Batratskaia Dacha, east of Kharkov: July 7th, 1943. (Scenario Size: Division. Head to Head or German Human vs Soviet AI) 7th Panzer Division had given Oberstleutenant Adalbert Schultz's 25th Panzer Regiment a difficult task. They were to push through the forest west of Batratskaia Dacha and capture both the village and the surrounding hills. It was hoped that by employing the Panzers from this unexpected direction the Soviet defences would be caught off guard. Further south the Aufklarüngs (Reconnaissance) battalion would try and flank the village with assistance from units of the 106th Infanterie Division. Though tasked to push further north, units from the 7th Panzer Grenadier Regiment maybe available to assist later in the day. The 73rd Guards Rifle Division has been holding these secondary positions for two days and the battle has finally come to them.