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H2H - Blitzkrieg of the 29 Motorized division

Blitzkrieg of the 29 Motorized division Image
Campaign Series Ladder

Blitzkrieg of the 29 Motorized division V.1.0

By Boisforas
Rating: 6.33 (1)
Filesize: 19.68 KB
Games in Progress: 2
First Side:
SM: 8
Turns: 37
Type: Historical
Second Side:
Blitzkrieg of the 29 Motorized Division. H2H, HIS. 10 kilomoters east of Krasnyi, White Russian. 15 July 1941. After crossing the Dnpr River by Orsha, Gen Lemensen's 47 Mot Corps brushed aside several Soviet rifle divisions and headed north east towards Smolensk. At Krasnyi, 50 kilometers from Smolensk, Soviet Gen Lukin's 14 Army counter attacks 47 Corps. Using Gen Nehring's 18 Panzer Division to take on Lukin, Lemensen orders Gen Boltenstern's 29 Motorized Division to continue on towards Smolensk. As the Soviets, can you stop the 29 Mot from taking Smolensk? Or, as the Germans, can you capture Smolensk with the "Blitzkrieg of the 29 Motorized?"
Games in progress
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Test ratings
Member Balance Enjoyment Briefings
John Given' avatarJohn Given 5 8 7
John Given
1st Lieutenant
John Given Sat Mar 15, 2014 12:53 pm
The Result of the game
Major Loss

My Side

Turns Played

Balance and Enjoyment
I enjoyed setting up my axis forces, I liked thinking about how best to reach Smolensk. It was also fun clearing the entry area of Russian forces. My plan was to simply bring ONLY the reinforcements I needed to clear the entry area of Soviet forces, in order to minimize the damage his blind-shelling did.

Victory Conditions
Victory conditions did seem attainable, but Boisforas has vowed to review the Soviet setup of forces. I'm basing my opinion of attainable on sheer number of soviet kills only, since the axis capturing all objectives will only get the axis to a 'draw.'

Map & Terrain
Map is too flat (as in, flat as a pancake), and needs more 3d relief. Some detail within Smolensk itself would be nice. Otherwise, is map is fine, but keep in mind it's an 'extreme' rectangle - with the Dnepr river running east-west, blocking you from going north, and only one dirt road leading east to the city. You MUST travel a large distance via vehicles to have any hope of reaching the town (which is where all the objectives are located, though Boisforas says he'll change this).

Historical Introduction
The basic idea of the scenario is that the germans were stopped on the road to Smolensk after colliding with a Soviet (division? Corps?) force. To attain voctory, the axis must fight past (or evade?) the blocking Russians and press on toward the city. IMO, this is a realistic premise and a basis for a great scenario.

Game Length
Based on the sheer size of the map and the large amount of Soviet troops blocking my way, I'd say the number of turns are too few. (it has 37 turns as of this writing)

Force Mix
Interesting forces, first time I've seen green troops in the game. Yes it fit the situation. German side could use some more unit variety, they especially need a spotter plane.

What I really liked about this scenario
Nice opportunity for carnage on both sides. Two possible approaches to reaching Smolensk.

What I really did not like about this scenario
Soviet forces are MUCH too close to the west edge of the map. Basically, the germans enter the board under fire and observation from the enemy. As the turns roll on, it gets worse - the allies continue to press the germans right up against the west edge of the board (their entry hexes in full view) - the axis, in trucks and on motorcycles, will be torn to pieces by Russian artillery. Boisforas has vowed to change this though.

Any other comments
It became clear that by turn 8, despite the huge number of kills it was getting vs. the Russians, that it would be at least turn 15-20 before I could get my division moving toward Smolensk (you simply cannot travel when enemy troops are shooting at your trucks and motorcycles - it's suicide). In other words, the axis much clear a corridor of enemy spotters in order to advance (a very large distance). This cannot happen in the present incarnation of the scenario. One other thing I would like - another way to reach Smolensk - but I wasn't sure if bridging equipment / pontoons over the Dneper river were unrealistic. (they might not have been present during the actual battle)

Thus, what is of supreme importance in war is to attack the enemy's strategy.

Sun Tzu