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"Come back here ya coward, it's only a flesh wound..." SFS Round 2 Sitrep Thread!! - Printable Version

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RE: "Come back here ya coward, it's only a flesh wound..." SFS Round 2 Sitrep Thread!! - Glint - 06-21-2006

Tiger 88 and myself have started.
I can hear the Russkies moving, where are they?!!!!!

RE: "Come back here ya coward, it's only a flesh wound..." SFS Round 2 Sitrep Thread!! - Dogovich - 06-21-2006

Orsha on the terribly fierce (yawn) Eastern Front:

von Dogowitz watched his opponent's eyes with an alertness born of countless life threatening encounters on battlefields too numerous to count. The intensity of his gaze made his foe nervous, the sweat gleamed on the man's forehead, and he puffed his cigarette nervously before breaking eye contact and coughing into his hand. Dogowitz smiled inside. The man would soon make a mistake! He knew it! And when he did victory would be his! Certain he had the man's measure, he selected a card from off the deck and laid one down on the discard pile. Instantly his opponent came to life and snatched the Oberst's discard off the pile and laid down his hand.

"Gin!" the Major declared.

"Bah!" came the Oberst's reply.

"You now owe me fifty marks!"

"Those idiot Communists had better start fighting soon or else I'm going to go broke playing against you."

"I hope you fight Russians better than you play cards."

"Are you kidding? By the way, what are our little brown suited friends up to?"

"Latest reports have them dancing, whoring, drinking.... it's like they are celebrating the absence of their officers."

"Worthless rabble. That Gordonovich had better arrive back soon."

"Why? You're on a winning streak. Don't ruin it by having to actually fight your opponent."

"Oh shutup and deal the cards."

RE: "Come back here ya coward, it's only a flesh wound..." SFS Round 2 Sitrep Thread!! - Copper - 06-21-2006

Leto Allies, Recruit2112 Axis

Turn 4.

The Soviet version of the Hell's Angels, the "Rolling Babushka's" are completely wiped out by artillery. A German infantry squad got LOS to a road hex where my column had begun to coil for a springlike attack. The germans glee was quickly diminished as a platoon of T-34's dashed through the smoke to assault an engineer squad disrupted by Soviet lend lease .50 cal halftracks.

The ensuing carnage wreaked upon the poor T-34 squad after it bumped into a plethora of panthers and popped its little 76mm at them was simply astonishing. Perhaps unable to see the Russian tanks in the fortified village through all the smoke caused the fire to miss so poorly.

While 2 platoons of panthers, 1 platoon of Tigers and a few Panzer IV's began blasting away, Shermans from the North engaged the Panthers (now from behind) as well as the Tigers (also from behind).

The Soviets desperately plunged shell after shell into the breeches and the enemy tanks were soon silenced. An entire company of Tigers sat wrecked and burning on the plains, 76mm shell holes punched into the sides and rears, while another Company of Panthers limped away in retreat, only 4 disrupted tanks left of the proud 12 that began.

AS the soviets retreated back into the mist and smoke laid down by the 122mm guns, the Red tankers could hear the consternation and intermittant swearing in the guttural tongue of the germans, that could only be translated into "WTF?!?!?"...

Colonel Letov smiled with adoration for his plucky tankers... the Germans had allowed themselves to be flanked, and had paid a tall price. Letov takes out a pen and begins to write down the names of the 3 T-34 tank commanders that had given their lives for the motherland. Their actions lynchpinned the entire attack, and the glory is completely theirs....

The battle far from over, the Soviets hunker down to repel the desperate and ferocious counterattacks that are sure to come...


Allies 256
Axis 57


RE: "Come back here ya coward, it's only a flesh wound..." SFS Round 2 Sitrep Thread!! - Scorched Earth - 06-21-2006

Allied Turn One: Scorched Earth vs Wolfman.

The initial part of this sitrep is to be sung along with the well known German hit: Da Da Da Da (ask your European friends), it was that bad
:-). Anyway, to a chorus of hammers kickstarting the engines of their T34 dragsters, the russkies sing along Da Da Da Da, keeping time with said hammers. Not that they want to give away their positions etc, nor the fact that i'm trying to disguise that nothings happened in my first turn. Good luck Wolfman.

RE: "Come back here ya coward, it's only a flesh wound..." SFS Round 2 Sitrep Thread!! - majog - 06-22-2006

RE: "Come back here ya coward, it's only a flesh wound..." SFS Round 2 Sitrep Thread!! - majog - 06-22-2006

RE: "Come back here ya coward, it's only a flesh wound..." SFS Round 2 Sitrep Thread!! - Scorched Earth - 06-22-2006

Allied turn two: Scorched Earth vs Wolfman:

It's official from deep in the German rear (no wonder it's so dark here - somebody get a flashlight), it crackles over the air waves no sign of the Russkies so far (that's because we are just driving up & down - do u think we are mad suicidal type of people that come from small village East of Urals with un-pronounacable name? Give yourself ten points for spotting the mis-spelling). Which, "as it happens" (feel free to do a Jimmy Savill impersonation at this point for all u fellow Brits out there) was what the Russkies did, not the Jimmy impression, but spotting some Jerry HT's scuttling away to the rear, which took a shot up the rear (or err missus). So, anyway, contact made, Hurrah, or was that a Russkie UUURRRAAAAHHHHHH. :-)

Sleep peacefully chaps, it's only the sound of shells knocking down the door.

RE: "Come back here ya coward, it's only a flesh wound..." SFS Round 2 Sitrep Thread!! - Rasputin - 06-22-2006

SITREP Turn 2 Rasputin-v-Ed

....lighting a scavenged Russian cigarette and trying not to spill ersatz coffee into my lap I look over at my intel chief and nod...

"Sir...we have reports of a significant Russian probe to the NE of Krupki! Elements of at least 1 full company of heavy armor were seen approaching via the road led by a scout unit attempting to pick it's way forward to the first ridgeline. During the long range exchange a pair of T34/85's were brewed up and the forward scout element completely destroyed just east of the ridgeline. A lone scout platoon of soviet tanks attempting to flank us to the extreme north was also sent packing back into the valley. Sadly a pair of our Tiger's were knocked out and the crews forced to join the infantry until we can get them a new tank."

.....Damn Damn DAMN! To lose a pair of Tiger's this quick....it must have been the replacement crews firing too quick. Still...that valley will be a tough nut for Herr "Akula" to crack.

....wave....wave....smoke ring......

"Yessir....further probing by soviet scout cars and tanks in the central sector just east of the Krupki factory complex resulted in several of our forward scout HT's destroyed. Before radio comms were lost several reports indicated elements of yet another tank company lurking in the area. All is not grim; however, as a soviet scout car platoon was demolished with the added bonus of setting the entire area afire! Ivan will not like having to push through that mess....."

Gut....better. Still the ruskis must be running around the woods east of here with a LOT of armor....good thing the terrain and time is in my favor. I think I must be extra wary though....will he attack along a broad front seeking a weak spot...or will he concentrate on one point and shove. At least for the time being his recon elements are out of the picture.

....wave....smoke ring....

"Errr....the southern sector reports no activity.....at the moment...."

Rasputin out....cheers

RE: "Come back here ya coward, it's only a flesh wound..." SFS Round 2 Sitrep Thread!! - Herr Straße Laufer - 06-22-2006

RE: "Come back here ya coward, it's only a flesh wound..." SFS Round 2 Sitrep Thread!! - Dogovich - 06-22-2006

Dogowitz crawled out from the turret of his destroyed tank his senses dazed by the effects of the enemy round that had stuck them. The blast had been so powerful that his Panzer III command tank had been knocked over onto its side. Still feeling light headed, the Oberst crawled through the tall steppe grass trying desperately to get away from his burning vehicle before the flames reached the ammunition. Suddenly, the earth began to shake. Looking to his left Dogowitz beheld a monster green shape the size of a small house coming straight for him. He tried getting up and running, but before he could get very far he tripped over a dead tree limb and fell to the ground. Before he could get up, the steel beast was upon him and he was sudden immersed in shadows as the tank drove right over him crushing his two legs beneath its massive wide tracks. Screaming in agony, Dogowitz struggled to remain conscious. But before he knew it, rough hands had grabbed him by the arms and were pulling him up off the ground. Gutteral voices were crying his name, but all that the barbaric thugs would get from him was his name, rank, and .... and... damn! What else was he suppose to tell them? Mein Gott! My legs!

.......Sir! Herr Oberst! Wake up! You are yelling in your sleep!"

Dogowitz suddenly awoke. Looking frantically about him he was surprised to see the familiar surroundings of his command tent. His young adjutant, LT Fritz stood worried by his side. Dogowitz checked his legs and was relieved that he still had them. "Lord! What a night!" he exclaimed.

"Was it another nightmare Herr Oberst?" asked the concerned young officer.
"Ja... dem Russ Panzers were attacking us again." The Oberst listened carefully to the sounds of the night. All that could be heard were the sounds of continuous celebration from the camp of the Red Hordes. "Still at it I see."
"Ja mein Herr. Those Slavs know how to party."
"Let us pray they don't know too much about fighting. I'm okay now. Go back to bed."

Only seven more days left to go. Damn that Gordonovich! If only he'd return and put an end to this cursed waiting.