Archived H2H Productions Threads
Important Threads
- Archived Posts (2010 and Earlier) (0 Replies)
- ** The Spark on the Blues (1 Reply)
- **Fortress - Stirring the Pot (0 Replies)
- New approved scenario (1 Reply)
- Coming Soon to H2H (13 Replies)
- H2H-** Baring Their Teeth (1 Reply)
- A helping hand requested for a new scenario... (0 Replies)
- New Matrix WF scn added. 6th Gebirg SS in Operation Norwind (7 Replies)
- First Battle of Tembien Design Notes (0 Replies)
- Before You Upload a Scenario into H2H (4 Replies)
- Role of a tester (3 Replies)
- Role of the Designer (2 Replies)
- RS: Terror on Tarakan Design Notes (6 Replies)
- Need Map of Ethiopia (0 Replies)
- So You Want Quality CS H2H Scenarios? (23 Replies)
- Need H2H Play Testers for RS Scenario (16 Replies)
- New Version of Forty-Five Clicks to Moscow (1 Reply)
- Scenario Designs - H2H Testing (4 Replies)
- H2H Posting a finished test (11 Replies)
- H2H downloads are broken!!! (5 Replies)
- New EF Scenario - "Plug a Hole!" (3 Replies)