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Action in the Solomons - The Matrix Games version of Rising Sun

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Action in the Solomons

By D. Bevard
Allies 18 - 5 - 5 Axis
Rating: 6.35 (20)
Games Played: 28
SM: 2
Turns: 25
Type: Stock
First Side: Allies
Second Side: Axis
Tulagi Island, 36km NNE of Lunga Point, Guadalcanal: [Best played as Allied] The target for the first Allied offensive in the Pacific was a jungle covered island in the Solomons called Guadalcanal. The day before the American 1st Marine Division began its attack in early August of 1942, several smaller Japanese outposts along the northern side of what would soon be named Iron Bottom Sound, had to be secured to prevent enemy observation of the amphibious force. Most important of these was Tulagi Island, the former seat of the British Solomons Protectorate. The Japanese had garrisoned the island with elements of the 3rd Kure SNLF led by Commander Massaki and with a labor detachment who had been digging defensive positions since their arrival. The task of securing the better defended southeast end of this piece of real estate was given to the 1st Marine Raider Battalion under Lt. Col. Edson while Lt. Col. Rosecrans' 2nd/5 Marines cleared the western portion. However, as the landing craft approached Beach Blue they ground to a halt on coral formations, forcing the marines to wade to shore and setting the pattern of future amphibious campaigns in the Pacific. Design Note: Map scale has been adjusted for clarity and playability.
Player Voting Stats
Member Balance Enjoyment
Tank Killer's ProfileTank Killer Slightly Pro Axis 7
Wüstenlöwe's ProfileWüstenlöwe Slightly Pro Axis 5
Rustbelt's ProfileRustbelt Moderately Pro Axis 6
Hughen Tanken de Tote's ProfileHughen Tanken de Tote Slightly Pro Allies 6
Monty\'s Double's ProfileMonty\'s Double Well Balanced 6