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The Battle of Annenkovo - World War One Mod

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Campaign Series Ladder

The Battle of Annenkovo

By Paul Adaway
Bolsheviks 1 - 0 - 0 British
Rating: 8.95 (2)
Games Played: 1
SM: 3
Turns: 20
Type: Stock
First Side: Bolsheviks
Second Side: British
Downloads: 111
16 January, 1919
The Battle of Annenkovo. (Best played against a human opponent,
or as Bolshevik player v Allied AI). What should have been a
spectacular victory for the Trans-Caspian forces at Dushak, became
an equally spectacular defeat, due to their lack of discipline.
Once again, but for the steadfast Anglo-Indian troops, the day
would have been a complete disaster. As it was, it was not quite
a total loss. A huge explosion, caused when a Bolshevik ammunition
train was hit, at the station at Dushak had made the town untenable
for trains, so the Bolsheviks pulled back to Tejend, and then
to Merv. The Bolsheviks retreat was followed by the 28th Light
Cavalry and a few Turkman horse, and at the end of October they
made a move around Merv threatening the enemy's line of communications.
So unnerved were the Bolsheviks by this, that they promptly evacuated
Merv and retired upon Charjui. The allied forces occupied Merv
on 1st November 1918. At this point the British Government decided
that it wished to limit its involvement in Trans-Caspia and the
British forces there were instructed not to advance beyond Merv.
They therefore took up defensive positions at Bairam Ali, whilst
the Trans-Caspian forces pursued the Bolsheviks north. On the
14th November at the station of Uch Aji, a gun on one of the
Trans-Caspian armoured trains burst bringing down enemy artillery
fire. This caused panic in the ranks and the Trans-Caspian forces
retreated at the fastest possible speed to Annenkovo, 100 miles
to the south and 30 miles from Bairam Ali. In light of the obviously
desperate situation and in spite of his orders, Colonel Knollys
sent two troops 28th Light Cavalry to the front to try and support
the Trans-Caspian army. On the 17th November the expected Bolshevik
attack was launched, but despite heavy casualties over a two
day period, the Trans-Caspian army managed to stand its ground.
Both sides now established their winter quarters, the Trans-Caspian
forces at Annenkovo and the Bolsheviks at Ravnina, with advanced
positions at some sand dunes midway between the two stations.
On the 7th December the Trans-Caspian forces tried to evict the
Bolsheviks from their positions at Ravnina. A frontal assault
was made on the station and despite taking it for a while, they
failed to hold it. Both sides returned to their original positions
and saw out the new year in them. During the early part of January,
one company 19th Punjabis was sent to reinforce the two troops
28th Light Cavalry already there. All was quiet until the 16th
January 1919, when the Bolsheviks launched their second attack
on Annenkovo. The morning was foggy, and the Trans-Caspian patrols
had just returned to their positions at 8.30am when two explosions
were heard to the rear. It was soon discovered that the track
had been blown and the telegraph cut on both sides of Annenkovo
station. By 10.00am all communications had been restored, and
a second company of 19th Punjabis was entrained at Bairam Ali
to reinforce the front. Visibility was still reduced by the fog.
The Trans-Caspian positions were in a line of gentle sandhills
to the north-west of, and parallel to, the railway, which curved
northward. The two troops 28th Light Cavalry were deployed on
the right flank, along the railway, together with the Turkman
Horse. In the centre was the one company of Punjabi infantry,
and on the left flank, the Trans-Caspian Infantry. (Many thanks
to the Russian Civil War Yahoo group for the information on this
Player Voting Stats
Member Balance Enjoyment
Scud's ProfileScud Well Balanced 7
General Lee Ensayne's ProfileGeneral Lee Ensayne Well Balanced 6
Gaming Records
1st Side Player 2nd Side Player Result Score
Bolsheviks Scud's Profile Scud vs. General Lee Ensayne General Lee Ensayne's Profile British Bolsheviks Minor Victory 27 12
Lieutenant General
Scud Tue Jun 14, 2022 9:00 pm
Pretty good scenario. Brits are dug in and strong, while the Bolsheviks have quite a few offensive options.
Resolve then, that on this very ground, with small flags waving and tinny blasts on tiny trumpets, we shall meet the enemy, and not only may he be ours, he may be us. --Walt Kelly
General Lee Ensayne
1st Lieutenant
General Lee Ensayne Wed Jun 15, 2022 2:26 am
They won the battle by taking and holding (barely) one objective. They were slaughtered in the process.