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009. Rearguard Action at Borokowo - WDS Campaign Eylau-Friedland

009. Rearguard Action at Borokowo Image
Black Powder Ladder

009. Rearguard Action at Borokowo

By Bill Peters
French (Nap) 0 - 0 - 0 Russians (Nap)
Rating: 0 (0)
Games Played: 0
SM: 1
Turns: 8
Type: Stock
First Side: French (Nap)
Second Side: Russians (Nap)
24 December 1806 - Historical - Intended to be played Head to Head - GD Klein and GD Lasalle were tasked with finding a crossing site near Borokowo along the Wkra River. They found a small rearguard force at the bridge. Rather than sacrifice his men in a senseless head on assault, Klein sent one regiment of dragoons along with Lasalles light cavalry to find a ford where they could cross unmolested. Around 2 PM the alarm was given to the Russian commander, GM Dorokov, that the French had crossed and were going to outflank their position unless they retreated. Ordering the bridge to be set on fire he left a small force of skirmishers to hold back the French forces. The French dragoons had dismounted and they rushed the bridge, braved the flames and pushed back the skirmishers. The rest of Klein's men soon followed. Dorokov's men were able to safely retreat after a charge by the 20th Dragoons was turned back by the Izyum Hussars. As had happened at other locations along the Wkra River, both sides claimed victory. The French had gained important crossing points while the Russians had held up their enemies long enough for their forces to retreat to the east. Ammunition resupply is nonexistent for the infantry for both sides in this scenario. The Russian should be looking for French reinforcements to start entering the northeastern map edge at 2:10 pm. NOTE: There is no supply wagon for the Allies. This was an "rearguard" situation and no resupply will be available for their infantry.