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008_WF Bridge at Homyly - Red Victory

008_WF Bridge at Homyly Image
Squad Battles Ladder

008_WF Bridge at Homyly

By keif149
Germany 1 - 0 - 2 France
Rating: 9.25 (2)
Games Played: 3
SM: 2
Turns: 10
Type: Custom
First Side: Germany
Second Side: France
Bridge at Homyly
Bridge at Homyly\\Scenario Size: Small\Best played as PBEM\\11,
June, 1940\\Note:This scenario requires the XFWF Mod designed
by keif149. It will not play with the stock Red Victory game.\\This
scenario is based on the version for Final Combat by Ben Lacy\\Historical
Setting: Initiated on May 10, 1940, The Battle of France featured
two distinct operations. The second of these was code named Fall
Rot (Case Red), and it was executed on June 5, 1940. In this
operation, German forces moved to outflank the Maginot Line and
attack the larger territory of France. This scenario is part
of Fall Rot and takes place on June 11, 1940 near the Seine River
crossing at Homyly, France. The Germans must secure this vital
crossing point to continue the drive to Paris.\\Victory conditions:
The French player wins by destroying the bridge, thus keeping
it from falling into German hands. The German player wins if
the bridge is fully intact at games end. Points do not matter.\\Notes:
Beginning on turn 4, the French player receives as reinforcements,
a demolition charge on the bridge and a plunger in hex 10,2.
As per the JT manual, there is a 10% chance that detonating the
charge will destroy the bridge. If unsuccessful, each following
turn, a demo charge will appear on the bridge. This represents
multiple charges placed. The German player may remove the charges
by carrying them off the bridge, capturing the plunger, or by
occupying the bridge hex itself, thus preventing additional charges
from appearing. There can be no draws. If the bridge is destroyed,
the French win. If the bridge is intact, the German player wins.\Brasche
is Kneisel's Assistant Gunner and carries spare ammo for the
MG-34. Historically,they would have operated as a team.\The Germans
must enter the west map edge via the road and enter using the
reinforcement menu. it is up to the German player to best untilize
this feature.
Player Voting Stats
Member Balance Enjoyment
keif149's Profilekeif149 Well Balanced 7
Richie61's ProfileRichie61 Well Balanced 8
Gaming Records
1st Side Player 2nd Side Player Result Score
France keif149's Profile keif149 vs. Richie61 Richie61's Profile Germany France Major Loss 2 16
France keif149's Profile keif149 vs. Richie61 Richie61's Profile Germany France Major Victory 16 2
Germany keif149's Profile keif149 vs. Richie61 Richie61's Profile France Germany Major Loss 2 16
General of the Army
keif149 Mon Apr 03, 2017 11:18 pm
Game 1/2