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** In the middle of nowhere! - The Matrix Games version of Rising Sun

** In the middle of nowhere! Image
Campaign Series Ladder

** In the middle of nowhere!

By Rod Coles
Allies 2 - 0 - 0 Axis
Rating: 8.65 (2)
Games Played: 2
SM: 1
Turns: 15
Type: Custom
First Side: Allies
Second Side: Axis
Downloads: 617
NE Asia - Disputed Mongolia/Manchukuo Border Area. (H2H)(HISB) In the 1930s, Japanese aggression in China and Manchuria proceeded apace, including the setting up of the puppet state of Manchukuo in 1932 . The Soviets, seeking to increase the security of Eastern Siberia, were also active in this vast, rich area, with particular influence in the guasi-independent state of Mongolia, which bordered on Manchukuo. Only 30 years before, Japan and the Russian Empire had fought a war with similar causes . Inevitably, clashes occured. In the spring of 1939, a border dispute and a minor skirmish set off a train of events culminating in a major battle. The Japanese insisted that the border was the Khalkin Gol, or Khalka River, flowing north and east into the Buir Nor (lake). The Mongolian People's Republic, backed by the Soviets, claimed the area some 20 kilometers east of the Khalkin Gol, including the village of Nomonhan. On May 11th, a patrol of Mongolian border guards crossed the Khalkin Gol in search of grazing. At the village of Nomohan they drove off a small detachment of Manchurian troops guarding it. A Manchurian battalion came up and drove the Mongolians back over the river. But the next day the Mongolians came back in force, crossing the river and throwing up pontoon bridges to reinforce their claim to the region. This little scenario portrays one link in the chain of events leading to the important battle of Khalkin Gol. The Russian commander in that fight later achieved a great measure of fame.....his name...Georgii Zhukov. [SPECIAL DESIGNER NOTES]: In case you're wondering why the Manchukuo chaps are not in the best of shape, they have been trying both the local booze and the virtue of the local lasses. Same with some of the latecoming Mongols. As for the ones fixed along the road,....simple...a wheel fell off the wagon. ASSAULT RULES..Not an issue, as far as I found in testing. Tachankas ...the horse drawn MG carts. Seem to have a firing cost of 0 (I have reported this problem.) Fire them twice and move 1/3 of what the movement scale indicates (or vice versa). Not hard to kill.
Player Voting Stats
Member Balance Enjoyment
Hawk Kriegsman's ProfileHawk Kriegsman Well Balanced 8
Yossarian's ProfileYossarian Slightly Pro Allies 8
Gaming Records
1st Side Player 2nd Side Player Result Score
Allies Yossarian's Profile Yossarian vs. Hawk Kriegsman Hawk Kriegsman's Profile Axis Allies Major Victory 12 2
Allies Hawk Kriegsman's Profile Hawk Kriegsman vs. RedDevil RedDevil's Profile Axis Allies Minor Victory 9 4