What is the low-down on ski troops? Couldn't spot anything in the book.
Are there any advantages to having units on skiis? Are they faster than on foot (they seem to be)? And should they remove skiis anytime during a battle...or is that even possible?
Thanks in advance!......
"Never put off till tomorrow what you can avoid doing entirely."
Below are comparison distances moved in one turn at 'Fast' on Paved rd, Dirt rd, Open ground and Frozen river, the distances vary quite a bit, I dunno why
I recently noticed quick progress using just Move....but now see I wasted my possibilities by not beginning with Run; I had hesitated to have them Run thinking they would tire quicker, like on foot!
Oh well, lessons learned!
And just keeping units on skiis during close-in fighting doesn't help or hinder them as such? (Like, real life, I wouldn't want to be on skiis in the woods, when I'm getting shot at...haha.)
"Never put off till tomorrow what you can avoid doing entirely."
PoorOjdSpike wrote; "Below are comparison distances moved in one turn at 'Fast' on Paved rd, Dirt rd, Open ground and Frozen river, the distances vary quite a bit, I dunno why"
I think I can be of help there, used to coutry ski a bit in my youth.
The snow on either road is flattend by the vehicular and foot trafic, pretty much dawn to the solid rough surface of the road.
Skis do not slide well at all on such surveces. In fact one ends up walking on the skies more than free sliding forward.
Frozen surface, such as the river in your case is way too slipery in comparison to either fluffy and or compact snow. Not enough friction to keep a man steady on his feet, while rigorously showing one foot over the other, in forward, motion.
Deep snow is actually the best for skis verses foot infantry.