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#04a Bridgehead on the Northern Donets-Alternative_Alt - PzC 03 Kharkov '42

#04a Bridgehead on the Northern Donets-Alternative_Alt Image
Tiller Operational Campaigns Ladder

#04a Bridgehead on the Northern Donets-Alternative_Alt

By John Tiller (editred by VM)
Russia 1 - 0 - 0 Germany
Rating: 0 (0)
Games Played: 1
SM: 1
Turns: 6
Type: Custom
First Side: Russia
Second Side: Germany
Staryy Saltov, 30km ENE of Kharkov, May 12th, 1942: The Russian Kharkov offensive in the Spring of 1942 consisted of two parts: a northern thrust and a southern thrust. This scenario depicts the northern thrust, which saw the 28th and 38th Armies attack to the north of Kharkov. The attack began on May 12th with infantry divisions augmented by tank brigades hitting the thin German defenses on a ridge overlooking the town of Starry Saltov. By the end of the first day, the Russian forces would advance 10km and stretch the German defenses to the breaking point. This alternative version of scenario #04 has a Soviet advantage using early release of forces in the area. [1000 sq Km - 7 Turns]
Gaming Records
1st Side Player 2nd Side Player Result Score
Germany smurf309's Profile smurf309 vs. Landser34 Landser34's Profile Russia Germany Major Loss 2 18