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Return of the Ottomans - Ambush on Route 7 - Steel Panthers: Main Battle Tank

Return of the Ottomans - Ambush on Route 7 Image
Steel Panthers Ladder

Return of the Ottomans - Ambush on Route 7

By gandhi
Bulgaria 0 - 0 - 0 Turkey
Rating: 0 (0)
Games Played: 0
SM: 2
Turns: 20
Type: Custom
First Side: Bulgaria
Second Side: Turkey
Downloads: 58
Return of the Ottomans - Route 7*
Designed and play tested for SPMBT V9*
Designed for head to head; against AI the player should play Bulgaria*
Date: October 2016*
Battle Location: Route 7 north of the Turkish-Bulgarian border*
Battle Type: Bulgarian delay*
Based upon the book "Return of the Ottomans" by Maciej Jonasz*
Description: Turkish forces have began their invasion of Bulgaria. In the east, the Turkish 55th Mechanized Brigade advances along Route 7, crossing the Bulgarian border right before dawn.*
Warned of the impending attack, the Bulgarians manage to mobilize some of their units. One of those is Major Popov's 42nd Mechanized Infantry Battalion which has been deployed to a forest just north of the border. There it now lies in wait along Route 7 to ambush the invaders in order to buy time for the rest of the Bulgarian 2nd Mechanized Brigade to complete its mobilization. His men had just let the Turkish reconnaissance element pass their position and are about to strike the lead enemy battlegroup.*
Scenario and map designed by Gandhi*
Special thanks to Terrapithecus for helping to play test this game*
GAME NOTES: The Bulgarians cannot hope to win this one. All they can strive to accomplish is to hit the Turks hard and then withdraw to fight another day before they get wiped out. Their withdrawal route must lead north into the area marked as "safe". Turkey player should not target the "safe" area with indirect fire.*