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06-27-2008, 03:31 AM,
The battle for the Academy continues as Okimaw plays his trump card in the form of 2x Stalins.
My panzer pair again emerge from behind the Academy hoping for more side shots but find themselves staring down the barrel of a 122mm gun..
[Image: okiacadp.gif]

[Image: okiacad.gif]

[Image: okiacadgh.gif]
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06-27-2008, 03:33 AM,
Huzaar's gun perched on the hilltop at left takes out an SU-100 as my Russian battlegroup picks its way through the treacherous bogs..
[Image: huza-2.gif]

[Image: huzc-1.gif]

The guns high well-camouflaged position dominates the marshes..
[Image: huzb-1.gif]
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06-27-2008, 03:34 AM, (This post was last modified: 06-27-2008, 03:34 AM by PoorOldSpike.)
The relentless battle for the Academy continues raging as Okimaw's 2x Stalins begin edging menacingly towards the bridge, so I order my panzer column to blow it in their faces,
The Russian behemoths will still be able to use a ford of course, but will lose valuable time re-routing..

[Image: okiokg.gif]
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06-27-2008, 03:38 AM,
My two Russian tank groups hunt down and slay Herrbixx's Tiger..
[Image: hbixvfa.gif]

The fatal blow is delivered by this SU-100..
[Image: hbixcfa.gif]

Wildly bellowing like the hound of the baskervilles, the beast is trapped with its back to the water and butchered..
[Image: hbixcdd.gif]

Noob note- that's the only way to kill beasts, mercilessly bludgeon them to death with a hail of blows..

[Image: duel.gif]
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06-27-2008, 03:41 AM, (This post was last modified: 06-27-2008, 03:42 AM by PoorOldSpike.)
Huzaar's gun at top right ambushes one of my Russian battlegroups as it advances towards the lake, so I throw everything back at it.. (red targeting lines)
[Image: huzxsd.gif]

FOOTNOTE- My infantry were mostly on 'Move to Contact', so when the gun opened up they simply stopped and began blowing it away. (they're also spraying a German sqad near the lake for good measure)
Next turn the gun was knocked out but not before it'd taken 2 of my tanks with it..
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06-27-2008, 03:45 AM,
Okimaw began area-firing into the Academy last turn, so I ordered my panzers to lay down a blocking smokescreen.
But while they're doing it he catches them off guard by ferociously hurling his 2x Stalins at them and the shooting starts. I decide to let the panzers stand fast and try to brutally club the beasts down, and my luck holds as I score a turret partial pen..
[Image: okillf.gif]

The panzers view..
[Image: okimls.gif]

EDIT to update- next turn the beast took another turret partial pen and went down as if poleaxed. Okimaw must then have abandoned the game because I haven't seen him since..;)
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06-27-2008, 05:08 AM,
CMant's T-34 column races down the isthmus at high speed running the gauntlet of fausts..
[Image: cmantsaila.gif]

And achieves a stunning breakthrough at the cost of one wrecked T-34..
[Image: cmantsailc.gif]
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06-27-2008, 05:10 AM,
Stndrtnfhr's Russians wipe out 5 of my panzers in one turn!

These 3 were the first to go, I sent them on 'fast' to deal with a heavy SU that was shelling the academy, but I was too gung-ho and didn't maintain tight 'hunt' formation and got picked off by the SU and its pal. My boys fired back 3 times on the move but all missed..
[Image: stna-1.gif]

And these two panzers went next when a gun opened up from down the valley, both tanks were dead before the invisible gun was even spotted..
[Image: stnbgu.png]
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06-27-2008, 05:12 AM,
Mugger's German guns continue to bleed my armour force white; this is the 4th T-34 to fall victim to his Paks..
[Image: muggh.gif]

The guns view, it was covering the road and I walked right into it..
It fired twice before it was even spotted, but now my infantry begin engaging it and the crew hit the dirt..
[Image: muggi.gif]
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06-27-2008, 05:14 AM,
Combat Wombat's 3x assault guns (Hetzers?) and my 4x T-34/85's can't quite see each other so I order the T-34's to area-fire as near to possible to them in the hope of blowing off a track or hurting an unbuttoned commander..
[Image: womtrq.gif]

It works! After a turn of area-firing this one is immobilised..
[Image: womtyu.gif]
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