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Tiger-buying limits?
10-01-2008, 05:25 AM, (This post was last modified: 10-01-2008, 05:29 AM by PoorOldSpike.)
Tiger-buying limits?
I've just started a 2000-pt cmak QB M.E. under "buy what you like" params, but no sooner have we begun than my oppo's started complaining because I bought 4 Tigers and he says it's against Blitz club rules to buy so many Tigs.
That's news to me. Is he right?

PS- i've told him we're halting the game til it's sorted out.
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10-01-2008, 06:08 AM,
RE: Tiger-buying limits?
There are no such rules other than what you two discussed ahead of time - if he agreed to "unrestricted" parameters, you could have brought ten tigers. But the game is not "official" until the completing of the first turn, so he could refuse to play if the first turn wasn't completed, and there would be nothing you could do but drop the game.
"Most sorts of diversion in men, children, and other animals, are in imitation of fighting." - Jonathan Swift
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10-01-2008, 06:30 AM,
RE: Tiger-buying limits?
Der Kuenstler Wrote:There are no such rules..

Well that's sorted then..:)
And during our pre-game param discussion, no mention was made by either of us about restricting purchasing.
Dunno what he's worried about anyway, I've already told him he can buy all the Tigs he likes in the mirror..:)

PS- If he was a noob or less experienced than me I wouldn't have bought Tigs (just Pz IV-longs), but the guy's definitely not a noob, he's actually higher than me on the 12 month/ 10+ games/ ELO ladder so he should have known I'd be throwing everything at him because he's too dangerous to kid-glove with, and he can take that as a compliment..:)

"I have a high art, I hurt with cruelty those who would damage me."- Archilocus, 650 B.C.
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10-01-2008, 06:45 AM,
RE: Tiger-buying limits?
There has been past discussion on being alert to agreeing to QBs in years where one side may have a decided advantage, e.g. the introduction of Tigers in a year the Allies had no counter to which was what, '42 or '43. If it is a year where the Allies get Sherman Fireflies, 17 pdr AT guns, and/or T-34/85 and 57mm ATGs he shouldn't gripe too much.

Maybe that is what he is referring to - but it not a rule, just something to be aware of.

Personally, I don't care what they buy as it makes it more challenging - although I did have one young opponent who set parameters that I wasn't paying attention to - flat ground, no cover and he had Tigers v my T34/76s - I was destroyed in the first few turns but it was my fault. And, one opponent that was upset when I bought captured Panthers against his Germans - he quit - surprise was too much for him. I felt bad but shouldn't have.
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10-01-2008, 07:08 AM,
RE: Tiger-buying limits?
herroberst Wrote:There has been past discussion on being alert to agreeing to QBs in years where one side may have a decided advantage, e.g. the introduction of Tigers in a year the Allies had no counter to which was what, '42 or '43..

The game is Aug 44 Italy, so the Allies can have Sher 76's and 76mm M10's/ Wolverines, they're not renowned Tiger-killers but certainly pack enough of a wallop to make a Tig say "ouch that hurt!"
But it's all academic anyway because I offered him a mirror..;)
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10-01-2008, 07:22 AM,
RE: Tiger-buying limits?
herroberst Wrote:..I did have one young opponent who set parameters that I wasn't paying attention to...I was destroyed in the first few turns..

Happened to us all at one time or another mate, such as long ago when I failed to notice an oppo had set medium (or large?) hills for a city-fight, and when we began I was shocked because the city looked like San Francisco after an earthquake with the streets canted up at crazy angles, totally impassable for tanks and vehicles.
Heck he'd even snuck 'sewer movement' in there too!
I gritted my teeth and carried on and I think I lost..
The moral to us all?- Games can be won or lost at the parameter screen, so check and doublecheck them before you agree to start, otherwise there's nobody to blame but yourself if you come a cropper!!
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10-01-2008, 07:26 AM, (This post was last modified: 10-01-2008, 08:05 PM by Saint Ruth.)
RE: Tiger-buying limits?
There's the RedWolf armour rules and another set of armour rules restricting (but not banning) the number of certain tanks (can't remember what they were called).

It's not in the Blitz rules though.

Still, I do find it annoying when playing a 3000 pt QB and my opponent buys 8 tigers in July 1943...which are indestructable by any of the Russian kit...it means that I can't as Russian play anything except 44 and 45 (no early war as the German is fearful of the Russina picking KVs...no mid-war as I don't want to fight 8 Tigers with some T-34/76s).
Still, it's not against the rules. So if I don't like it, it's my problem, not my opponents...though I will have NEVER play my 8 tiger opponent again... :P
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10-01-2008, 07:38 AM,
RE: Tiger-buying limits?
Saint Ruth Wrote:..Still, I do find it annoying when playing a 3000 pt QB and my opponent buys 8 tigers in July 1943..

Yes, games are often not enjoyable if one side has super-duper tanks.
That's why you MUST discuss params/ purchase restrictions before the start, or else agree to a mirror..:)
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10-01-2008, 07:42 AM,
RE: Tiger-buying limits?
Saint Ruth Wrote:So if I don't like it, it's my problem, not my opponents...

SR - I think that is exactly the right attitude to have. I've had 4 crack tigers bought on me before and lost, but considered it my own fault for setting the parameters that way.

It is my responsiblility to give my units a fighting chance - and that includes the pre-game parameters. Heck - even after the parameters are set you can look at the initial setup map and if you don't like it you can back out before you do your first turn orders, so there is really no reason to get mad at anybody but yourself and your own lack of attention and preparation if you lose.

But I mostly play on the East Front so I'm kind of heartless like that. lol
"Most sorts of diversion in men, children, and other animals, are in imitation of fighting." - Jonathan Swift
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10-01-2008, 08:19 AM, (This post was last modified: 10-01-2008, 08:23 AM by PoorOldSpike.)
RE: Tiger-buying limits?
Der Kuenstler Wrote:..Heck - even after the parameters are set you can look at the initial setup map and if you don't like it you can back out before you do your first turn orders..

Good point, maps are another thing players should discuss beforehand, namely whether to use a computer-generated map or import a ready-made one.

Comp-gen ones might favour one side, but imported ones are tweaked to favour nobody by re-positioning flags, adding a road or two, etc.
AND more importantly both players can see imported ones before the start and decide whether to go with them.
The mirror will be played on the very same imported of course.

Personally I don't mind either type, in fact I think I prefer comp-gens because they're fresh, pure and natural, untweaked and not prettied up by human hand, even if they might not favour me.
But playing on a map that hates me just adds an extra challenge..:)

As for abandoning a game as soon as you receive the first file because you don't like the comp-gen map, I don't think anybody's ever wanted to do that with me, they usually just say "uh-oh, the map favours you but we'll carry on".
Likewise, I've never asked to abandon because I've not liked a map, we just carry on..:)
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