we will have to walk home."

"Was that our ride, they blew up!"

"Damn savages!"

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07-25-2006, 11:46 AM,
RE: "Come back here ya coward, it's only a flesh wound..." SFS Round 2 Sitrep Thread
Hans and Joerg's platoon and three platoons of Engineers blocked the vital road to the west. The full onslaught of the Red Army was about to land on them!

"Here they come again!"

"The Engineers are retreating under heavy infantry fire!"

"Tanks up!" "More engineers are running!"

"oh my god, they killed thier Lt.!"



"What........was that......" "The Feldwebel is dead !"

Crack!!! A Panther brews up the T34/85 that blasted the boys squad.

"More tanks!!!!"


"Are you ok, Joerg?"

"I think so.......but look! The panzers are going to crush us!!!!!!!"

"Run, Hans, run!!!!!"

"Thank god we got out of the road alive!"

Shells exploded all around, most fell among the engineers who lost dozens of men.

"Look at those monsters panzers blocking the road!!"

Crack!! Boom!!!!!!!! Three massive SU152's explode, victims of the Panther platoon. The lone monster retreats out of sight.

"Whoa!!!!! That'll show them!!"

"Shoot the supporting infantry!!!!!!"

"I hit a few!" "Good, lets get out of here!"


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07-25-2006, 08:02 PM,
RE: "Come back here ya coward, it's only a flesh wound..."��SFS Round 2 Sitrep Thread!!
The breech widens as scores of Russian tanks can be seen from the woods that I and Oberst Lucht occupy along with a hand full of determined Engineers.

We move forward as the radio cracks with news that yet another push for the secnd rail bridge is underway; Engineers suported by a platoon of MkIV's advance thru the wheatfiled as Russian Panzers blaze away ath the attackers. an ATG in the woods nearby joins teh fray trying ot cover the assualt flank, and is soon silenced.

Tigers from yet another platoon attempts to flank the woods and give us here in the woods approaching Noyva some support, but the Russian Panzer forces along the railline is too strong and they are driven back and eliminated outright.

Meanwhile as all of this is going on, we hugg the trees (no Al Gore isn't in our platoon....but if he's nearby, send him to the front we need every man in the trenches) as scores of rounds from tanks just 250 meters away pound our position.

I watch as one by one the men of the Engineer platons with us on the Noyva assualt melt away, wounded and or killed outright. Suddenly a round slams into our position tearing my tunic an dsendinga shard of hot metal into my shoulder. I am ok, but Oberst Lucht is dead an dmost of his staff as well...suddenly I realize that I am alone in the woods.

If the Russians enter the woods I am dead, but hearing no fire coming from my position the Russians turn ot meet the renewed asualt on the Rail Bridge #2, and some no doubt return to Noyva to celebrate its liberation.

I look at the radio set nearby, and see it is not damaged; I suddenly hear that the rail bridge is ours once again; a small victory that will only allow out outpost forces to withdraw at night I summize.

I crawl away from the carnage of our position in the woods and with some luck make it back to the railway station; hreeted bythe even more grim looking Major he simply says " I see you have been properly introduced to our Russian Friends?"

"Lucht is tot" I answered tiredly. " those who hug the front line as Lucht always seem to end up on the casuality list" he replied.

" What do we do next?" I asked his reply was given with a sardonic look " we pull back a few K's and create yet another blocking force"

"But the Fuerher has ordered us to fight to the last round, not another step back?" I answered.

" When he arrives with his last round, I'll send him to the front, better yet I'll have you escort him up; you can introduce him to our Rissian friends when he arrives...Im busy, gets some rest we pull out at dark"

And so it ends herel only one objective taken by the Russians, teh southern most village of the line Noyva; yet the line is breeched, and the cost has been so high that its a major loss for the fatheland...

We slip out under the cover of darkness, our outpost platoons leave first, and as we move away in the mist of the Russian Panzers, I say to myself, another day and time General K.K.

down the road, yet another blocking force is building, and yet another meeting awaits our Russian Friends; we are buying Russian Real Estate, one body at a time...The cost of land is so high on the Eastern Front..Maybe i'll go Condo.

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07-26-2006, 10:25 AM, (This post was last modified: 08-02-2006, 01:19 AM by Toten Tanz.)
RE: "Come back here ya coward, it's only a flesh wound..." SFS Round 2 Sitrep Thread
From the Regimental Combat Diary of the 28th/18 Panzer Regiment, Col Eckhardt (Toten Tanz) commanding

Date: July 3, 1941
Location: Lipki, Belarus
Weather: Clear with a slight haze, visibility good.
Entry Time: 17.30 hours (Turn 16)

Air attacks and atrillery fire against the Russian infantry in the woods E of Lipki proved ineffective.

The light tanks and armored cars that were blocking the Moscow Motor Hiway, withdrew, in the face of the larger KV tanks. 1 Co, 88th/18 Recon Btl, led by Maj Stadke, took up an OP overlooking the hiway and Kurganovka. 3 Co, I/28 Pz, along with Maj von Burstin's pioneers advanced and resecured the Regimental objective on Lipki Ridge. Fire from 6th Co, II/28Pz drove the Russian infantry from their position in the woods E. of Lipki.

The T-26s from Kurganovka attacked Maj. Stadke's position, destroying an armored car. The KVs on the Moscow Motor Hiway headed out across country and attacked the S end of 1 Co.,88th/18 Recon Btl, line; inflicting no losses. Russian infantry once again infiltrated the woods E of Lipki, as well. The Russian armored cars that had been seen in the Regimental rear headed NE along the road from Borisov. They took up a blocking postion at the cross roads 2KM W of Lipki.

German Losses:
8 x PzIIF
14 x PzIII of various models
6 x Pz IV
9 x PSW Armored Cars of various models.
1 x Prime Mover
3 x ATG
Cpt. Fegelien - KIA

Russian Losses:
8 x T-26
48 x BT-7
18 x T-34M40 (1 captured)
8 x KV-1 (2 captured)
10 x Trucks
18 x BA-20
2 x ATG
45 x Inf Squads (approx 350-KIA/WIA 50-PW)
5 x Russian Btl HQ.
6 x Russian officer (4-KIA 2-PW)
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07-26-2006, 11:46 PM,
RE: "Come back here ya coward, it's only a flesh wound..."  SFS R
Hans and Joerg sat in the field with a dazed look on their faces. The platoon had no strength or will to advance on the vital road.

"So what shall we do now?", asked Hans.

"We watch the parade.", replied Joerg.

As they watched Russian formations of all kinds passed down the road to the west.

"Look at all the officers!"

"Horses too!"

"This is a fine parade!"

"Panzers! Watch out they are going to fire!!"

The Russian panzers cut loose, reducing the last of the Lynx to scrap metel.

"It has been a long day Joerg."

"Yes Hans, we have been beaten."

"It feels like a minor loss."

"It could have been worse."

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08-02-2006, 07:26 AM,
RE: "Come back here ya coward, it's only a flesh wound..."��SFS Round 2 Sitrep Thread!!
Incredible stuff guys! :thumbs_up: Lots of fun to read. :laughing:

Now all we need is Rico to animate these sitreps for us. :boom2:

Sure is quiet on the Southern front though. How about some sitreps from Threat from the South guys??? :2guns:

SFS Tournament Director Sgt
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08-02-2006, 08:26 AM,
RE: "Come back here ya coward, it's only a flesh wound..."��SFS Round 2 Sitrep Thread!!
From the Regimental Combat Diary of the 28th/18 Panzer Regiment, Col Eckhardt (Toten Tanz) commanding

Date: July 3, 1941
Location: Lipki, Belarus
Weather: Clear with a slight haze, visibility good.
Entry Time: 18.00 hours (Turn 17)

Air attacks and atrillery fire against the Russian infantry in the woods E of Lipki managed to throw them into confusion. 6th Co. finished destroying the exposed infantry with well placed cannon fire, directed by Maj. Schede.

The PzJgs of 2 Plt, 1 Co, 88/18 AT Btl, were concealed in the woods S of the road junction that the Russian armored cars had previously blocked. They opened fire from concealed ambush positions and quickly set 5 BA-20s alight; destroying the Russian threat to the Regimental rear.

3 Co, I/28 PZ swept the area behind the woods to the E of Lipki, searching for any remaining Russian infantry. They found a Russian mortar company in the open. 1 Plt was the only unit able to bring its guns to bear, before the Russians broke for cover. They managed to destroy 2 tubes. More Russian units came out from cover and began firing at the advancing tanks of 3 Co. In total, 3 mortar, 1 infantry, 1 MG, and one heavy MG platoons took flight. They withdrew into the woods to their rear, but were unable to break contact with Regimental forces.

Units 88th/18 Recon Btl on the high ground E of Lipki, religned their positions to minimize the threat from the Russian tanks coming W from Kurgonovka and from the S. Col Eckhart began to push his armored assest towards Kurganovka, to assist 88th/18 Recon Btl. The Russian KVs came into view. The 50mm ATGs of 4th Co. engaged them at 250m, and were only able to slow 1 platoon down. The Russians returned fire, destroying one gun. The T-26s from Kurganovka advanced W as well.

German Losses:
8 x PzIIF
14 x PzIII of various models
6 x Pz IV
9 x PSW Armored Cars of various models.
1 x Prime Mover
3 x ATG
Cpt. Fegelien - KIA

Russian Losses:
8 x T-26
48 x BT-7
18 x T-34M40 (1 captured)
8 x KV-1 (2 captured)
10 x Trucks
23 x BA-20
2 x ATG
2 x Mortar
46 x Inf Squads (approx 370-KIA/WIA 50-PW)
5 x Russian Btl HQ.
6 x Russian officer (4-KIA 2-PW)
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08-04-2006, 09:11 AM, (This post was last modified: 08-04-2006, 09:25 AM by Toten Tanz.)
RE: "Come back here ya coward, it's only a flesh wound..." SFS Round 2 Sitrep Thread
From the Regimental Combat Diary of the 28th/18 Panzer Regiment, Col Eckhardt (Toten Tanz) commanding

Date: July 3, 1941
Location: Lipki, Belarus
Weather: Clear with a slight haze, visibility good.
Entry Time: 18.30 hours (Turn 18)

3 Co, I/28 PZ engaged the Russian infantry it had flushed out of the woods E. of Lipki. Another 10 mortar tubes were put out of action. 6th

Co., II/28Pz. engaged the MG and Infantry platoons, destroying the former and killing, or wounding, a total of approx 40 Russians.

A Russian command element was seen reconoitering in front of 2 Plt, 3 Co., 88th/18 Recon Btl, in advance of the Russian KVs. 2 Plt. engaged it with MG and rifle fire, killing all in the scouting party. A subsequent search revealed that one of those killed was a Russian Btl commander. The armored cars of 1 Co. withdrew behind friendly forces, in order to regroup.

The Russian KVs and T-26s attacked 3 Co.s postions, destroying the remaining attached ATGs of 4th Co; not before the gunners destroyed an attacking T-26, though. The fire against 3 Co.s dismounted cyclists was largely ineffective.

As dusk approached combat operations came to an end. The Russian tanks withdrew to the east. Col. Eckhardt had the Regiment prepare for an advance on Kurganovka and up the Moscow Motor Hiway the following day.

German Losses:
8 x PzIIF
14 x PzIII of various models
6 x Pz IV
9 x PSW Armored Cars of various models.
1 x Prime Mover
5 x ATG
Cpt. Fegelien - KIA

Russian Losses:
9 x T-26
48 x BT-7
18 x T-34M40 (1 captured)
8 x KV-1 (2 captured)
10 x Trucks
23 x BA-20
2 x ATG
12 x Mortar
50 x Inf Squads (approx 410-KIA/WIA 50-PW)
5 x Russian Btl HQ.
7 x Russian officer (5-KIA 2-PW)
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08-07-2006, 08:54 AM,
RE: "Come back here ya coward, it's only a flesh wound..." SFS Round 2 Sitrep Thread
Title: Analysis of 28th/18 Panzer Regiments actions July 3, 1941, Col. Eckhardt (Toten tanz) commanding
Location: Lipki, Belarus (Terror At Borisov)

The actions on July 3, 1941 secured routes out of the Borisov area for German forces, as well as destroying Russian forces in the area. The 28/18 Panzer Reg. was successful for 3 main reasons:

1) Observation and Intellegence - The Regiment's recon elements provided timely and accurate information on enemy movements and troop concetrations. Throughout the day, Col. Eckhardt placed his units in postions that afforded them good observation of enemy avenues of approach and movement. With these units, he was able to not only see where the enemy was, but where they were not. This allowed him to make somewhat accurate estimations on the size and direction of movement of Russian units and Russian intentions. Overall, the loses in the 88th/18 Recon Btl were relatively light. It was not until late mid-day that it started to suffer its heaviest casualties. Additionally, Col. Eckhardt was able to deny the Russian commander vantage points, from which to watch the Regiment's movements. With concentrated fire, and determined manuevering, he was able to repeatedly drive back Russian attempts to place units in observation points.

2) Concentration of force - Col. Eckhardt was able to concentrate his tanks so that throughout the day, he had the advantage of superior numbers at the point of contact. The Russian commander never committed to a concentrated attack at several places, simultaniously. He threw his forces in piecemeal, thus never pressuring 28/18 PZ as a whole. This allowed Col. Eckhardt to shift units back and forth to where the next threat lay. Only during 4th Co, II/28th Pz Btl. action in and around Stayki, early in the day, were Col. Eckhardt's unit out numbered once contact was made. As a result, 4th Co. suffered the heaviest casualties in the Regiment. Most of the time the Regiment enjoyed 2 or 3 to 1 odds when engaging the Russian tanks. During the intial actions against the T-34s on Lipki Ridge, Regimental forces enjoyed a 4.7 to 1 (43 to 9) advantage against the technically superior Russian tanks.

3) Russian over confidence in their armor and gunnery - Interrogation of Russian POWs has shown that the Russian commanders put too much faith in the technical superiority of thier BT-7s, T-34s and KVs, and not enough on fire and maneuver. They massed their units into tight formations when in the attack. Repeatedly through out the day, Regimental forces were able to flank and surround Russian tank formations, allowing them no escape. Once in this position, the Panzertruppen took advantage of the weaker side and rear armor and decimated the Russian tanks. Additonally, it has become clear that the Russian commanders were frustrated at the fact that German leaders were able to place their tanks in postions that negated the superior firepower of the T-34s and KVs. The leaders in the Regiment should be commended on the fact that they were able to apply their leadership abilities at the proper time in the proper place to effect the outcome of the battle.

Effective combat strength of 28/18 Pz Regminent at end of day, July 3, 1941

I/28 Pz Btl, 41 Tanks operational
10 MkIIs
22 MkIIIs
9 Mk IVs

II/28 Pz Btl, 25 Tanks operational
2 MkIIs
16 MkIIIs
7 Mk IVs

88th/18 Recon Btl
90 Motorcyclists Effective (10 walking wounded)
30 Pioneers Effective
2 50mm ATG
7 PSW 222
2 PSW 231 (8 Rad)
2 75mm Inf Guns

88th/18 ATG Btl.
4 50mm ATG
2 37mm ATG
7 PzJg 1

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