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Korsun '44 question
12-20-2012, 06:10 AM,
Korsun '44 question
I am playing the campaign scenario -- as the Soviet commander -- versus the AI. The encircled German units are not yet isolated, although I have a solid ZOC line across the map (Zvenigorodka to Shpola and points east/west), as well as control of the two supply sources in the pocket. Do partisans count for occupation of supply sources? I know that the objective flag flipped when the partisans entered the adjacent hex, but I thought that holding the supply hex would isolate the encircled enemy units. Or is it a matter of time?
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12-20-2012, 12:22 PM,
RE: Korsun '44 question
Isolation should be immediately following your captured of both supply sources. However, you will have to keep them occupied or surrounded by ZOCs/units, unlike objectives. Not sure that helps explain it or not - feel free to send a save game to me at rickbancroft AT q dot com and I will look at it and see what explains the status.
[Image: exercise.png]
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12-20-2012, 02:35 PM,
RE: Korsun '44 question
Thanks, Ricky. I think that I have just taken the supply hexes, so I will check the status of the German units in the pocket next turn. The Cossack units are attacking the northern hex, but the defenders are hanging on, aided by air strikes.

I am playing this round just to get a feel for the map and the smaller details in the game. The A.I. is forming mega-stacks that are wonderful targets, but not good for much else. I've played many of the PZC titles in solo HTH mode, and it's been a lot of fun.
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12-20-2012, 07:56 PM,
RE: Korsun '44 question
David, stop beating about the bush, please, cut the training exercise short and start PBEMing with peoople - that's where the real challenge and fun is. For instance, I had deemed the Squad Battles an ambitious attempt at creating a tactical level wargame, but lacking depth thus dull and boring in some longer run - when I started fighting real people as filed commanders, it changed the situation and my approach totally.Fighting a human opponent / human opponents is where those games really shine. Try that and keepo the community alive. Did anybody say 'welcome to the Club" already? Rick? ...
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12-21-2012, 08:27 AM,
RE: Korsun '44 question
(12-20-2012, 02:35 PM)LyleGorch Wrote: I've played many of the PZC titles in solo HTH mode...

("HTH" means "human to human")
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12-21-2012, 08:44 AM,
RE: Korsun '44 question
(12-20-2012, 06:10 AM)LyleGorch Wrote: (..)solid ZOC line across the map (..). (...) partisans (...)

Remember that partisan units do not excude a ZOC.

In any event, if they really are Isolated, they won´t show this before their own turn.
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12-23-2012, 11:02 AM,
RE: Korsun '44 question
The German forces became isolated in the following turn. The inner line will soon be formed and moved northward. The ZOC line was formed with regular infantry and tank units.

As for "HTH" -- gee, I thought it meant "Heart to Heart" or "Hip to Hip." It is still possible solo -- I arrange two chairs, facing each other, and move back and forth as needed. The computer rests on a lazy susan.
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12-23-2012, 04:43 PM,
RE: Korsun '44 question
(12-23-2012, 11:02 AM)LyleGorch Wrote: The German forces became isolated in the following turn. The inner line will soon be formed and moved northward. The ZOC line was formed with regular infantry and tank units.

As for "HTH" -- gee, I thought it meant "Heart to Heart" or "Hip to Hip." It is still possible solo -- I arrange two chairs, facing each other, and move back and forth as needed. The computer rests on a lazy susan.

Head to head, in my humble opionion, which apparently involves two owners of one each, but as it is in the case of hot seat, it's perfectly doable for one participant running two shops at the same time , pretending he's not nuts and that he hasn't just seen what he has just seen or otherwise. Pretty bizzarre idea that I have never attempted to follow, even though I used to hot seat some shorter, smaller scenarios off Steel Panthers: Main Battle Tank with a good friend of mine and that was fun and sheer entertainment, especially keeping a poker face.Once, in Vietnam, in a rice paddy next to a little hamlet, my VC comrades spotted his platoon on a routine patrol and greeted them warmly ... Alright, sorry, I got myself a little carried away ...Back to business.

On Your own it's a great idea to observe and learn how the game engine works, but not much esle I'd say - once You're done with that, bear in mind I'd still be strongly advocating pursuing a PBEM mode with any of the excellent fellow wargamers here at the Club - the greatest place to find some opponents - decent ones, to say the least. Keep the community alive, buddy.

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