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004_XME_EF ASL TT1, Take The Chance - Red Victory

004_XME_EF ASL TT1, Take The Chance Image
Squad Battles Ladder

004_XME_EF ASL TT1, Take The Chance

By keif149
Germany 1 - 0 - 1 Russia
Rating: 8.5 (1)
Games Played: 2
SM: 2
Turns: 14
Type: Custom
First Side: Germany
Second Side: Russia
Downloads: 189
004_XME_EF ASL scenario TT1, Take The Chance.\Size: Small. 14
Turns.\Note: This scenario requires The XME_EF Mod, by keif149
at the Blitz War Games club. Available upon request.\Plays best
as pbem, then either side.\This scenario has not been modified
for balance or historically fact checked. It was my intention
to bring it to the Squad Battles format only.\\Special scenario
rules: The scenario winner will be determined by body count and
exit points. HOWEVER, the Russian player may not exit off the
map before turn 8!\\Background: BALTA, USSR, 3 August 1941: During
the operations to capture the town of Balta, 'C' Company of Pioneer
Regiment 744 was commanded to assist the 239th Infanterie-Division's
attack from the south by constructing several bridges across
the river on the edge of the town. Having accomplished this mission,
Lt. Ehrhardt decided to support the attack. On his own initiative,
he led his company in their assault on the town from the south-east.\\\Aftermath:
The Pioneers infiltrated Balta and assaulted a machinegun nest
which controlled the south-east sector. An infantry gun hit them
at the start, causing several losses. While the Germans were
preparing to dynamite an enemy position, the Russians, ensconced
in the adjoining room, beat them to the punch and detonated a
demolition charge which brought down the building on the hapless
Germans. Despite this setback, by progressing from house to house,
the Pioneers managed to gain control of the southern part of
the town. From these positions they interdicted the retreat of
the Russian units which were being rolled back by the attack
in the north of the town, capturing more than 300 prisoners.\\\Special
thanks to my pal Ed (richie61) for playing and testing the scenario!
Player Voting Stats
Member Balance Enjoyment
keif149's Profilekeif149 Well Balanced 5
Gaming Records
1st Side Player 2nd Side Player Result Score
Russia keif149's Profile keif149 vs. Richie61 Richie61's Profile Germany Russia Major Victory 16 2
Germany keif149's Profile keif149 vs. Richie61 Richie61's Profile Russia Germany Major Victory 16 2
General of the Army
keif149 Sun Nov 29, 2015 3:33 pm
Rating based on two games, played from both sides.