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Question for the group
04-24-2009, 02:51 PM,
Question for the group
what do you think of adding a "slot" on the ladders that shows the date of the last scenario played? Ive noticed there are quite a few that havent recorded a scenario in over a year, sometimes two. When was the last sweep?
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04-24-2009, 07:22 PM,
RE: Question for the group
Why not use the ladder's tools that already exist?
The default setting is "All Time" but, you could set the ladder to read game reports in the "Last 12 months", "Last 6 months", or "Last 3 months".

Only the boot camp ladder is manually swept. Becoming inactive on the regular ladder is handled by the software. Though, there are plenty of members who remain on the regular CS ladder after their one year of inactivity.

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04-25-2009, 03:48 PM,
RE: Question for the group
THANK YOU so much RR, for your pompous reply! in my meager computer knowledge I dont mess with "default" settings, etc,, I barely know enough to understand the "latest results, latest bonuses"

am I wrong to remember a few years ago, there used to be posted messages about getting a scenerio in because "someone" was cleaning them out, if you didnt have a reported scenario in the past 12 months you were "put" on the inactive role? I dint realize it was a software issue
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04-25-2009, 08:40 PM,
RE: Question for the group
JRTXX Wrote:THANK YOU so much RR, for your pompous reply! in my meager computer knowledge I dont mess with "default" settings, etc,, I barely know enough to understand the "latest results, latest bonuses"


I did not read any malicious intent in Ed's posting. :)

You asked if there was a specific ladder view that displayed when scenarios were played. Ed answered your question and also explained how the software updated the listings.

And the drop down sort menus are prominently displayed at the top of the ladder table? :chin:
Regards, Mike / "A good plan violently executed now is better than a perfect plan executed next week." - George S. Patton /
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04-25-2009, 11:16 PM,
RE: Question for the group

Pronunciation: \ˈpäm-pəs\ Function: adjective Date: 15th century
1 : excessively elevated or ornate <pompous rhetoric> 2 : having or exhibiting self-importance : arrogant <a pompous politician> 3 : relating to or suggestive of pomp : magnificent — pomp·ous·ly adverb — pomp·ous·ness noun

Merriam-Webster Dictionary

Well I am lost as to how I was "pompous" in my reply. I am a computer illiterate myself otherwise I could have embedded a picture of the ladder page to show where the drop down menu for report sorting was located. :kill:Whip
Though I am sure that the "hidden few/non-combatants" may feel I was and they are getting itchy fingers that want to hit the forum's "report" button, I don't see why. :rolleyes::chin:

Thanks Mike for stepping in and clariying my original message. I hope that John was simply joking and the club's leadership will see it that way also? I think John may be confused, it is/was the Boot Camp Ladder that gets "cleaned out" periodically (which I said in my original so called "pompous" reply). If a new ladder member does not complete a game within three months of joining they are deleted from the boot camp ladder. :smoke:

C'est la vie!


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04-26-2009, 05:01 AM,
RE: Question for the group
JRTXX Wrote:THANK YOU so much RR, for your pompous reply! in my meager computer knowledge I dont mess with "default" settings, etc,, I barely know enough to understand the "latest results, latest bonuses"

John, please! Ed, tried to help. Why he deserved this? If you felt offended you should contacted moderators.

JRTXX Wrote:am I wrong to remember a few years ago, there used to be posted messages about getting a scenerio in because "someone" was cleaning them out, if you didnt have a reported scenario in the past 12 months you were "put" on the inactive role? I dint realize it was a software issue

It was always done automatically. My role was to send notification to the player that was put on "inactive status", that's why people might have posted about it. They were notified than wanted a game to get again on "active list"

That's all...


"We do not beg for Freedom, we fight for it!"

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04-26-2009, 11:35 AM,
RE: Question for the group
Being a sports official I learned a long time ago that some things need to to be responded to and some things don't........wise people will learn the difference...till then we are stuck with this crap on the message boards..............damn I am getting old :-)

"The secret to success is not just doing the things you enjoy but rather enjoying everything that you do."
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04-27-2009, 07:46 AM,
RE: Question for the group
must be old as me VE ? exactly my thoughts matey!
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04-27-2009, 09:36 AM,
RE: Question for the group
Von Earlmann Wrote:Being a sports official I learned a long time ago that some things need to to be responded to and some things don't........wise people will learn the difference...till then we are stuck with this crap on the message boards..............damn I am getting old :-)


Being pathetically unwise, I try not to let others improperly define me and then just leave it up for all to read. In that I will never learn.
I thought the moderators would have deleted or locked the thread.

"Others" are now "piling on". I guess it was good to just leave it be, eh? :chin:


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04-27-2009, 10:42 AM,
RE: Question for the group
This is quite entertaining. I was just trying to find a 'Storm in a teacup' emoticon but this one will have to do. :stir:
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