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Red Forest - The Matrix Games version of East Front II

Red Forest Image
Campaign Series Ladder

Red Forest

By Todd C. Justice
Axis 1 - 0 - 0 Allies
Rating: 5.9 (2)
Games Played: 1
SM: 7
Turns: 50
Type: Custom
First Side: Axis
Second Side: Allies
Downloads: 291
After KG Beckmann's successful delaying action near Svissloch, it began its withdrawal to the west. As soon as the KG's reconnaissance assets cleared the regimental defensive sector, COL Beckmann ordered them to find a route back toward Minsk. A number of small engagements and encounters with stragglers convinced the reconnaissance team that Minsk was already seriously threatened by at least a Soviet Tank Army. To the KG's west stood the almost impenetrable Naliboka Forest. Filled with small crisscrossing streams, swamps and very few roads, the Naliboka Forest was a tankers nightmare. But to the south the Soviet Tank Army KG Beckmann had fought so furiously the last few days was in the process of bypassing the german battle group and was making good time in its push westward. COL Beckmann was faced with a hard decision. Face open combat with the main armored units of either Soviet Tank Army? Or push through the forest in the hopes of getting through before the two Soviet pincers met on the western side and cut off escape forever? Beckmann decided that today prudence was the better part of valor. His plan was simple and dealt with the problems at hand, stiff Soviet resistance and the need for speed! He organized his KG into three battalion sized task forces. As the lead task force encountered resistance and/or obstacles it would fight through as quickly as possible. As this task force began to consolidate and reorganize, the next task force would take over the lead and continue the push through the forest. Despite the great disadvantage his armored forces would face in the woods, he hoped to get through the forest with ample time to regroup and resupply, before he was ordered back into the path of the Soviet juggernaught.
Player Voting Stats
Member Balance Enjoyment
Laza's ProfileLaza Moderately Pro Axis 8
Laza's ProfileLaza Moderately Pro Axis 8
Gaming Records
1st Side Player 2nd Side Player Result Score
Axis Sir Killalot's Profile Sir Killalot vs. Laza Laza's Profile Allies Axis Major Victory 84 14
Not enough Russian armour
244 games with legend that is Richie61