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HSG a Polish Finish - Combat Mission: Afrika Korps

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Combat Mission Ladder

HSG a Polish Finish

By Mad Russian
Polish 2 - 0 - 1 Germany
Rating: 8.2 (3)
Games Played: 3
SM: 5
Turns: 30
Type: Custom
First Side: Polish
Second Side: Germany
Downloads: 173

Date: 20 August 1944 Chambois, France The 1st Polish Armored Division was given the task of closing the Falaise Gap. They were to meet the American force driving north to meet them. The German 21st Panzer Division was holding the small village of Chambois. The battered elements of the 125th Panzer Grenadier Regiment were holding the small village of Chambois and the hamlet of Fey just to the west. From the south, the American 90th Infantry Division, is driving towards the 1st Polish Armored Division. Here, in this small village, the 1st Polish Armored Division finished what the Allies had set out to do on June 6th, namely the defeat of the German Army in France. Once the jaws of the pocket came closed, the Battle for France was over, and the Battle for Germany, had begun. Now, it would be a race to the see who could get to the Siegfried Line first.

Author Comments

This is a Normandy series scenario. The Normandy series covers from D-Day through the breakout. This scenario is designed for multiple player. Either for 2 or 3 player. The 3 player game is outsanding!!
Player Voting Stats
Member Balance Enjoyment
Unknown's ProfileUnknown Slightly Pro Polish 6
raz_atoth's Profileraz_atoth Slightly Pro Polish 9
Victor Charlie's ProfileVictor Charlie Well Balanced 7
Gaming Records
1st Side Player 2nd Side Player Result Score
Polish ssn651's Profile ssn651 vs. Victor Charlie Victor Charlie's Profile Germany Polish Tactical Loss 15 40
Polish raz_atoth's Profile raz_atoth vs. Full Monty Full Monty's Profile Germany Polish Major Victory 45 10
Polish Blitz Shadow Player's Profile Blitz Shadow Player vs. Antoni Chmielowski Antoni Chmielowski's Profile Germany Polish Major Victory 45 10