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Suez Campaign (LCG) - AAR
07-12-2016, 01:59 AM,
RE: Suez Campaign (LCG) - AAR
Scenario 02, Turn 10

I have lost a couple of Sho'T Kal's. Mostly in the south. Although I have managed to take and hold the central 100 Victory Point location.

[Image: SuezLCG_Scen02_Turn10_001.PNG]

Here are the losses. I have lost 7 Sho't Kal's so far in this scenario. Nearly two platoons worth. On the brightside, I have taken out 19 T-55's plus a significant amount of infantry.

[Image: SuezLCG_Scen02_Turn10_002.PNG]

Checking the Victory status, I find I am at a Minor Victory.

[Image: SuezLCG_Scen02_Turn10_003.PNG]

Here are the final positions for turn 10 in the central sector.

[Image: SuezLCG_Scen02_Turn10_004.PNG]
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07-12-2016, 02:07 AM,
RE: Suez Campaign (LCG) - AAR
Scenario 02, Turn 11

HAL has decided to be rather aggressive and send a platoon of T-55's into my rear along the rail. Fortunately, the T-55 didn't have enough Action Points to destroy my supporting mortars.

[Image: SuezLCG_Scen02_Turn11_001.PNG]
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07-12-2016, 02:15 AM,
RE: Suez Campaign (LCG) - AAR
Scenario 02, Turn 12

The final turn.

While I have been slowly creeping back with the tanks of my battalion, I have still managed to secure the 100 Victory Point location in the center although I did lose another Sho't Kal in the process.

[Image: SuezLCG_Scen02_Turn12_001.PNG]

Here is the central position being held by a Sho't Kal company.

[Image: SuezLCG_Scen02_Turn12_002.PNG]

During the course of the last couple turns, you can see I have managed to eliminate a number of Egyptians, in particular eight T-55's found a better home.

[Image: SuezLCG_Scen02_Turn12_003.PNG]

I held onto my Minor Victory for the scenario, although I was just shy of a Major by 4 points.

[Image: SuezLCG_Scen02_Turn12_004.PNG]
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07-12-2016, 02:42 AM,
RE: Suez Campaign (LCG) - AAR
Scenario 03, Preliminary

Before I jump into the third scenario of the campaign, let me review my battalion. The first company took a beating, losing five Sho't Kal's. The second company lost one and the third companies lost two. My infantry forces were unscathed as they didn't participate in the battle.

[Image: SuezLCG_Scen03_Turn00_001.PNG]

[Image: SuezLCG_Scen03_Turn00_002.PNG]

Fortunately, I was given a number of reinforcements so I could nearly bring my platoons up to full strength. OF course, this does negatively affect my morale at the start of the scenario for those platoons.

[Image: SuezLCG_Scen03_Turn00_003.PNG]

And here is the mission for the third scenario. Looks like I am going to attempt a counterattack against one of the Egyptian Bridgeheads.

[Image: SuezLCG_Scen03_Turn00_004.PNG]
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07-12-2016, 02:50 AM,
RE: Suez Campaign (LCG) - AAR
Scenario 03, Turn 1

Here is the overall battle area. You can see the canal in the west and that is where the majority of the Victory Point locations are. By the looks of it, I have additional forces with me that are not my core force. My core battalion is highlighted in green.

[Image: SuezLCG_Scen03_Turn01_001.PNG]

I have been given some artillery support in the form of self propelled 155mm howitzers. They have a decent range and will be good for supporting my assaults against infantry

[Image: SuezLCG_Scen03_Turn01_002.PNG]

Here is the situation at the end of Turn 3. I have decieded to combine all my forces and attack along one axis, the northern hard surfaced road. As you can see, I am bringing up the non-core forces and they will lead the advance for me, saving losses against my core force.

[Image: SuezLCG_Scen03_Turn01_003.PNG]

Here is a zoomed in view of my core force. Most are waiting patiently for the non-core forces to pass although I have sent a company forward to see what is ahead.

[Image: SuezLCG_Scen03_Turn01_004.PNG]

And a 3D view of the above.

[Image: SuezLCG_Scen03_Turn01_005.PNG]
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07-17-2016, 03:39 AM,
RE: Suez Campaign (LCG) - AAR
Scenario 03, Turn 2

The advance continues. So far I have not run into any contact, although the Egyptians know I am coming and have lobbed some artillery my way. Here is the overview of the advance.

[Image: SuezLCG_Scen03_Turn02_001.PNG]

Same view, but zoomed in. The green highlighted units are my core battalion. I am slowly advancing the non-core units to the front althoguh I still have a tank company in the lead.

[Image: SuezLCG_Scen03_Turn02_002.PNG]

Here is what I mean by the Egyptians plotting artillery on my advance. Fortunately, there were no losses.

[Image: SuezLCG_Scen03_Turn02_003.PNG]
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07-17-2016, 03:46 AM,
RE: Suez Campaign (LCG) - AAR
Scenario 03, Turn 3

I'm still organizing my forces for an eventual advance into the jaws of the Egyptians. You can see my column is spread out as much as I can and still be offensive in an effort to reduce any losses to the artillery that continues to rain down on my advance.

[Image: SuezLCG_Scen03_Turn03_001.PNG]

Here is a 3D view of the above. This shows a non-core infantry company joining a couple of Sho'T Kal companies as they are ready to advance. I have brought up some infantry to help look for any AT-3 Sagger teams hiding in the dunes. You can also see my artillery support has been brought up quite close (to the right of the Spontani Road label) to the front for maximum effect.

[Image: SuezLCG_Scen03_Turn03_002.PNG]
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07-21-2016, 09:24 AM,
RE: Suez Campaign (LCG) - AAR
Scenario 03, Turn 4

I suspect I am getting close to where the Egyptian frontline is, so I will be creeping forward a hex or two at a time until I can break into the rear. Here is the situation at the start of the turn.

[Image: SuezLCG_Scen03_Turn04_001.PNG]

As mentioned, I advanced slowly, leading with infantry to hopefully spot the Egyptians in the dunes. I have plotted artillery for next turn at suspected positions.

[Image: SuezLCG_Scen03_Turn04_002.PNG]

The 2D overview of the situation. The highlighted units are my Core battalion.

[Image: SuezLCG_Scen03_Turn04_003.PNG]

As suspected, the non-core infantry has taken some initial fire from the Eygptians positions, causing a reduction and retreat.

[Image: SuezLCG_Scen03_Turn04_004.PNG]

The Egyptian fire continues and continues to disrupt the infantry probe.

[Image: SuezLCG_Scen03_Turn04_005.PNG]

A Sho't Kal is destroyed by a missile. The Sagger team is still hidden.

[Image: SuezLCG_Scen03_Turn04_006.PNG]
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07-31-2016, 03:47 AM,
RE: Suez Campaign (LCG) - AAR
Scenario 03, Turn 6

Here is the starting positions for Turn 6. I'll start advancing towards the entrenched positions, albiet it will be slow and tedious as the soft sand that flanks the road will make advancing slow.

[Image: SuezLCG_Scen03_Turn06_001.PNG]

After a lot of direct fire on Egyptians I could see, I caused a few casualities and advanced a whopping 250 metres.

[Image: SuezLCG_Scen03_Turn06_002.PNG]

Here is a 3D view of the final positions. Once I get through this line of entrenchments, it should be fairly quick to advance to the canal positions.

[Image: SuezLCG_Scen03_Turn06_003.PNG]

During the Egyptian turn, the artillery scored a lucky hit and disabled one of my Sho't Kal's.

[Image: SuezLCG_Scen03_Turn06_004.PNG]
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08-08-2016, 09:27 AM,
RE: Suez Campaign (LCG) - AAR
Scenario 03, Turn 7

Here is the end of Turn 7. I am advancing very slowly as I am focusing on causing as many casualties as I can before my mad dash towards the canal. So far, the tactic seem to be working, especially as my Sho't Kal's have effective long range fire.

[Image: SuezLCG_Scen03_Turn07_001.PNG]

Here is a 3D view of the end positions.

[Image: SuezLCG_Scen03_Turn07_002.PNG]
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