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Raz 'the killing machine' atoth vs mixmaster-TankOdessky-(Mixmaster keep out!)
06-24-2007, 05:46 AM, (This post was last modified: 06-24-2007, 06:22 AM by Von Earlmann.)
Raz 'the killing machine' atoth vs mixmaster-TankOdessky-(Mixmaster keep out!)
Ok ladies,
You've all had the chance,i believe, to read the other A(D)ARs(a green clicky for all of you-even for you the Coil :whis: ) but now it's time for a real pro. to show you how it's done :smoke:
So hang on to your seats and listen ;)

The scenario is named Tankodessky and the date is march 1942.I couldn't find the name of the author in the briefing,but our own POS was mentioned as testing the scenario,so maybe he can shed a light?In any case the situation goes like this:during a soviet offensive the heroes from the 113th infantry division run screaming for their mothers and let me-their glorious commander-to do my best to stop the russian advance.I've done it before,as the unlucky fellows who met me on the battlefield can confirm,and i'm more than ready to do it again. Big Grin
A lieutenant i bumped into earlier today claimed-while recovering from his nervous breakdown-that an entire russian division was on his tail accompanied by at least one hundred tanks.All of them,targeting him,naturally.But what do this infantry guys know?Right POS?More likely he hasn't seen more than 12-20 T34,accompanied by a reinforced infantry company.Or at least this is what a fairy whispered in my ear. :happy:
Probably i'll have to deal with about 5 platoons of T34s and the above mentioned infantry company.
In the Tomsk village:
  • The major general Bannon-the commander of the taskforce-a brilliant officer with his abilities all 2+
  • a green platoon made up from all the cooks and clerks i could enlist.Of course,i would be extremely surprised if they didn't start running as soon as they'll see those little monsters the Ivans call T34s,but again,a rookie Hans with armed with a grenade bundle can do quite some damage.
  • a 88mm flak gun commanded by Obg Edelstein
  • a Stug 3 F under the command of the veteran Unteroffizier Geiger,fresh out of repairments.
  • a MG34
  • my very own Kubelwagen
  • 4 trucks i planned to use to carry all the booty...um,i mean the liberated stuff.The wifey will definetly kill me if i don't manage to send her
    that furniture she put her eyes onto.Unless the Ivans will do it first.
Fortunately i won't have to stop the soviet onslaught with just the above kit.I could have-since my opponent is mixmaster-but why take the risk?
I also received:
  • 8 veteran PZs IV F2-my main weapons against mixmaster's barbaric hordes-armed with 75mm/46 guns.
  • 1 PZ III J,armed with a 50mm/60 gun
  • 1 50mm gun
  • 1 81mm arty spotter
  • a company of fanatic SS troops all ready to die for the motherland...defending me,in halftracks/embarked on tanks.
[Image: setup.jpg]

Basically i assume the enemy will come from the direction Of Kazan.There are 2 likely routes:
  1. the bridge from the left
  2. the small gap in the trees from the right
Of course,since those trees around kazan you can see,are scattered,it's possible to have mixmaster's troops come from everywhere.
Still i could bet he'll use the bridge :smg:
I placed my 88mm gun and the stug in an overwatch position over the bridge.Whoever will pass it,will be blown apart.Or that's what i'm hoping at least.
Two green half-squads(the right black-circles) have been placed on top of two small flags.
A conscript half-squad was placed in the kubelwagen.There is a small shack(invisible on the map at that scale) next to the road that leads from Tomsk to Kazan and i plan to occupy it.If mixmaster will use that road to bring his armor,it would be nice to see a grenade bundle thrown from that house,wouldn't it be? And if that isn't enough i'm pretty much sure one of the soldiers from that half-squad is a Gestapo informer.A major who told some jokes about Adolp's moustache a couple of days ago,mysteriously dissapered soon after.Nobody will shed a tear for that fellow if Ivan will be kind enough to shoot some bullets in his back,that's for sure :kill:
The 4 trucks loaded with furniture are placed on the left road,ready to be taken off the map with the first chance.
All the halftracks from the reinforcements battlegroup are ready to be fast driven to Tomsk.Hopefully before mixmaster's troops will show up.
My armor will be kept behind,untill i can determine from where the main attack will come.
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Raz 'the killing machine' atoth vs mixmaster-TankOdessky-(Mixmaster keep out!) - by Von Earlmann - 06-24-2007, 05:46 AM

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