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Combat Mission: Fortress Italy Scenarios

Scenario Rating Games arrow_up.png Wins % SM Turns H2H
(J) Quick Battle-Battle Size:Huge 7(1) 7 14-0-86 10 10 -
Catch A tiger 7.53(9) 7 71-0-14 3 45 -
Palma di Montechiaro 6.62(6) 7 86-0-14 6 90 -
Cesaro, Sicily H2H 9.11(8) 7 14-29-57 10 90 -
R2V Mort aux Cons 7.59(10) 8 88-0-13 7 100 -
R2V Riva Ridge 8.18(11) 8 25-38-38 6 70 -
Smoke 'em if you got 'em 8.17(6) 8 63-0-38 8 120 -
Lemon Hill 8.09(8) 8 38-13-50 4 60 -
FUBAR Village 7.62(9) 8 88-0-13 7 45 -
Casa Nostra 6.81(9) 8 75-0-25 3 40 -
Biazzo Ridge 8.41(8) 8 25-13-63 9 180 -
Bearclaws 6.68(6) 8 75-0-25 6 45 -
The Keep of Majella 8.7(3) 8 50-13-13 8 90 -
R2V February Thaw 9.13(12) 9 56-0-44 7 90 -
GL Men With Suspicious Hats 5.43(8) 9 89-11-0 7 90 -
GL King Ludwig 6.39(7) 9 22-22-56 7 110 Yes
TWC Right Hook at Valguarnera 7.5(8) 9 0-22-78 7 45 -
The Battle for Borgo Cascino final 6.06(8) 10 60-0-40 4 75 -
R2V Casili Road 7.85(13) 11 45-9-45 6 60 -
Veni Vidi Vici 7.12(12) 11 27-18-55 8 75 -