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"Come back here ya coward, it's only a flesh wound..." SFS Round 2 Sitrep Thread!! - Printable Version

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RE: "Come back here ya coward, it's only a flesh wound..." SFS Round 2 Sitrep Thread!! - Hawk Kriegsman - 06-24-2006

Scorched Earth Wrote:Big Orange?, is that next door to the Big Apple? u folks over there sure like things on the big side. On a serious note, before we have pistols at dawn, a Dutch/England game would be interesting as we both cheer our teams on.

Yes a Dutch / England match up would be very good indeed. We will know if that shall come to pass by Sunday night.



RE: "Come back here ya coward, it's only a flesh wound..." SFS Round 2 Sitrep Thread!! - Herr Straße Laufer - 06-24-2006

RE: "Come back here ya coward, it's only a flesh wound..." SFS Round 2 Sitrep Thread - Smedley - 06-24-2006

Somewhere near Bobruisk, June 1944.

Hans and Joerg, panzergrenadiers with the 20th Pz Div, sat in thier foxhole and waited for the coming battle. "We live to fight another day, Hans" whispered Joerg. "Yes Joerg. this past week has been hell" said Hans. "Do you hear that? Sounds like horses, Hans" "Wait Joerg, I hear panzers too"
Suddenly the crack of a ATG shattered what was left of the two men's nerves.

"Here we go again Joerg!"

"This is gonna suck, Hans"

They crouched in the hole and waited for the coming artillery barrage.


Threat from the South
Smedley vs Killer McCoy

RE: "Come back here ya coward, it's only a flesh wound..." SFS Round 2 Sitrep Thread!! - Oberst - 06-24-2006

Through a careless accident I lost my entire sitrep for turn 7 before posting it. In brief Axis forces lost 3 Panther sps, 5 engineer sps, a Sdkfz 6/2 37mm AA plt destroyed, several mg sps and a few ATG sps. Allies lost a few inf sps.
Score at this point:
Axis Pt Losses: 396, Allied Pt Losses: 101, Total Points: 295 - DRAW.


RE: "Come back here ya coward, it's only a flesh wound..." SFS Round 2 Sitrep Thread - Smedley - 06-24-2006

Hans and Joerg crouch down in the trench with fingers in thier ears waiting for the crash of incoming artillery.........

"Hans, where is the boom?"

"I don't know Joerg. Maybe the Ruskies have outrun their artillery"

"What is going on, Hans?"

"I can't see anything"

Suddenly the sounds of cannon and mortars filled the air.

"At least we have Arty!"

The crash of impacting arty rounds was followed by the roar of high velocity tank fire, 20mm rounds and more mortars.

"It sounds like the panzers are giving it to them good", muttered Hans.

"Did you hear that.......T34 fire! It sounds like it hit something", said Joerg.

"Get the Feldwebel, I need to know what is happening."

"Settle down Joerg, we will find out soon."


RE: "Come back here ya coward, it's only a flesh wound..." SFS Round 2 Sitrep Thread!! - Basson - 06-24-2006

Turn5-11 Basson vs Michael

I have to speak up for Africa Hawk, nothing pathetic about loosing to Ghana..they are a strong team. Go Ghana, go Spain !

crackle crackle static...bang bang Col Bassonvich hits the microphone against the operators helmet. "Damn off topic interference again"

"Speak up Litvich, what is loose in my rear area?" A battalion of Panthers sir, my gunners are firing over open sights ...aaarch....static static crackle..Brazil 4-Japan1..crackle static..bang bang bang.

Slowly Col Bassonvich hangs up the receiver. Almost unnoticed, in a routine now so familiar since Kursk, Col Bassonvich's batman(..ski) brings up a fresh neatly pressed pair of brown pants. So the German counter attack in the south has begun. Reports come in of great acts of heroism. A 76mmAT crew bagging a couple of JgdPzIV's on a back road, a cornered T34 crew who, after an unsuccessful rear shot at a Panther unit, tries to destroy their tank with a potato bomb before fleeing hysterically into the woods.

After 6 turns of vicious fighting the high ground north of Krupki is finally secured with the 2 minor objectives, but at a terrible cost. The Russians are now clinging to a tenious minor victory, with their southern flank collapsing and more than 15 Panthers on the prowl in their rear.


RE: "Come back here ya coward, it's only a flesh wound..." SFS Round 2 Sitrep Thread!! - Rasputin - 06-24-2006

SITREP turn 6

....The collapsing of the bloody command tent disturbed my nap. I had just enjoyed a splendid little snack and desired nothing more than a few quiet minutes with my eyes closed--and bloody Ivans bloody damned bloody artillery starts pounding all over the place.....seems to be random at the moment....oh good-the tent is back up...and my poor intel chief appears to have taken cover in the latrine.....


"Apologies for the aroma...is ANYONE eating roughage or what? In any event sir light activity reported in all sectors at the moment.....To the north of Krupki a forward infantry scout element was taken under fire by several tanks before retreating. Before contact was broken significant numbers of red tanks were spotted barely east of the ridgeline. Some may be moving south of the little village there towards the center where there is a gap in the natural terrain......"

Ivan is finally moving forward. The northern sector is going to take a hit shortly and reports of armor moving south under the cover of the ridgeline indicates he may try a pincer in that area....interesting possibility ja? I pat my tunic pocket for another cigarette....

wave...puff....smoke ring....wave.....

"In the center the lone covering Tiger platoon was finally forced to retreat off the ridgeline after absorbing countless hits from red tanks. Leaving behind one disabled cat they have pulled back into solid cover again. Captain Diestel and his cats also had to pull back from an exposed position covering the plateau's main objective but not before showering an advancing red infantry unit with MG fire killing a few and freezing the rest.......finally-just east of the factory complex a red engineer platoon was taken under fire and pinned."

It appears Herr "Akula" is also pushing right here...slightly NE of Krupki. Prior to pulling back Diestel radioed in that the previously reported ruski tank battalion is intent on rolling straight up that damned highway...if only I had blown that bridge.....still...he cannot be sure what awaits should he decide to cross the ridgeline.......


"To the south it appears you were correct. Advance elements probing east along the forest road ran into a hidden infantry unit guarding the area....but no armor encountered as the lead platoons vehicles were forced to withdraw under small arms fire......."

That should make Herr "Akula" think a bit. And I do want to hang the commander of the Katyusha's head over my tent for disturbing my rest.....perhaps I can rattle his samovar a bit eh........

Rasputin out cheers

RE: "Come back here ya coward, it's only a flesh wound..." SFS Round 2 Sitrep Thread!! - Rasputin - 06-24-2006


....finally my brave Panzer boys get the chance to avenge the sharpshooting losses from earlier today. Where is that cigar...ahhhhh....I had best savor this while I can as I still need to hold out for a little while longer.....but I believe we may have blunted the attack of General "Akula" for the moment......


"Sir...as expected in the north sector the russians drove west driving over the ridgeline and overran the little village with no resistance. The sole red panzer unit scouting the village was immediately turned back by a short range ambush. A short time later the smoke began to clear from our little camoflage scheme revealing between 6-8 tank platoons spread out in the open at the top of the ridge. The cats supported by a Jagdpanzer unit wiped out a full platoon of T-34's and the best part of 2 more platoons...leaving the rest pinned amoungst the wreckage....the Jadgpanzers remain on overwatch...no infantry support observed at the moment....."

...well....Ivan may have captured the position but it cost him plenty...and he is still in the open. I am surprised he did not send a second element to the south....just as well....

.....wave.....smoke ring....wave....

"In the center Ivan hit us hard. The lone Tiger unit on the ridgeline just NE of Krupki was finally forced back under a hail of fire and Captain Diestel's cats were also forced to move off the plateau. They managed to pull back in good order destroying several T-34's and pinning several others while one Tiger had to be abandoned. A counterattack led by Diestel and supported by Panther's and a Jadgpanzer platoon accounted for several more T-34's blown to pieces and several other ruski units pinned in place......."

...again....Herr "Akula" has captured one of his objectives...but with elements of a full battalion lying mostly wrecked or pinned he is going to have a tough time breaking through in that area before I am reinforced....or pulled back....


"In other activity one of our scouts reported red engineers sneaking around the approaches to the factory complex. They were taken under fire and our scouts moved back out of sight...we may be facing an infantry attack on the area shortly......."


"Finally...the area south of Krupki and the factory complex remains calm. Smoke from an earlier skirmish still rises above the trees but all indications are of little or no activity. Our probes in the area have come across nothing but infantry as they scout the area......"

Rasputin out cheers

RE: "Come back here ya coward, it's only a flesh wound..." SFS Round 2 Sitrep Thread!! - Abatis - 06-24-2006

Man! These are good! :)

Looking foward to pitching in once my match starts; my opponent is waiting on parts for his pute to arrive so it'll run.

RE: "Come back here ya coward, it's only a flesh wound..." SFS Round 2 Sitrep Thread!! - Tide1 - 06-25-2006

Blocking Force turn 6

The Russians drove into the position on the southern flank using massed tanks. Major Schleppenhiem looks across the battlfield. His Panther company stopped the T34's in their tracks but not without losses. In the center the Russians stormed the ridge line only to find Captain Grossvogel waiting with his Tiger company That slowed Ivan down grinned Grossvogel thinking of the look on the faces of the Russian infantry befor his big cats opened fire.