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HSG -The Polar Bear Butchers - Combat Mission: Afrika Korps

HSG -The Polar Bear Butchers Image
Combat Mission Ladder

HSG -The Polar Bear Butchers

By Mad Russian
Allies 1 - 0 - 1 Germany
Rating: 9.4 (1)
Games Played: 2
SM: 3
Turns: 20
Type: Custom
First Side: Allies
Second Side: Germany
Downloads: 188
25 June 1944, Rauray Spur near Saint Manvieu, France The British were getting ready to push to the south. They were determined to capture Caen. The operation to get the city and move the Germans back away from the beaches was called Epsom. The operation was to start on the 25th of June and had capturing Rauray Spur and the crossing of the Odon and Orne rivers as the objectives. This would flank Caen and allow it to be taken from the flanks and rear. The Germans defending the area was the 12th SS Panzer Grenadier Division. Known as the Hitler Jungend or Hitler Youth. The fighting was so fierce during this battle that the 49th Infantry Division earned the nickname of The Polar Butcher Bears. Can you capture Rauray Spur? We'll soon see won't we?
Player Voting Stats
Member Balance Enjoyment
falco's Profilefalco Well Balanced 8
Gaming Records
1st Side Player 2nd Side Player Result Score
Allies raz_atoth's Profile raz_atoth vs. falco falco's Profile Germany Allies Minor Victory 21 12
Allies Blitz Shadow Player's Profile Blitz Shadow Player vs. Antoni Chmielowski Antoni Chmielowski's Profile Germany Allies Major Loss 6 27