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JTCS v2.0 — Likes and Dislikes
02-24-2014, 04:15 AM,
RE: JTCS v2.0 — Likes and Dislikes
If you have a two-row toolbar, it's because your screen resolution is low, perhaps less than 1280x1024. In my tests, any screen resolution lower than that causes toolbar auto-wrap.

I can't control auto-wrap in such a way that, as screen resolution changes, the automatically redrawn toolbar is done in an aesthetically pleasing fashion. It is under Windows' control.

I am open to the idea of the game Status Bar always showing ammo, smoke, starshells (flares), etc., even if zero, and even if the scenario doesn't support (starshells/flares in a daytime scenario, for example).

One reason the toolbar icons are so small: We are anticipating new games in the series further down the road. Games with new weapons systems, games with new circumstances, and a game system evolving with new extensions and capabilities. This means even more icons added to the toolbar.

As you have witnessed, a two- (or even three-) row toolbar is unsightly. I researched the issue of the most popular screen resolutions. The vast majority of users have screen res of 1280x1024 and above. At 1280x1024, therefore visually larger icon size (even if no different in pixel width), the current toolbar nearly fills the horizontal toolbar space. At 1280x1024, there is no toolbar auto-wrap. If I had made the toolbar icons larger, at 1280x1024, there would be the unsightly toolbar auto-wrap. And the problem would get worse, as we release new games in the series requiring more and more toolbar icons.

Not speaking to you personally but everybody in general: There is a method to my madness. All of these matters were given much careful thought, this design is not arbitrary. There are many, many considerations that go beyond what you, in your particular situations, might perceive.

That said, we will in future releases be looking into offering players use of a toggle between the current toolbar icon size & number, and a new larger icon size toolbar, perhaps with fewer icons, but that is not likely -- the idea being to, in all cases, give three-way access to the most common game functions: toolbar, menu, hot key.

Sorry you have had issues with the toolbar. After a while, I expect that most players will adapt.

For those who can't adapt due to poor eyesight, where there's a will there's a way. Behind me just now is one of my test/debug systems, running Window 8.1. This being an older system (I bought a Windows 8 license and installed this system as dual boot Windows 7/Windows 8), it lacks Windows 8* compatible drivers. So, under Windows 8*, I am stuck with 1280x1024 resolution max. But you know what? In that mode, 2D mode is actually perfect, just the right size! And, the the toolbar icons are larger and quite legible. Because I like the idea of playing in 2D so much, I can actually anticipate playing for pleasure, in 2D, at 1280x1024 screen res, on this other system.

I know it's a hassle to switch your monitor to 1280x1024 each time you want to play the new JTCS 2.00. But you'll do it, if you can't bear the pain of the smallish icons. (Or you'll buy a larger monitor, if you can afford it. Or you'll return to playing 1.04. That is always an option, if a decreasingly good one for shared PBEM play. Or give up entirely, but we hope you won't do that.)
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02-24-2014, 08:18 AM,
RE: JTCS v2.0 — Likes and Dislikes
I am fairly happy with the new upgrade. I have not played many games with it but it looks nice. I don't like the small icons and the fact that it will not save all of system options. Smooth scroll and graphical unit icons always are selected whenever I open the program even though I always deselect them. They are minor but annoying problems which I assume will be fixed in later patches.

Thanks for all the work that has been put into this upgrade.
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02-24-2014, 12:18 PM,
RE: JTCS v2.0 — Likes and Dislikes
After thinking about it some more, concerning the smoke, starshell and human wave, where the little puff of smoke is now, make that the icon and the number next to it is already there, then the starshell icon and the number already there and any others like them on the row with the turn progress. I think it works two fold, 1) Everybody already knows where the smoke and stuff is at first glance and it opens space on the top row of icons to either be a little bigger or space for the other stuff might be added in the future.

Maximize works for as already when I first open the game, I get the three rows and maximize is the first thing that comes to mind.

Possible, maybe some of those icons don't need to be there like hex outlines, next and previous units and top and bottom, which really only serves 2D, IMO. There may be a couple more, just going off memory right now. If space is needed, these would be worth killing. Or maybe make a post with a list of the icons for people to click the ones they use and would use to guage any changes. I think that might be a big help for ya'll.

Two big pros I have noticed for me is the unit bases stay on even after I close the game and the other is setting the speed for axis and allied units instead of always having to click twice when opening a scenario. That speed thing was a great idea.

The new sounds rock!

I am definitely not going anywhere as the main part of playing in 3D zoom out and normal is still the same and the fact that an Israeli and Vietnam with some scenarios with the French are coming. Would there possibly be a ww3 on the horizon somewhere?
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02-24-2014, 01:54 PM,
RE: JTCS v2.0 — Likes and Dislikes
(02-24-2014, 12:18 PM)Outlaw Josey Wales Wrote: Would there possibly be a ww3 on the horizon somewhere?

Definitely on the horizon as the third release, as you'll notice that the USA/British/French are all Cold War ready.

Jason Petho
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02-24-2014, 04:23 PM,
RE: JTCS v2.0 — Likes and Dislikes
Two things I absolutely love:

The game runs in a window. Now I don't have to save to take a break.
The unit bases stay on. That used to make me crazy.

Two things I absolutely don't:

Tiny buttons on the bottom. I can't see them for crap...
The opfire button changed!
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02-24-2014, 07:53 PM,
RE: JTCS v2.0 — Likes and Dislikes
(02-24-2014, 12:18 PM)Outlaw Josey Wales Wrote: Possible, maybe some of those icons don't need to be there like hex outlines, next and previous units and top and bottom, which really only serves 2D, IMO. There may be a couple more, just going off memory right now. If space is needed, these would be worth killing. Or maybe make a post with a list of the icons for people to click the ones they use and would use to guage any changes. I think that might be a big help for ya'll.

I raised this issue in the public fora, and every toolbar icon was spoken for. There was no button that everybody agreed was useless, except perhaps for the A/I toggle. Which was removed, despite my having use for it.)

The buttons you mention. Others and I make use of them. And "which really only serves 2D"? Some of us prefer 2D (at least some of the time, and especially with a proposed larger zoom-in mode).

The issue of which toolbar buttons to retain -- the issue is settled. What's open for debate is whether to make toolbar buttons larger. The resolution: a larger toolbar will be offered as a toggled option, in future releases and future games.
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02-24-2014, 08:17 PM,
RE: JTCS v2.0 — Likes and Dislikes
(02-24-2014, 04:23 PM)Bolo Wrote: Two things I absolutely don't [love]:

Tiny buttons on the bottom. I can't see them for crap...
The opfire button changed!

First issue: Discussed elsewhere.

The second issue...

It's the price of progress.

We had need of a Disrupted hot key. Not everybody uses the Opportunity Fire Dialog, or not so much. But who wouldn't want to see easily all Disrupted units? Isn't Display > Highlight > Disrupted Units an even more valuable and often used function than summoning the Opportunity Fire Dialog?

So, highlight Disrupted is the top dog here.

D is the obvious hot key assignment for display Disrupted. Is there any other?

D as the traditional hot key for Opportunity Fire Dialog? Is that the only dialog in the game? At least the new Ctrl-P hot key is more mnemonic for Opportunity Fire than D, don't you think? (O was retained as the traditional hot key for Toggle display of Objectives.)

(Assigning the D hot key to highlight Disrupted also follows the principle of simple key presses for display functions. More convoluted key combos, like Ctrl-P, were reserved for functions that do or might have real impact beyond mere display changes.)

At the Matrix Forum (the official support site for the JTCS), we had raised the issue of hot keys as far back as last May. If anybody raised an objection to the hot key reassignment of Opportunity Fire, I don't recall it.

With many hundreds of active JTCS players, each with their own preferences and playing styles, it is impossible to achieve a 100% perfect consensus on hot key assignments. (Not to mention so many other game issues.) Unless the game stays frozen in time, there will be changes. Everybody will find something to dislike. We weren't too happy about the few hot key reassignments, and there were just a few; most traditional hot keys were retained. But at least the changes were not across the board, were just "at the edges". And all changes were given careful consideration.
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02-25-2014, 01:30 AM,
RE: JTCS v2.0 — Likes and Dislikes
Taken from the 1.03 update log

"East Front – German and Soviet Order of Battles revised for use with DCG’s. This is a work in progress, SS units, etc will be coming with future updates."

I am a little disappointed this commitment wasn't continued and expanded upon in the years since 1.03
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02-25-2014, 02:56 AM,
RE: JTCS v2.0 — Likes and Dislikes
Please be patient. Providing the 2.00 release before the Modern War series are released was a chance we jumped on, with an intention to provide the new technology base for MCS players already now. The content upgrade was and is always going to be the next 2.01/2.1 release.

Hopefully this is something that can be addressed in that release.
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02-25-2014, 02:57 AM,
RE: JTCS v2.0 — Likes and Dislikes
Just an idea, but, concerning the bottom icons...

Microsoft/Adobe products have multiple toolbar combinations that one can add to the default or make the default. One can choose the drawing toolbar, or the animation toolbar, etc.

If there is future thought given to an optional larger toolbar, then could that be switched to optional toolbars? A player could switch from the movement toolbar to the attack toolbar (artillery, op-fire, smoke, etc), to the organization toolbar, etc. Some toolbars would contain redundancies, next unit, for instance, found in several. Toolbars could be toggled on/off either through keystroke commands, or by hotlinks common to all toolbars. Clicking the "A" icon on any toolbar would switch to the attack toolbar, click the "O" icon, switch to the organization toolbar.

I know some web programming, and the hardest part would be the actual graphic creations, then the linking, but absolutely doable. Not sure about how difficult (time consuming) in the game design world.

Again, just a thought...Smile

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