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Moscow '42 AAR: Sukhinichi II : We Will Rescue You
12-03-2012, 01:09 AM, (This post was last modified: 12-05-2012, 08:15 PM by Strela.)
Moscow '42 AAR: Sukhinichi II : We Will Rescue You
Fresh from our dramatic fight at Efremov, Dog Soldier & myself (Strela) decided to replay one of our favourite scenarios from play testing. The scenario chosen is taking from the historical Soviet counteroffensive during the winter of 1941/42 and covers the German attempt to break the siege of Sukhinichi.

The scenario briefing is as follows:

#a0122_03 Sukhinichi II : We Will Rescue You Turns : 24

Sukhinichi - Jan 22nd to Jan 24th, 1942. The Sukhinichi garrison had held out for over two weeks, despite constant Soviet assaults. Von Schweppenburg's XXIV Korp (mot) was pushing hard to relieve 216th Infantry Division and 18th Panzer Division was only a few kilometres away. In addition 208th & 339th Infantry Divisions were ordered to keep a corridor open so that the garrison and 18th Panzer Division had a safe route to fall back on. Rokossovsky had been sent by Zhukov to conclude the Sukhinichi siege and was shocked at the units the German's suddenly had available. (Size, Medium)

This scenario is recommended for HTH play preferably. The German player has to be mindful of casualties. The primary goal is to break the siege and rescue 216th Infantry Division, while keeping a corridor open. It will be difficult for the Soviet player to directly confront the very strong German forces, so it is best to inflict casualties where possible and harry the corridor the Germans need to hold.

We are going to write this after action report up as we play through the game. Brian has pulled the short straw and got the Soviets while I will attempt to rescue my kameraden at Sukhinichi. The plan for the AAR is that we will alternatively post each turn to try and ensure the readers can follow the ebb and flow of the game.

During testing we found this scenario really represented the winter fighting well with company & battalion sized forces holding wide areas. Units such as self propelled flak became important for speed and range and every type of unit played a role. Hopefully some of this will be evident on this play through.

To start off we will both post our thoughts on our initial strategies and then we will launch into the turns.

Starting Positions

The map area is focused on the drive to Sukinichi. Note that there are a significant number of 10 point victory locations, the bulk of which the Germans have to control at the end of the game. Though weaker, the Soviets do not need to control many of these to win.
[Image: 398fc26d25T1%20S1.jpg]

The various opposing forces;
[Image: e193e43e03T1%20S2.jpg]

The German Initial Plan
The 208th & 339th Infanterie Divisions have just arrived from France and are very strong, but are both missing their third Regiments. These had been detached to fight elsewhere on the front. Both of these Infanterie Division are to immediately confront their opposing Rifle Divisions (323rd & 322nd) and attempt to cripple as many Soviet units as possible. 18th Panzer Division is to move up onto the high ground west of Sukhinichi and break into the city from there. The logical route up the road was in a valley and the defenders have the advantage of height. The move from the west is to mitigate this. 208th Infanterie is to focus on capturing Vertnore while defending Dumnich. 339th Infanterie is to push west while ensuring Zimnitsy and Khludnevo are held. For the moment 18th Panzer will have to break the siege on its own. 216th Infanterie is to assist when the Panzers got closer. The arrows in the below screenshot shows the basic initial moves for each Division.
[Image: 2c493f4c47T1%20S3.jpg]

With the scene set, I will hand across to Brian for his view from the Soviet side.
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12-04-2012, 02:58 PM,
RE: Moscow '42 AAR: Sukhinichi II : We Will Rescue You
Sukhinichi II is one of my favorite scenarios from out play testing too as David mentioned. The number of ways to approach this scenario from either side makes it very high on the replay ability. Both sides have opportunities and handicaps.

Our other games were exciting right down to the end. This one should be no different. Well a little different. David knows I like to try and surprise him. I already know he can surprise me. Smile

Russian Strategy
It is the Russian intention in this scenario to avoid severe losses by being surrounded by the more mobile Germans while stinging any German units that over reach. Preventing the garrison at Sukhinichi from engaging my forces besieging them on favorable terms to the Axis is the other Russian goal.

The under strength 18th PD is on its way to relieve the Sukhinichi garrison which has been besieged by the Russians. The Russian forces in the area have no armor to counter the German panzers. The good news is that the panzers are very small in numbers and vulnerable if they engage in close combat with the Russians. The panzer grenadiers are strong. However they are worn down already from other fighting when the scenario opens.

The German foot infantry is very dangerous. The Russians will be attempting to avoid meeting these larger German battalions head on.

There are three strategic options open on the first turn to the Russian player. All are concerned with the entry of the Russian trump card, the 83rd cavalry division. The Russian player can bring them on in the north where they can attempt to slip in behind the German 18th panzer division as that unit moves to relieve Sukhinichi. Or they can enter in the south to harass the German attacking Vertnore. The southern option could be used to get the cavalry into the center of the German starting positions perimeter to attack the German corps artillery or take and hold some of the central objectives.

I intend to bring on the cavalry in the center option. This places them on the main highway into Sukhinichi from the east. I want to move them SE of the town to support the 1105 rifle regiment of the 328th rifle division. These units are blocking the main road into Sukhinichi from the 18th panzer. They are in danger though of ending up POWs being caught between the panzers and the Sukhinichi garrison.

As a benefit, if the 18th panzer attacks straight up the road, the 83rd cavalry can take them in the flank. If the 18th panzer moves to east the cavalry can block them. The best opportunity will if the 18th panzer moves to hit the Russians west of Sukhinichi. The panzer grenadiers then lose their superior mobility and become foot infantry away from the road net in the deep snow. The cavalry would then have the advantage to take the 18th panzer in the rear. I might even be able to roll up the road and secure both of the VP locations at the villages in hexes (40,11) and (37,10). Even if I do not destroy the 18th panzer, I can take them effectively out of the game by controlling the road and these two villages. I might get to bag a few German POWs of my own in the process.

Dog Soldier

The screen shot below was taken well after the start of the game from starting another blt file to show the relative positions of each side. It illustrates the movement I plan for the Russian 83rd Cavalry. From the end point, I will just have to see how the situation develops.
[Image: 2cba9dcd0cCavalry%20move%201st%20day.jpg]
Fast is fine, but accuracy is everything.
- Wyatt Earp
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12-04-2012, 11:25 PM, (This post was last modified: 12-24-2012, 02:02 PM by Strela.)
End of German Turn 1
And here we go.....

End of German Turn 1: January 22 0600 - 0800

With the breaking of dawn, the Axis forces swung into action. The initial supply check reveals that XXIV Korp & 208th Infanterie are out of command. This will have an immediate effect on combat for the turn. In addition supply at Sukhinichi is at a premium with the few remaining tanks from 19th Panzer out of fuel and the cut off 216th Infanterie low on ammo. 339th Infanterie & 18th Panzer are currently unaffected.

[Image: 3844f40e03T1%20S4.jpg]

All formations follow the initial plan, with 18th Panzer using armor to determine the current Soviet front line. The rest of the Division starts to climb the hill and prepare to engage the dug in Russians. The Auflklarung (Recon) Battalion, covers the road and is in place to protect the Panzer Divisions right flank. The Pzkw IV detachment finishes adjacent to Soviet infantry when it unexpectedly ran down its movement points. With slow movement in the snow, few units finish adjacent to Soviet formations.

[Image: 65b0a2794bT1%20S5.jpg]

Little else is achieved with a few long range artillery shots at the revealed Soviets.
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12-05-2012, 01:05 PM, (This post was last modified: 12-20-2012, 02:40 AM by Dog Soldier.)
RE: Moscow '42 AAR: Sukhinichi II : We Will Rescue You
Russian Turn One
Dawn, 06:00 22 January 1942 Visibility 1km - Frozen Conditions

Frozen conditions will be the norm for this entire scenario.
Russian units begin redeploying from strung out positions to a more concentrated area for each of the 322nd and 323rd rifle divisions. I do not want these organizations divided and destroyed piecemeal by the Germans. Every Russian unit still in the game on day two will tie up a greater sized German formation. The idea is to threaten enough with a force in being to keep the Germans from concentrating on day two against my cavalry.
I am lucky near Sukhinichi. A German panzer unit stayed in contact to sniff out my initial positions. An assault is ordered. The tanks are destroyed and a German column of Pzgr in trucks is found. My artillery opens up on the hapless grenadiers to welcome them.

Dog Soldier

[Image: 9e51679802RT1%20overview.jpg]

A close up view at Suhinichi.
[Image: 0e6e6033abRT1%20Sukhinichi.jpg]
Fast is fine, but accuracy is everything.
- Wyatt Earp
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12-06-2012, 03:46 PM, (This post was last modified: 12-24-2012, 02:02 PM by Strela.)
End of German Turn 2
End of Turn German 2: January 22 0800 - 1000

With the conclusion of turn 1, the victory conditions look like the below. The Germans have a lot of work to do in taking and holding victory locations.
[Image: 5d2cf92b7bT2%20S1b.jpg]

The visibility increased to two hexes and more of the Soviet defences are evident. A cursory check shows that all HQ's are in command (yay!) and that the ammunition has been broken out in Sukhinichi in anticipation of the assault by 18th Panzer to break the siege (there is a 30 point supply source in the town to prevent isolation). Unfortunately there is little fuel available for 19th Panzer's tanks.
[Image: 416284be63T2%20S1.jpg]

The Soviet infantry assault of last turn really hurt. Not only were the two Pzkw IV's lost but 34 Panzer Grenadiers were killed by artillery fire - over 15% of their starting strength. Being adjacent to enemy infantry will require immediate deployment.
[Image: f9e06083e8T2%20S1a.jpg]

339th Infanterie Division begins to probe 323rd Rifle Division's positions and runs into Soviet mounted recon troops intent on the same mission.
[Image: 5d5add1717T2%20S2.jpg]

The Aufklarung battlalion from 208th Infanterie begins to swing around Vertnore in the hope of isolating it. Note the disparate transport of each company - bike, motorized and horse. The horse unit is much quicker in the snow.
[Image: 0172275715T2%20S3.jpg]

18th Panzer Division begins to deploy and attempt to push back the Soviet battalions on the hill. The Soviet Rifle Battalion that assaulted forward finds itself the focus of overwhelming attention....
[Image: 85405d49a6T2%20S4.jpg]

The turn concludes with the Germans forced to deploy early and preparing to push back the initial Russian outposts. The Aufklarung Battalion from 18th Panzer is undisturbed on the right flank.
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12-07-2012, 03:44 PM, (This post was last modified: 12-20-2012, 02:41 AM by Dog Soldier.)
RE: Moscow '42 AAR: Sukhinichi II : We Will Rescue You
Russian Turn Two
08:00 22 January 1942 Visibility 2km

The cavalry move off to the SE of Sukhinichi. Now they have to cross open ground in travel mode. I can avoid German detection until about turn four or so depending on where the front lines move to. There is a danger of being detected by a German recon plane. I just have to move on and hope for the best.
The 18th panzer division troops recover from the initial bloody nose. They are pressing my infantry back to open the west side of Sukhinichi and bring the garrison troops out. I retreat as I want them to move as far away from the road as I can before the cavalry are spotted in their rear. I am trying to make a fight of it though to lull David into thinking he has caught me with this aggressive move on his part. Elsewhere, the Germans are tearing up the Russians as the Germans move to take two VP locations away from me.

Dog Soldier

This is the overview of the situation from the Russian side.
[Image: 9d41a75052RT2%20overview.jpg]

A close up of the area around Sukhinici. No move as yet by the 18th PD to take the 'valley village' from the Russians. Just some armored cars taking a look. I will not rise to this bait, but stay in my fortified positions. Help is on the way if the 18th PD decides to drive up the road instead.
[Image: bad3c1d3b5RT2%20Sukhinichi.jpg]

16th Army HQ goes out of command. I will need to pull it back to the road close to the supply source. Command problems have plagued me in this fight during play testing. the Russians were on the end of extended supply lines at this point tin the campaign.
Fast is fine, but accuracy is everything.
- Wyatt Earp
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12-08-2012, 06:05 PM, (This post was last modified: 12-24-2012, 02:03 PM by Strela.)
End of German Turn 3
End of German Turn 3: January 22 1000 - 1200

Here is what the victory conditions look like at the conclusion of turn two. One more objective taken and more Soviets killed than the good guys.
[Image: b3f834201dT3%20S1.jpg]

Visibility has remained marginal at 2 hexes. The supply situation is also not great. Two critical headquarters, XXIV Korp & 18th Panzer are currently out of communication. This is impacting the subordinate artillery who are low on ammo. It's worth mentioning that the Korp artillery is absolutely key for keeping the Soviets at arm's length. There is not enough German infantry to cover everywhere and the Korp artillery is needed to harass and disrupt any Soviets that try to move towards lightly defended objectives. The Panzers from 19th Panzer are also low on fuel (not surprisingly).
[Image: fe13b1ea0aT3%20S2.jpg]

During the turn, two Panzer Grenadier battalions assault the Soviet hill top positions. They manage to push the Soviets back with heavy casualties.
[Image: 7816a28580T3%20S3.jpg]

Despite the lack of supporting artillery the Panzer Division's infantry manage to push back and disrupt the Soviet infantry all along the hill top. Mobile troops in the form of a halftrack mounted company and mobile flak move up to try and interdict a Soviet mortar company found in the woods.
[Image: aaefd2a4c1T3%20S4.jpg]

339th Infanterie Division has similar success against the 323rd Rifle Division. The Soviet recon cav unit beats a hasty retreat while advancing German infantry disrupts their opposite number while artillery disorders the approaching reinforcements.
[Image: 0f4747bc6dT3%20S5.jpg]

On the right flank 208th Infantry launches an immediate frontal assault on Vertnore breaking into the town. The Aufklarung companies continue to sweep around the town to the north.
[Image: 2b8dde0f8bT3%20S6.jpg]

All in all it looks like the plan is coming together. The Soviets are unable to stand up to us toe to toe - now the only concern is where is the Soviet Cavalry????
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12-11-2012, 03:53 AM, (This post was last modified: 12-20-2012, 02:42 AM by Dog Soldier.)
RE: Moscow '42 AAR: Sukhinichi II : We Will Rescue You
Russian Turn Three
10:00 22 January 1942 Visibility 2km

The 18th panzer continues to push hard on my troops to open an escape route for the Sukhinichi garrison. He may even be intending to bag the whole western part of the divided 328th rifle division. I am moving the recon unit of the 324th rifle (which is mounted on horses) west to cover against a flank move on the hard pressed 328th units. The 18th panzer troops appear they are going to fold in my right flank and pin my division against the village garrison. Things are getting tight close to the village as I give ground but try to keep the Germans in their trenches around the village.
Vertnore is under a strong German assault and will be lost. I am playing for time there.
In the NW I am still trying to bring the 323rd rifle division together before the Germans can split it into two pieces.
[Image: 9aeaba19f2RT3%20overview.jpg]
Fast is fine, but accuracy is everything.
- Wyatt Earp
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12-11-2012, 11:06 PM, (This post was last modified: 12-24-2012, 02:03 PM by Strela.)
End of German Turn 4
End of German Turn 4: January 22 1200 - 1400

The obligatory victory conditions at the conclusion of turn three. Two more objectives taken.
[Image: 0547ad3bb4T4%20S1.jpg]

The visibility stays low at two hexes, this is certainly hindering the Germans as they assault up the hill at Sukhinichi as it is difficult to determine how far the Soviet defenses stretch. With such a compact force driving up the hill it is conceivable that the Russians could sweep around the flank and push south towards a lot of undefended objectives. Fortunately all HQ's are in supply this turn and 'only' five artillery pieces are out of ammo. The perennially unavailable 88th Artillerie Regiment of 18th Panzer sits around waiting for someone to deliver the shells.
[Image: 8b28d320dcT4%20S2.jpg]

The battle is now breaking into three very separate struggles. 323rd Rifle is being pushed back forcibly to the west by 339th Infanterie and the objective west of Khludnevo is about to fall. The Korp Artillerie are really making their presence felt.
[Image: 5d062819e8T4%20S3.jpg]

At Vertnore, the I battalion of 338 regiment is low on ammo and with help from II battalion shoot up the Soviets in the adjacent village hex. Soviet recon cav seem to be bugging out to the east. A further battalion is seen to the south of Vertnore, but the Soviets don't seem to be threatening Duminich at this point.
[Image: ffa52bdf1eT4%20S4.jpg]

18th Panzer uses all its panzer grenadiers battalions as well as the motorcycle infantry (Kradschutzen) to continue to push up the hill towards Sukhinichi. The siege is almost broken with the Soviets having the most tenuous of ZOC's around the town. To the north of Sukhinichi, 324th Rifle seems to be doing little to assist the hard pressed 328th Rifle Division. With many of its rifle battalions disrupted, there is only a single battalion in a grove of trees, west of the town preventing 18th Panzer reaching 208th Infanterie Division.
[Image: a1e49749dcT4%20S5.jpg]

Everything is almost going too well. Where is his bloody cavalry???
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12-17-2012, 01:07 PM, (This post was last modified: 12-20-2012, 02:43 AM by Dog Soldier.)
RE: Moscow '42 AAR: Sukhinichi II : We Will Rescue You
Russian Turn Four
12:00 22 January 1942 Visibility 2km

The 18th panzer continues to relentlessly push my under strength Russians away from Sukhinichi. This is good and bad. Good that the 18th is exposed for my cavalry. It is bad that I cannot contain the Sukhinichi garrison. On the plus side the cavalry has arrived near their jump off point. They have left their artillery train which is struggling to keep up across the snowy countryside. Now it will get dicey as I try to get the cavalry into the 18th panzer division’s rear without being detected.
Vertone is still being pressed. The 10 VP location there is reinforced as I move out of the village to prevent the German recon elements from cutting off my 322nd rifle division to the east. The western half of the 322nd is moving to concentrate for an assault on Duminich on day two. My probe in the NW towards the German village meets a full German infantry battalion instead of a company. They take heavy losses from direct fire. I will have to abandon my idea to turn his flank here.

Dog Soldier

Sukhinichi from the Russian POV. The commander of the 328th RD keeps the attention of the 18th PD by letting them shoot his division to pieces.
[Image: 110f1ac6d8RT4%20Sukhinichi.jpg]

The 323rd is hard pressed by the Germans. The village on the main highway is well protected.
[Image: 8a383beab9RT4%20NW.jpg]

Four Russian battalions of the 322nd RD creep towards Duminich. I extend the Russian right flank for Vertnore to prevent the defenders from becoming surrounded.
[Image: 5fac2d3283RT4%20South.jpg]
Fast is fine, but accuracy is everything.
- Wyatt Earp
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