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The 1st Battle of Saratoga (Saratoga_a) - WDS Campaign 1776

The 1st Battle of Saratoga (Saratoga_a) Image
Black Powder Ladder

The 1st Battle of Saratoga (Saratoga_a)

By John Tiller
British 3 - 0 - 3 US
Rating: 3.26 (5)
Games Played: 6
SM: 4
Turns: 48
Type: Custom
First Side: British
Second Side: US
Historical. British general Burgoyne had successfully fought his way south from Canada in his campaign against the Americans. Fort Ticonderoga had fallen to his army and now he was preparing to continue his advance to Albany, New York. But the American army under General Gates stood in his way at Saratoga. The British and American armies advance on each other in the First Battle of Saratoga.
Player Voting Stats
Member Balance Enjoyment
agmoss99's Profileagmoss99 Totally Pro British 5
agmoss99's Profileagmoss99 Moderately Pro British 4
agmoss99's Profileagmoss99 Moderately Pro US 4
Saddlesore's ProfileSaddlesore Totally Pro US 5
Steel God's ProfileSteel God Totally Pro British 3
General of the Army
agmoss99 Frid Apr 11, 2014 2:20 pm
Many American units are fixed for the duration of the game. Several British objective hexes are way behind the frontline.
General of the Army
agmoss99 Mon Oct 27, 2014 9:44 am
Half the American army is fixed for the duration of the game. This gives the British a major advantage.
Staff Sergeant
Saddlesore Frid Jan 29, 2021 11:48 pm
US forces can reach objectives to defend first. US forces have supplies nearby. British forces arrive piecemeal and are easily held off. British Artillery might as well be shooting rubber bands, never more than 3 men lost by US by British Arty at close range, with 1 man being most common and half of results of no effect at longer range, otherwise just 1 man. Guns are not threat to attacker, but are high value when taken. I'm no great strategist and I am mediocre at best(look at my record), but I held a Major Victory for the majority of the 23 turns played.
Steel God
Steel God Mon Sep 27, 2021 11:59 am
EAW in general and 1776 specifically are fundamentally broken. Units in Column do not become Enfiladed under any circumstances, so you fly around assaulting units while in column. JTS said they'd "look at it", but until they do the system doesn't play the way the manual says it should. Regarding the scenario itself, The US has half their force Fixed with no release points, the British meanwhile have freedom of action, so they can march a large force down the river road and fight Colonial Companies virtually one at a time as they will not release.