Genki, 15 km's North of Belgorod: July 5th, 1943. (Scenario Size: Battalion. German Human vs Soviet AI or Head to Head) SS-Sturmbannführer Ernst Häussler had led his II Battalion, Regiment Totenkopf though the initial Russian defences. Reaching the Belgorod - Prokhorovka highway, Häussler had a unique opportunity to unhinge the whole of 375th Rifle Divisions defences. Success here could significantly help 6th Panzer Division's attempts to cross the Northern Donets River further south. The importance of the road was not lost on the Soviet Command and they had placed Major General Viktor Grigorevich Lebedev's 96th Tank Brigade in a position to counter any breakthrough. Hill 225.9 overlooked the highway and was the key to any further advance. Unfortunately for Häussler, Lebedev's men reached the heights first.