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Operation Dickens I - The Matrix Games version of West Front

Operation Dickens I Image
Campaign Series Ladder

Operation Dickens I

By Phillip S. Baker
Allies 3 - 1 - 7 Axis
Rating: 6.36 (10)
Games Played: 11
SM: 3
Turns: 18
Type: Stock
First Side: Allies
Second Side: Axis
Monte Cassino, 90km SE of Rome, Italy: [Best played as Allied] Wishing for one more push to try and break the stalemate at Monte Cassino, General Freyberg organizes Operation Dickens. After a massive carpet bombing of the town of Cassino, the 6th New Zealand Brigade plans to take the town and open up Route 6 to Rome, while the 5th Indian Brigade attacks and takes Monte Cassino, securing the flank. Early in the day on the 15th, over a period of 3 1/2 hours, 300 heavy bombers and 200 medium bombers dropped thousands of tons of bombs on Cassino. Now it is the New Zealanders' chance to finally take the town and open up the Liri Valley, before Heidrich's paratroopers regain their senses.
Player Voting Stats
Member Balance Enjoyment
Blitz Shadow Player's ProfileBlitz Shadow Player Slightly Pro Allies 5
Blitz Shadow Player's ProfileBlitz Shadow Player Slightly Pro Allies 6
OberLt Griz's ProfileOberLt Griz Well Balanced 9
Unknown's ProfileUnknown Slightly Pro Axis 7
Toten Tanz's ProfileToten Tanz Totally Pro Axis 6