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A Nameless Corner of Hell - The Matrix Games version of Rising Sun

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A Nameless Corner of Hell

Allies 0 - 1 - 0 Axis
Rating: 9.7 (1)
Games Played: 1
SM: 10
Turns: 95
Type: Custom
First Side: Allies
Second Side: Axis
Downloads: 792
12KM SSW of Kyushu, Japan: Operation Downfall - the invasion of the Japanese home islands -- has begun. While the main fleet landings take place at Kyushu a number of small outlying islands must also be neutralized. One of these islands - designated simply as Island 24 - has a small airstrip from which Kamikaze missions can be launched against the invasion fleet. The task of invading this island has fallen to the newly formed Task Force Able - a brigade-sized force built around the 7th Marine Regiment. This force is well equipped with the latest weapons and has been given ample armor and artillery support but the craggy landscape on I-24 may make it difficult for them to operate effectively. The Japs have turned the island into a fortress with belts of mines and obstacles as well as pillboxes and deep cave complexes. An engineer battalion has been attached to the task force to help get the Marines through this rat's nest and to assist with bunker clearing operations. The Japs will be sure to target the engineers so protect them well. The first wave consisting of armored support amtracks will go ashore and locate enemy beach defenses and spot for naval artillery to soften them up. Then the first wave of engineers will arrive to start clearing the beach for the assault troops. Next the armor will arrive to destroy any remaining beach defenses and then the Marine infantry will start arriving in waves. Lastly the heavy artillery and the remaining engineers will arrive. Keep the beach clear of empty transports. The fleet needs every available landing craft so every effort must be made to keep transport casualties low. Escape lanes have been marked with marker buoys (empty rafts) that will give the coxswains safe routes off the beaches clear of incoming landing waves and enemy direct fire. Dive bombers from the USS Enterprise will provide air support and naval gunfire support will be provided by the USS Missouri and her battle group. Despite all the high-tech hardware this fight will still have to be won the hard way - by Marine riflemen with grenades - flamethrowers and satchel charges. The Japanese defenders are fanatical and have dug in deep and they no doubt plan to fight to the death for every inch of their homeland. For the main fleet landing at Kyushu it will be a historic occasion that old men will write books about some day but on I24 - for the Marines and Japs alike - this little speck of volcanic rock will be just a nameless corner of hell.
Player Voting Stats
Member Balance Enjoyment
Jeepster777's ProfileJeepster777 Well Balanced 9
Gaming Records
1st Side Player 2nd Side Player Result Score
Allies General Stymiest's Profile General Stymiest vs. Jeepster777 Jeepster777's Profile Axis Draw 60 60