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#410417_01av Tobruk - April 17, Italian Probes - North Africa 1941

#410417_01av Tobruk - April 17, Italian Probes Image
Panzer Battles Ladder

#410417_01av Tobruk - April 17, Italian Probes

By David Freer
Axis (NA41) 0 - 0 - 0 Allied (NA41)
Rating: 0 (0)
Games Played: 0
SM: 1
Turns: 10
Type: Stock
First Side: Axis (NA41)
Second Side: Allied (NA41)
variable objective victory points) With the failure of the German Easter attacks, Rommel decided to use the newly arrived Italian units from the Ariete and Trento divisions to continue to try and dislodge the Tobruk defenders. The south western defenses of the fortress presented an opportunity to clear the high ground around Point 209 and oversee the Allied positions all the way to the Via Balbia. The Italians lifted the minefields in the R1 - R3 sector allowing their armour to quickly penetrate the Australian defenses. Rommel hoped this would allow the following infantry to break up onto the Allied held heights, clearing them for the Germans expected in the area in the next few days.