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Eckmuhl 1.14 Update Is Out!
11-25-2012, 01:06 AM, (This post was last modified: 11-25-2012, 01:08 AM by Sgt_Rock.)
Eckmuhl 1.14 Update Is Out!
The testing of the latest (and for me, last) update to Campaign Eckmuhl is concluded and the update is ready for download from the HPS site. You can find the update at:


If you use alternate art packs you will need to re-apply them after you do the update.

I plan on issuing an unofficial "mod" for this game that will correct much of the problems with the artwork. It will use mostly stock graphics but will have some new images as well. Wagram's "mod" (not UPDATE which of course is already out) should be coming out soon. Keep your eyes on the SDC site and I also will put up a notice here when it comes out.

The Eckmuhl mod will have the Polish units added in and ONE scenario - the Battle of Raszyn. It was playtested and found to be balanced (though as per history the Austrians did run out of time ....). Folks are welcome to use the graphics and OB info to create other battles in the campaign if they like. I have no time to build a campaign file or additional scenarios. This is my way of providing the guys that like to build new scenarios with files that they can use.

I will provide a list of unit pic numbers for the scenarios designers to use in their OB files.

The update for Jena is just about done. I am having Warren Bajan look over the changes to the Austrian army names (Four Armies OB) and then I have to test the files to be sure that they work. ALL PDT files were converted from ver. 9 to ver. 13. Quite a lot of work actually ...

Austerlitz will not take much work at all to get out - I should have it up on my server for Rich and John to grab sometime this week along with the Jena update.

And that will conclude my participation in the updates for the HPS products. Should an error be found in the CURRENT update files of course I will provide corrections but I will not be adding in new files to the official updates nor making any scenario corrections from here on out. Any corrections to older material would have to be done by a third party.

Its been a blast building these games. Once I am done with the Nap series I will have put out EIGHT games and for me that was too much to ever have expected. I honestly thought that I was going to be a "two and out" designer for the series. Many folks dropped off along the way which provided me an opportunity to pick up other titles.

So two more to go for me and more fun for you guys! (and no, its not 1807 or Spain/Portugal) Thanks for your support and I look forward to locking horns in a battle with many of you guys in the future.
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11-25-2012, 01:12 AM,
RE: Eckmuhl 1.14 Update Is Out!
Thanks Bill Thank you2
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11-25-2012, 02:15 AM,
RE: Eckmuhl 1.14 Update Is Out!
Well done, sir.

Thanks for all the hard work!


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