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Campaign Series Middle East - 2.30 UPDATE
09-29-2023, 03:16 AM,
RE: Campaign Series Middle East - 2.30 UPDATE
Campaign Series Middle East: We are attacking the positions at Umm Katef in 1967. It's a night scenario, the whole thing, which makes this battle quite interesting. I have a good idea where the defences are but I have no idea what they consist of and holy, trying to advance and clear these positions is leaving opportunity for a bunch of valuable lessons. I made it to about half way through the scenario, the first battalion taking heavy casualties in its assaults. But, there is progress.

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10-06-2023, 12:19 AM,
RE: Campaign Series Middle East - 2.30 UPDATE
Campaign Series Middle East: Back into Lebanon we go! There have been some excellent small unit tactics on display in this session of the scenario. I showed the importance of utilizing all your weapons platforms, in conjunction with artillery, especially as it pertains to assaulting defended and dug in positions. Unfortunately, I had forgotten the amount of anti-aircraft and types - SA-7's included - and had suffered some pretty horrendous helicopter losses. Ah well, can't win them all!

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10-12-2023, 04:49 PM,
RE: Campaign Series Middle East - 2.30 UPDATE
The last few turns were full of small tactical engagements. Overwhelming the Syrians and PLO troops along the coast brought the overwhelming victory. Battle in the hills with small contingents of troops turned out to be the most fun in this scenario as it was always interesting to see what the best force mix would be ideal in various situations. There are lots of valuable lessons in this session.

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10-19-2023, 04:32 PM,
RE: Campaign Series Middle East - 2.30 UPDATE
Here we go, advancing along the Suez Canal with a goal of defeating a large Egyptian force. Fortunately, we have a lot of parachutists in mechanized vehicles with plenty of supporting units including tanks and artillery. There are a lot of reinforcements on the way. The advance has been steading with some basic tactical lessons on combined ground arms and using them efficiently. The desert is a wonderful place for armour.

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10-26-2023, 04:41 PM,
RE: Campaign Series Middle East - 2.30 UPDATE
There is a lot of in your face combat in this session. Attacks all along the front. I have received a tank brigade as reinforcements and have decided what to do with them. Muhahaha. I also had to make a map edit, which I did live, in case you need to see how to do it! Most importantly, I provided some advice on how to assault defended positions with a mechanized force, even with the infantry still loaded!

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11-03-2023, 12:26 AM,
RE: Campaign Series Middle East - 2.30 UPDATE
I ran into an Sagger ambush. What a mess. So many burning tanks and direct firing at the Sagger yielded very little results. I had to dig them out with infantry and artillery. Alas, the tanks were taking hits the entire time. The eastern approaches are moving, albeit slowly. Lots of intense and in your face action in this scenario, but it is an absolute hoot!

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11-10-2023, 12:42 AM,
RE: Campaign Series Middle East - 2.30 UPDATE
A fun session today. Lots of combat, well, it was all combat. But I've successfully managed to make a few bridgeheads! We went in detail on attacking and assaulting Egyptian positions. I explain when to use tanks in an assault and when not to. Lots of valuable tidbits throughout! I do wish I had some more heavy artillery though!

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11-16-2023, 06:04 PM,
RE: Campaign Series Middle East - 2.30 UPDATE
The canal front is a slow slog, but the western highway is going very smoothly. It seems that the Egyptian infantry had abandoned its APC's and head south along the canal. This has allowed the western brigade to advance relatively well, with the exception of a few minor ambushes. The canal zone, on the other hand, well that's a scrap and a half - but, I'm making progress. And then, night fell! What a surprise! I did find that I do have some SS-11 halftracks and some jeeps carrying Cobra's. I will see if I can put them to good use. Exciting times indeed!

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11-23-2023, 04:26 PM,
RE: Campaign Series Middle East - 2.30 UPDATE
With night time, the battles are far slower. All the firing effects are reduced significantly and the movement is slowed to a crawl for vehicles. That being the case, there's some good advancing towards the final objectives. I think I have broken through most of the defences, although I see the legacy AI trying to reinforce the areas that are lost. I ask a pretty important question and would like your feed back around the 11 minute mark, if you don't watch the rest of it, please take a moment to chime in on the question!

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12-01-2023, 01:25 AM,
RE: Campaign Series Middle East - 2.30 UPDATE
Campaign Series Middle East: The advance continues quite efficiently and we're making excellent progress into the outer limits of the city. I ran into a massive artillery area, suffered some tank losses during my assaults, but the air strikes and additional infantry turned the tide. As my tanks advance into the city, I'm realizing I cannot do this without infantry support. Tanks assaulting alone just isn't going to cut it and is generally futile in an urban environment.

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