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Counter-Attack - SB-WW2 Mod

Counter-Attack Image
Squad Battles Ladder


By Mike Amos
Allied Slovakia (SBWW2) 0 - 0 - 1 Hungary
Rating: 8.65 (2)
Games Played: 1
SM: 4
Turns: 18
Type: Custom
First Side: Allied Slovakia (SBWW2)
Second Side: Hungary
Downloads: 69
[Nizná Rybnica, Eastern Slovakia] [Night] [H2H or Slovak]: At dawn on 23 March 1939, Hungary suddenly attacked Slovakia from Carpatho-Ukraine, with instructions being to "proceed as far to the west as possible". Hungary attacked Slovakia without any declaration of war, catching the Slovak army unprepared because many Slovak soldiers were in transit from the Czech region and had not yet reached their Slovak units. In the south, around Michalovce, Stefan Hassík, a reserve officer and a local Slovak People's Party secretary, gathered a group of about four infantry battalions and several artillery batteries. Hungarian troops advanced quickly into eastern Slovakia, which surprised both Slovakia and Germany. Despite the confusion caused by the hurried mobilization and the acute shortage of officers, the Slovak force in Michalovce had coalesced enough to attempt a counterattack by the next day. That was largely because of Czech Major Kubícek, who had taken over command from Hassik and begun to get a better grip on the situation. Because they were based on a widely available civilian truck, spares were soon found to repair five of the sabotaged OA vz. 30 armoured cars in Presov, and they reached Michalovce at 05:30 on 24 March. The Slovaks decided to counterattack eastwards, where the most advanced Hungarian outpost was known to be some 10 km (6 mi) away at Závadka. The road-bound armoured cars engaged the Hungarian pocket from the front whilst Slovak infantry worked round their flanks. Soon, they forced the heavily-outnumbered Hungarians to fall back from Závadka towards their main line on the River Okna/Akna, just in front of Nizná Rybnica. The armoured cars continued down the road a little past Závadka whilst the Slovak infantry fanned out and began to deploy on a front of some 4 km (2.5 mi) on either side of them, between the villages of Úbrez and Vysné Revistia. The infantry first came under Hungarian artillery fire during the occupation of Ubrez, north of the road. At 23:00 a general attack was launched on the main Hungarian line at Nizná Rybnica. The Hungarian response was fierce and effective. The Slovaks had advanced across open ground to within a kilometer of the Akna River when they began taking fire by Hungarian field and antitank artillery.
Player Voting Stats
Member Balance Enjoyment
JasonHanLZ's ProfileJasonHanLZ Well Balanced 8
Krijger Koning's ProfileKrijger Koning Slightly Pro Hungary 8
Gaming Records
1st Side Player 2nd Side Player Result Score
Hungary JasonHanLZ's Profile JasonHanLZ vs. Krijger Koning Krijger Koning's Profile Allied Slovakia (SBWW2) Hungary Minor Victory 24 8
Krijger Koning
Krijger Koning Tue Mar 22, 2022 6:39 pm
Enjoyed this one although, I was defeated in the end.