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0515_01_Stonne_Alt (H2H Approved) - PzC 12 France '40

0515_01_Stonne_Alt (H2H Approved) Image
Tiller Operational Campaigns Ladder

0515_01_Stonne_Alt (H2H Approved)

By David Guégan (edited: Williams)
Germany 3 - 0 - 1 Allies
H2H Approaved
Rating: 8.8 (2)
Games Played: 4
SM: 1
Turns: 18
Type: Custom
First Side: Germany
Second Side: Allies
Stonne, France, 15th May 1940: After the failure of the counterattack of May 14th with some infantry the French HQ is preparing for another attack. Stonne, a small French village near Sedan, will be the "Verdun" of 1940 for those French and Germans who fought here. During this day the village will change hand several times. For the French it was the starting point of their counterattack that was supposed to plug the hole created by Guderian at Sedan. On the German side, the position has to be taken by the Grossdeutschland Regiment. They must guard the flank of the Panzer Gruppe v. Kleist which is moving west. The 10. Panzer Division will come to their support. [Size small] Editor's note: This scenario has been heavily edited based on the following sources: "Blitzkrieg à l’Ouest, Mai-Juin 40" (Jean-Paul Pallud), "Fallait-il sauver le char Bayard ?" (René Boly), "L'Arme Blindée Française (volume 1) : Mai-juin 1940 ! Les blindés français dans la tourmente" (Gérard Saint-Martin), la campagne de l'Ouest de 1940" (Karl-Heinz Frieser), "l'artillerie de la 3e DIM du 14 mai au 7 juin 1940 au sud de Sedan dans la bataille de Stonne" (Musée de l'Artillerie), "Le mythe de la guerre-éclair - la campagne de l'Ouest de 1940" (Karl-Heinz Frieser), "Les combats du Mont-Dieu - Mai 1940" (Gérard Giuliano), Testimonies of various veterans including several from the 41e BCC which were used in the book by René Boly, War diary of the 41e BCC. This scenario has been approved at H2H Productions.
Player Voting Stats
Member Balance Enjoyment
Dog Soldier's ProfileDog Soldier Well Balanced 8
burroughs's Profileburroughs Slightly Pro Germany 9
Dog Soldier
A hard battle to model well at the PzC operational level.
More suited to a tactical level game engine.
Fast is fine, but accuracy is everything.

- Wyatt Earp
A great start with the title, it could have only be better if the Allies had won instead of yielding historically.