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RG - The Matrix Games version of East Front II

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Campaign Series Ladder


By Troll
Axis 0 - 1 - 0 Allies
Rating: 7.3 (1)
Games Played: 1
SM: 7
Turns: 100
Type: Custom
First Side: Axis
Second Side: Allies
Downloads: 514
For those of you who enjoy large scenarios, you may enjoy this one. This scenario has no historical signifiagance what so ever, just a large map, large units and plenty of guaranteed carnage over a period of 100 turns.
This scenario should not be considered pro Axis or Allied, it is what it is, it is at the end of the war and the Soviets have more air and ground units, the Axis have the superior units and have an equal chance to be victorious. Just to touch on objective hexes, I was never a big fan of them and never agreed that an end result, win or lose should depend on how much or what type of ground you hold onto or capture, that is why the victory points concerning a win or loss are low except for the major victory and which you can only achieve if you do battle. The objective of this scenario is not only to take land but to destroy the other sides units and or fight your way towards the ends of the map and exit via the exit hexes. In other words, this scenario forces you to fight :).
SITUATION With the Soviets moving towards Berlin with the objective of encirclement, Hitler orders the last two fully intact SS Panzer Corps, supported by MarkVI E heavy tanks and a vast array of other support units, to drive South from East Prussia and break through to Berlin and save the day. British and American intelligence inform Stalin of the German movement South towards Berlin. All that stands between the Axis breakthrough to Berlin are four Soviet Guards Infantry Divisions and a Artillery Division, deployed along the entire length of the last river before Berlin. Marshall Konev orders 2 Soviet Guards Tank Army's earmarked for the advance to Berlin to move North to meet the oncoming Axis SS Panzer Corps formations. The heavy spring rains makes vehicle movement very slow; mud, rain, and overflowing river banks turns normal dry lands into swamp and marsh areas. Only a few permanent bridges are still intact, other bridges are mad passable by installing make shift pontoon bridges. The Engineers of both sides and other special units could play both a tactical and strategic role in the the upcoming battle, so use them carefully. The Soviets sent out forward patrols and scouts accompanied by mine squads construction units to lay mines build blocks to slow down the Axis advance long enough until the 2 tank Armies can move into position to check the Axis advance. RECON Recon is very important in this scenario, because all is not as it seems. Without the proper reconnaissance you may have wasted valuable time moving units to an area that is impassable. Onward!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Player Voting Stats
Member Balance Enjoyment
Zap's ProfileZap Well Balanced 1
Gaming Records
1st Side Player 2nd Side Player Result Score
Allies Zap's Profile Zap vs. Von Dondo Von Dondo's Profile Axis Draw 42 42
Lieutenant General
Zap Sun Oct 03, 2021 10:02 pm
I ventured in playing my opponent. There were a lot of expectations. A huge, map, numerous different units, Several points of battle. Unfortunately, this scenario has succumbed to its own map set-up and movement. This scenario is almost unplayable as is. Russian and German sides experience the same issues but they are more pronounced for the Russian player.
So what's wrong with this scenario.
1. Movement: Its set on mud. Units move slowly with long distances to travel and many troops. So your looking at 30 turns of the 100 turn game dedicated to movement before you can actually have meaningful combat. This weighs heavy on a player almost at times unbearable, very frustrating.
2. Rivers and streams need to be crossed but only a few bridges. There are units to bridge them but they are not even close to where they need to be.
3. Russians have defensive positions that are very hard to move forward from. And they have to move forward to engage the enemy. Winning is based on gaining territory and causing casualties. Its becomes a build up of troops until bridges can be built. It all moves at a snail-pace
4. It needs most of the hundred turns to deciare a winner.

What could help?
Change movement from mud to normal, make moving ahead easier. Eliminate some off the difficult terrain or add bridges.