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003_XMRV_ASL_KE4_Panzers To The Rescue - Red Victory

003_XMRV_ASL_KE4_Panzers To The Rescue Image
Squad Battles Ladder

003_XMRV_ASL_KE4_Panzers To The Rescue

By keif149
Germany 1 - 1 - 1 Russia
Rating: 7.7 (3)
Games Played: 3
SM: 2
Turns: 26
Type: Custom
First Side: Germany
Second Side: Russia
Downloads: 224
Notes: Thanks to Ed (richie61) for advice and play testing.\\Plays best with the X Mod from keif149. Available from keif149 at The Blitz Wargaming Club.\Intended for Human VS Human. Then as German VS Russian AI.\\\Special Victory Conditions!: Points do not matter, objectives do. The player that controls the most objective victory hexes wins. Only levels of victory are: Major Defeat, Draw, Major Victory.\\Custom map by keif149\It is my intention to bring this ASL scenario to light in the Squad Battles engine. It has not been altered for pbem balance nor fact checked for historical accuracy, It is intended to feel as if you were playing an Advanced Squad Leader Scenario.\\This scenario uses the ASL snowdrift rules. I have substituted SBs dunes for snowdrifts. I have hand painted the dunes to match the snow maps from JT.I also painted the walls and hedges for snow. If anyone would like the painted graphics, they may contact me through the Blitz. I also have an ongoing WIP snow terrain for use with snow maps. These should be loaded either with Jones Mod Swapper or by backing up your stock files. The complete snow graphics are available from me if I am contacted through the Blitz. Obviously available to Club Members only.\\\Near Olshowatka, 5 February 1943: During the last days of the German defense of Kharkov, the SS Panzer Division 2 (Das Reich) was involved in actions against elements of the Soviet Sixth Army. During the night of 4 February, SS Panzer Regiment 2 was ordered to take the village of Olshowatka. The attack foundered after the loss of several panzers in the village. At the rallying point, Panzer 221, commander by Rottenfuhrer Ernst Barkmann, was commandeered by the platoon sergeant. Panzer 221 lead a group back to the village to aide in the recovery of the damaged vehicles. On the way into the village, Panzer 221 lost its way in the dark and was separated from the rest of the platoon. When the panzer got stuck in a deep snowdrift on the outskirts of the village, the platoon sergeant continued ahead on foot, leaving Barkmann in charge. The next morning, Barkmann and his crew-still on guard in Panzer 221-noticed Russian infantry and horse-drawn guns moving forward through the buildings. Fortunately for Barkmann, he heard sounds of his own comrades approaching from the rear.\\\\Aftermath: At the same time the Russians were moving forward, SS infantry and horse-drawn AT guns were advancing in an attempt to relieve Panzer 221 and to take the village. In addition, the German Panzer Abteilung commander, Sturmbannfuhrer von Reitzenstein, sent units of Kompanie 5 to the rescue. Barkmann’s panzer came under heavy fire from the Soviet guns which had been pushed forward into the buildings at the east edge of the village. Although Panzer 221 held off the attacking Soviet infantry, the guns were able to penetrate the Panzer IV’s armor. Barkmann and the rest of his crew bailed out just as the relieving force arrived on the scene. It would not be the last time Barkmann would survive a close call, as later events in Russia, Normandy, the Ardennes, and Austria would show.
Player Voting Stats
Member Balance Enjoyment
keif149's Profilekeif149 Slightly Pro Russia 6
keif149's Profilekeif149 Slightly Pro Russia 6
Richie61's ProfileRichie61 Slightly Pro Russia 10
Gaming Records
1st Side Player 2nd Side Player Result Score
Germany Laza's Profile Laza vs. Landser34 Landser34's Profile Russia Germany Major Victory 16 2
Russia keif149's Profile keif149 vs. Richie61 Richie61's Profile Germany Russia Major Victory 16 2
Germany keif149's Profile keif149 vs. Richie61 Richie61's Profile Russia Draw 8 8
General of the Army
Richie61 Tue Sep 29, 2015 2:19 am
I rated it high for it's challenge factor.
We played it twice. As the Germans I thought I had a great plan and it was going well. Well till I couldn't get the Soviet armor put to bed.

This is a FUN scenario!
"Ideals are peaceful. History is violent."