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001c_XME_NA "Get Going"! - Red Victory

001c_XME_NA "Get Going"! Image
Squad Battles Ladder

001c_XME_NA "Get Going"!

By keif149
Australia 4 - 0 - 2 Germany
Rating: 4.5 (2)
Games Played: 6
SM: 3
Turns: 20
Type: Custom
First Side: Australia
Second Side: Germany
Downloads: 370
NOTE: This scenario requires the XME_NA mod by keif149. It will not play on your stock Red Victory game. To get the mod, contact me, keif149, at the Blitz War Gaming Club or through this web page: http://keif149.wix.com/squad-battles-x-mod.\\\This is a conversion of the ASL scenario AKo2. Original designer, Jean-Pierre Bruneel and Pedro Ramis.\\This is my concept of the ASL scenario converted to the SBs format. It has not been modified or enhanced for pbem balance or historical accuracy.\\\\Semi Historical\\20 turns.\\Best played as pbem.\\\Solo best as Germans\\\Er Regima Pass, near Benghazi. 4 April, 1941\\At midday, Rommel drove to Benghazi which had fallen in to German hands. The 3rd Aufklarung Battalion has to reach Mechili via the road of Er Regima, through the escarpment pass. The 62 mile long escarpment was defended by the 9th Australian Division. Elements of the 3rd Aufklarung Battalion, reinforced by tanks of the 5th Panzer Regiment of the 5th Leichte Division took the airfield of Benina. The first attack was repulsed by the howitzers of the 51st Field regiment. But the German infantry bailed out of their trucks and attacked the pass. By misfortune, the prepared demolitions of the pass were fired too early. The concussion exploded a near by mine field, and the left wing of the defenses fell away. At the sound of the explosion, the 20th Anti Tank Company with drew following orders.\\\Aftermath: One of the 18pdr guns knocked out the lead tank but was destroyed by another German tank. The three other guns suffered the same fate after they destroyed a second Panzer. The tanks approached the anti-tank ditch, which was constructed by the Italian Army during Operation Compass, to protect the eastern approach of Benghazi. The sangars were under HE and heavy MG fire. Sgt. Simmons’s platoon had to with draw to the anti-tank ditch with casualties. The Australian’s positions were gradually encircled. The A Company, kept in reserve, moved to Er Regima to protect the 2/13th HQ and to protect the position behind D Company. The 51st Field regiment fired 17 rounds before departing. The Australians counter attacked the Germans, but more than a enemy company emerged from a wadi on the right. While being completely surrounded, they organized a bayonet charge. The night fell on a ferocious battle.
Player Voting Stats
Member Balance Enjoyment
keif149's Profilekeif149 Totally Pro Australia 5
Richie61's ProfileRichie61 Moderately Pro Australia 10
General of the Army
keif149 Frid Nov 28, 2014 7:38 am
Played 4 games against Richie61.
General of the Army
Richie61 Frid Jan 16, 2015 9:01 pm
Can be won as the Germans if played right :)
"Ideals are peaceful. History is violent."