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B&T Izyium Diet Plan - Combat Mission: Barbarossa to Berlin

B&T Izyium Diet Plan Image
Combat Mission Ladder

B&T Izyium Diet Plan

By Jeff Weatherspoon
USSR 43 - 31 - 30 Heer
Rating: 8.75 (72)
Games Played: 104
SM: 3
Turns: 28
Type: Custom
First Side: USSR
Second Side: Heer
Downloads: 238
42-05-16 Meeting engagment between the 3rd Panzer and the 13th Gaurd on the road to Izlum
Player Voting Stats
Member Balance Enjoyment
RedDevil's ProfileRedDevil Well Balanced 10
Sunray's ProfileSunray Well Balanced 8
Seydlitz(FGM)'s ProfileSeydlitz(FGM) Well Balanced 8
Sunray's ProfileSunray Slightly Pro Heer 10
Nort's ProfileNort Well Balanced 7
Gaming Records
1st Side Player 2nd Side Player Result Score
Heer Weasel's Profile Weasel vs. Antoni Chmielowski Antoni Chmielowski's Profile USSR Heer Major Victory 27 6
Heer kineas's Profile kineas vs. cargol cargol's Profile USSR Heer Minor Victory 21 12
USSR kineas's Profile kineas vs. cargol cargol's Profile Heer USSR Minor Loss 12 21
Heer Andre's Profile Andre vs. Jobu88 Jobu88's Profile USSR Heer Major Victory 27 6
USSR Ratzki's Profile Ratzki vs. captainkije captainkije's Profile Heer USSR Minor Victory 21 12
This game went down to the last turn (31). Worth replaying.
This battle seemed to turn on a dime. All was going well, then I found myself scrambling just to stay alive. I found the battle a good challenge for the Russians.
Greg V. Hill
This scenario has great potential but is fatally flawed because the Soviet briefing tells you to attack up the hill on the enemy\'s side of the river which- I correctly deduced- would have likely gotten me slaughtered. My briefing said that if I couldn\'t achieve that, I should seize and hold the two bridges across the river. Had I attempted to do that, not only would I have likely failed to hold the bridges but would have left the flags on my side of the river vulnerable to panzer counterattack from the many covered points at which they may ford the river. Contrary to the briefing, I knew my priority (for winning on points) was to hang onto the flags. So, the objective flags don\'t align with the briefing objectives. This could be a very much better scenario if the flags are placed on the two bridges. Then the reasonably well-balanced sides would be forced into a battle to acquire and hang onto the bridges. If this is fixed (a simple fix) this could be a very good scenario. ~Greg Hill
Greg V. Hill
This scenario has great potential but is fatally flawed because the Soviet briefing tells you to attack up the hill on the enemy\'s side of the river which- I correctly deduced- would have gotten me slaughtered. My briefing said that if I couldn\'t achieve that, I should seize and hold the two bridges across the river. Had I attempted to do that, not only would I have most probably failed to hold the bridges but I would have been leaving the flags on my side of the river vulnerable to panzer counterattack from the many covered points at which the Germans may ford the river. Contrary to the briefing, I knew my priority (for winning on points) was to hang onto the flags. So, the objective flags don\'t align with the briefing objectives. This could be a very much better scenario if the flags are placed on the two bridges. Then the reasonably well-balanced sides would be forced into a battle to acquire and hang onto the bridges. If this is fixed, (a simple fix) this could be a very good scenario.
Greg V. Hill
This scenario has great potential but is fatally flawed because the Soviet briefing tells you to attack up the hill on the enemy\'s side of the river which- I correctly deduced- would have gotten me slaughtered. My briefing said that if I couldn\'t achieve that, I should seize and hold the two bridges across the river. Had I attempted to do that, not only would I most probably failed to hold the bridges but I would have been leaving the flags on my side of the river vulnerable to panzer counterattack from the many covered points at which they Germans may ford the river. Contrary to the briefing, I knew my priority (for winning on points) was to hang onto the flags. So, the objective flags don\'t align with the briefing objectives. This could be a very much better scenario if the flags are placed on the two bridges. Then the reasonably well-balanced sides would be forced into a battle to acquire and hang onto the bridges. If this is fixed (a simple fix) this could be a very good scenario. ~Greg Hill