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CMBB Dying
09-26-2008, 12:22 PM,
RE: CMBB Dying
Thanks guys. I forwarded them to the boss....we'll see if she makes the changes or not. IF she does I'm going to try to put CMBB on her Vista machine and play around with it there.

Good Hunting.

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09-26-2008, 05:52 PM,
RE: CMBB Dying
Good luck. But I know how the 'Boss' can be. lol
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09-27-2008, 08:39 AM,
RE: CMBB Dying
Dont we all... LOL
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10-22-2008, 10:17 PM, (This post was last modified: 10-23-2008, 09:52 AM by Mad Russian.)
RE: CMBB Dying
Well then, it appears that this past week has been a banner week in the history of CM.

BFC wants to open an archive and charge you a nominal sum to pay for what you've been getting for free.....

CMMOD's hasn't been updated and has no intention of updating.

TPG/TSDII says that because of the decline in business at those sites they will not be upgraded.

Yes, I can see just how healthy CMx1 is....................

All the wishing, "it ain't so", won't change the fact that months ago,, when BFC said they were not going to support CMx1 any longer, they gave the game system poison. It's just a matter of time before it takes effect. Now, there are those that can resist that to the utmost. There are still those here in the US that get around by horse and buggy. They haven't gone with the automobile technology and they do get around. The same can be done with CMx1. You can keep an old system around for as long as you can get parts for it.

You can band together in ever smaller numbers and SOME of you will be playing CMx1 maybe even 10 years from now. But the reality of the situation is that times are changing. Enjoy CMx1 while it still works and is still supported to a level you are used to.

But be aware that times are changing.

Good Hunting.


Good Hunting.

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10-22-2008, 11:05 PM,
RE: CMBB Dying
I don't think CM will completely go away until somebody makes something that does what it does and more, which hasn't happened yet IMHO. But it probably will someday, and if that ever happens I suppose we'll all shell out the money for the new game and move on.

But I have noticed a definite reduction in the player pool and player posts across the board, including other CM sites. You can almost see the tumbleweeds blowing across some of the net MBs at times. It seems each site has about 2-4 active posters and that is it. If all of these splintered groups could get together we could have a robust site for a few more years, but I don't see that happening.

I always look for better games - I am always reading reviews about them and trying demos, but none of them so far has outperformed CM in my book.
"Most sorts of diversion in men, children, and other animals, are in imitation of fighting." - Jonathan Swift
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10-22-2008, 11:47 PM,
RE: CMBB Dying
And 10 years from now Matrix will announce that it has purchased the source code from BFC and will be releasing an all in one package that works with MicroMac version 27 and GoogHoo 32.

One menu, no blu-ray required, dust added to CMBO and CMBB.

$800 Ameros
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10-23-2008, 12:29 AM, (This post was last modified: 10-23-2008, 12:31 AM by Der Kuenstler.)
RE: CMBB Dying
junk2drive Wrote:And 10 years from now Matrix will announce that it has purchased the source code from BFC and will be releasing an all in one package that works with MicroMac version 27 and GoogHoo 32.

One menu, no blu-ray required, dust added to CMBO and CMBB.

$800 Ameros

LOL - that's about right...I've been tempted lately to get their TOAW III game - my "click" finger has been twitching over the "purchase" button...
"Most sorts of diversion in men, children, and other animals, are in imitation of fighting." - Jonathan Swift
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10-23-2008, 03:32 AM, (This post was last modified: 10-23-2008, 03:57 AM by Zemke.)
RE: CMBB Dying
I hate to say it, but I agree with MR. I have not played a CM game at all in over a year and I loved the game. It is still the best tactical war-game out there. For me it was CMSF, and the huge disappointment with BFC and their treatment of the WEGO/PBEM crowd of CM gamers out there, and the realization that "this was it".

I also got tired of having to micro-manage my "icons", and to a degree that was turning into labor and not fun. I was checking every fold in the ground, every depression, getting down at eye level checking LOS from possible positions. I realized I had turned into every team leader for every unit on the map, instead of playing the role of Company Commander or Battalion Commander, which is what I wanted to do.

Also some of the tactics used seemed un-realistic, but worked. I remember reading a CM article by POS about massing tanks, with pictures, and remember thinking; I do that too, just not to that degree. Later, I realized tanks do not bunch up into very tight groups so they can mass fires on a single spotted target, which is what this tactic allows you to do. This is possible because the tanks can shoot through each other, in real life they cannot. Also in real life tanks are many times regulated to single file on a "trail" through woods or town, not in CM. I can almost always get several tanks to shoot from a single "key hole" location if using the "POS" tactic.

Yes I am getting ready to climb up on my "time limits" soap box, so skip this is you have heard it all before.....lol.

Each game became a match of not only tactics at the Company Level, but also at the micro-tactical level. What had been realistic once had become un-realistic for me. I still think CM played using short time limits is the most realistic way to play. You CANNOT micro-manage units because you don't have the time, and you cannot check every fold in the ground, because you don't have the time. The game then becomes more of what it was designed to be, a company to battalion level tactical game pitting who has the better Company level tactics, not who has spotted that perfect rise in the ground, to mass five tanks, to slaughter everything coming down the road.

Just my two cents, which I am sure, will ruffle some sensibilities out there.
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10-23-2008, 05:58 AM,
RE: CMBB Dying
I wish I could play CMBB, but my bastard graphic card does not support the bloody game!!:mad: GS8800 640 meg card !
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10-23-2008, 09:59 AM,
RE: CMBB Dying
Well MR, I see that your still acting as the harbinger of CMs Doom! I suppose if you keep repeating it regularly for the next ten years then some day maybe you will be proven right. I have no idea why you ressurected this thread.
If you are so convinced that CM is dying, then just throw away your CM disks and stay away from the game. It seems that it has really got you up late worrying about it.
I for one disagree with you on this issue and your just not going to be able to convince me to stop playing CM and that it is doomed to go away in Two years...which was your original assessment. I suppose you have the right to your opinion but I just think it is strange that you would come onto a CM website and tell us all that our beloved game is dying and that we are just wasting our time playing it. The Sky is falling Chicken Little!
Did you know that one second after you are born...you start dying! OMG!!! What is the point of going on!!! We are all Dying!!!

Sounds like you burned out on the game...sorry to hear that. I rarely go down to ground level to check every move...that is way to in depth for me. Hopefully your break away from the game will only make you appreciate it more when you come back.

There is no need for anyone to respond to my ranting and raving...lets just let this dumb thread die. I appologize for even responding to it myself and I won't waste any more time on it again.

Lord Bane (FGM)
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