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THE MAIN EVENT! Walkure vs. Herroberst
10-28-2008, 12:26 PM,
Jobu88 Wrote:I like both players' mods !

Thanks - those are all mine as I am looking at their files on my computer - lol...
"Most sorts of diversion in men, children, and other animals, are in imitation of fighting." - Jonathan Swift
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10-28-2008, 11:26 PM,
Walkure sends out his forces...
Walkure's main force takes off with some minor bumping here and there, but all of his vehicles are still in line and moving. His 2 Jpz IVs are actually going to get to town first, even though out of command - which is surprising. He has chosen to put MG42s on these vehicles - this will get their heavy FP into the action very quickly, and also harass Herroberst's approaching infantry from long range if placed right, while only revealing sound contacts.

[Image: WK-1a.jpg]

As anticipated, Walkure has targeted both of his artillery spotters on the far intersection in town where Herroberst's lead T34s are heading. And look - the 81mm spotter is "crack" - the spotting round has already fallen in the first minute! Unless Herroberst calls his tanks to a quick halt soon, they will have to endure the wrath of one of Walkure's precision artillery drops.

[Image: WK-1b.jpg]

Coming Next: the carnage begins....

[Image: homer-eating-popcorn-small-c7873.jpg]
"Most sorts of diversion in men, children, and other animals, are in imitation of fighting." - Jonathan Swift
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10-29-2008, 10:58 PM,
Walkure draws first blood...
Minute two. Herroberst's lead T34 is taking a beating from Walkure's 81mm artillery strike. The tank immediately buttons up, blinding the crew. Herroberst's expensive crack sniper leaps from the tank and becomes pinned in a nearby shellhole. His lead veteran pioneer squad jumps from the tank, but, temporarily out of command and 90% exposed on the dirt road, shortly becomes "broken" and crawls aimlessly under the tank. Fortunately for Herroberst his other two T34s stopped before getting in harms way.

Herroberst comments "Ah, it's only an artillery stonk. Don't think it will do much damage." But what he doesn't know is the big 120mm stuff is coming in another minute...

[Image: 002.jpg]

Meanwhile, Walkure's men have dismounted from the six 251/1s unmolested and are running towards their objectives at the central flag. Will they get there first?

Informational note: the small buildings that you see tinted blue are all heavy buildings.

[Image: 001.jpg]
"Most sorts of diversion in men, children, and other animals, are in imitation of fighting." - Jonathan Swift
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10-30-2008, 04:30 AM,
Good concept for a DAR Der K., looking forward to the blow by blow reports. I think the Germans will have a pretty heavy advantage if they get a good foothold in the buildings as the German infantry packs quite a AT punch in close quarters. Would like to have seen this play out with a infantry heavy Russian force.
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10-30-2008, 11:57 PM,
Ratzki Wrote:Would like to have seen this play out with a infantry heavy Russian force.

Well Herroberst had his chance for that as the parameters were totally unrestricted.

OK minute three - in this first shot commander Walkure senses danger - he orders his halftracks to back off the road, partly to get them out of sight and partly to make way for is two trailing Jpz IVs which are coming.

[Image: 003.jpg]

But it goes terribly wrong - his two rear 251/1s get tangled up with each other and end up crosswise in the roadway. Meanwhile, his approaching Jpz IV hits a small patch of woods and begins backing into the rear Jpz IV - they both pivot at crazy angles trying to get straightened up again. At just this moment one of Herroberst's T34s appears in the street at the far end of town and targets the lead Jpz IV. There will be blood!

[Image: 004.jpg]

Meanwhile on the South side of town Herroberst is backing his vet T34/85s out of Walkure's artillery barrage. Unfortunately his crack sniper doesn't make it - he is killed where he lay in the shellhole by the rain of fire.

[Image: 005.jpg]

In this Russian recon photo we see that at the end of the third minute Herroberst's tanks to the south are out of the artillery barrage and his men are on their way through the woods towards the central houses. But he's late - I've drawn lines to show where Walkure's men are even though they aren't visible in the FOW in this shot. Walkure's men will get there first!

[Image: 006.jpg]

Coming next: the tanks in the north duel
"Most sorts of diversion in men, children, and other animals, are in imitation of fighting." - Jonathan Swift
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10-31-2008, 02:50 AM,
I've gotta say I'm pleased the vehicles of these two old vets are just as stubborn about driving down roads as mine are.
Jgpz's are very strong from the front like that but In the town though you have to think the T34's have an advantage, I'd be unhappy if my stugs or jagpz's got caught that close to the enemy.
Thrilling stuff
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11-01-2008, 04:10 AM,
As shown in the last screenshot Herroberst's lead T34 has targeted Walkure's lead Jpz IV and fires - but it richochets off the beast! Walkure then fires - boom - one shot - one kill. The following shell causes the helpless T34 to burst into flames. Herroberst's next T34 has been ordered on fast to get it into the desperate fight - and both AFVs fire simultaneously - but the second T34 also bounces it's shot! By this time both of Walkure's Jpz IVs have LOS and again - boom - the first hit kills. The hun's follow-up shots smoke it. But Herroberst's men have already safely dismounted from the vehicles and are running into nearby buildings.

[Image: 010.jpg]

These two losses were both regular tanks. Meanwhile Herroberst's trailing tank has turned down a different street and has shot full speed towards the central flag. His mounted SMG squad dismounts and runs to the rubble near the flag - amazingly, Herroberst does arrive first! Walkure's lead squad is still strolling along on "walk" and immediately gets pinned by the T34's MG fire. Herroberst's vet T34 platoon is out of artillery danger and is getting in position to support his SMG squads. His two SU-122s are also coming up for support.

[Image: 011.jpg]

Notice where Walkure's infantry are now - despite a head start, most of them are still not in cover yet. They are all still walking despite being in "ready" condition. He'd better start them running or advancing in the next minute or they may regret it!

[Image: 012.jpg]
"Most sorts of diversion in men, children, and other animals, are in imitation of fighting." - Jonathan Swift
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11-01-2008, 11:38 PM, (This post was last modified: 11-01-2008, 11:41 PM by Der Kuenstler.)
Here are some of Walkure's thoughts he has sent me on the battle:

"Rarely does the Russian buy APC's. so i thought he would send his tanks rushing for position. then hold me off till his SMG squads get there. My Arty was scheduled to deny him early position of those flags. I also hoped to cause some cheap casualties on his SMG guys riding those tanks. I intend to isolate town block with my tanks and use my Infantry to try and keep his SMG squads at arms distance. they run out of AMMO faster then @#$% through a goose. Once i can keep the blocks isolated i can use my Flame tank to roast me some Russian infantry under the over watch of my tanks. The terrain to the north of the town is rocky so that would take him a long Fricking time to get through it and out flank me..if he wants to spend that much time great...at present i'm just trying to get a static front and
force him to try and maneuver. if my calculations were correct, i should have more men at the central church. (EDIT: He must be talking about the central heavy building? there is no church there.) i should be able to push him back just enough to set up a defense in the area. I'm hoping i can take out another tank or two. i think he will try and hold as close as possible to the church. he is probably rushing troops there now. if i can get my flamepanzer in position he will be hard pressed to take it. russian AT ability blows..." - Juan

And a short note from Herroberst:

"Fighting between infantry in the center, hoping my tank fire makes short work of his infantry next turn."

And Vic's remaining four T34s are quickly gaining position to do so....
"Most sorts of diversion in men, children, and other animals, are in imitation of fighting." - Jonathan Swift
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11-04-2008, 01:55 AM,
Herroberst outpositions Walkure
The battle for the central flag is shaping up. Here we have a shot of Walkure's men at the close of minute five. He has managed to get three Fusilier squads into the central buildings, even though two of them are out of command. His fourth squad is being trounced in the woods by the area firing T34. There is a Schrek team, tired but in good condition, hiding in the woods near the blasting T34, but I doubt if he has LOS through the rubble to get a shot right now.

[Image: WK-020.jpg]

Now the same minute from Herroberst's POV - his infantry are still trying to get to the central buildings. He took a blow losing the two T34s on the other side of town, but not a mortal one. He still outnumbers Walkure's AFVs 6-5, and look - Herroberst has all of his T34s and both SU-122s in position to lay some serious HE on those central buildings. Meanwhile, Walkure's Jpz IVs are not in LOS of anything right now and unable to add their HE to the fight. Walkure got there first, but those lead squads may be under a ton of fallen rubble in a minute or two. Walkure's artillery continues to fall on no one and is now getting wasted.

[Image: HO-20.jpg]

Back in an obscure patch of woods on the map, Herroberst rolls up something Walkure did not buy - an AT gun. The gun will be in perfect position should Walkure decide to get cute and try to flank around Herroberst's remaining T34s.

[Image: HO-21.jpg]
"Most sorts of diversion in men, children, and other animals, are in imitation of fighting." - Jonathan Swift
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11-04-2008, 02:04 AM,
Quote:Back in an obscure patch of woods on the map, Herroberst rolls up something Walkure did not buy - an AT gun. The gun will be in perfect position should Walkure decide to get cute and try to flank around Herroberst's remaining T34s.

Brilliant. No wonder I always get gobsmacked when I play HerrOberst.

Great DAR. First thing I look at every morning when I get up.
"A bad plan is still better than no plan at all." -- Mikhail Tal

[Image: pzV.jpg]
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