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9-11 Not Forgotten
09-11-2010, 08:12 PM,
9-11 Not Forgotten



'nuff said.

09-12-2010, 04:40 AM,
RE: 9-11 Not Forgotten
I hate to say this, but my memories of that day have faded. Thanks for the links Ed. Lest we forget.
09-12-2010, 08:27 AM,
RE: 9-11 Not Forgotten
Remember Pearl Harbor...

Town Drunk
09-12-2010, 12:58 PM,
RE: 9-11 Not Forgotten
(09-12-2010, 08:27 AM)Mr. Guberman Wrote: Remember Pearl Harbor...


I'm not sure what you mean by this quote, but eventually the Japanese were defeated and are now a democratic country instead of a military dictatorship.

The fight/struggle with (mostly muslim)terrorism is far from over.

but I still know exactly were i was that day how I heard it on the radio at work, and my first thought that it was a real bad joke when the planes stroke the first tower and how my wife called me (she was home and has a passion for achitecture).

many of you don't know, but my wife is persian, so she has seen the islamic revolution, war, and islamic repression and we had enough of it

regarding the mosque/ islamic centre near ground zero
If Islam is truly about peace and love as many moderate muslims claim to be Then Why there? the message is clear isn't it? this wound is still fresh for the New Yorkers .

In the Netherlands German officials are not welcome when we commemorate the victims of ww2 on the 4th of may

@Ed: good posts
09-12-2010, 09:58 PM,
RE: 9-11 Not Forgotten


My intent was simply to post to remember a day when 19 fanatical, evil, men high jacked four planes in attempts to commit terror attacks.

To radical Islamists it might have been a continuation in a war that was being fought against America for decades.

To sane people, 9-11, should be seen as terror attacks against almost 3,000 innocents, in part of a continuing war of Islam to subject all nations to "the faith".

I do not see this as a comparison to Pearl Harbor. Though, it is in the surprise context. It was not an act of war from a country against another country. I think this is too much of a religious and political discussion to have on the CS forum.

I'd just like to go back to my original intent which was to simply remember those who, in the act of going to work, were the victims of Religious/Political fanatics in a vicious act of terror. On the day of that attack.


09-12-2010, 10:38 PM,
RE: 9-11 Not Forgotten
(09-12-2010, 08:27 AM)Mr. Guberman Wrote: Remember Pearl Harbor...


I had work associates who lost their lives when the twin towers collapsed that day... that event is still very fresh in my mind... I would advise all to treat this subject and thread with dignity... and not to make "light" of it. While I appreciate Ed's sentiments and posting... and no... I will NEVER forget this tragedy... it may be best to close this thread... and allow some of the wounds to start to heal... thanks.
Regards, Mike / "A good plan violently executed now is better than a perfect plan executed next week." - George S. Patton /
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09-13-2010, 12:02 AM,
RE: 9-11 Not Forgotten
I remember watching it evolve live on tv and I had tears in my eyes at the inhumanity of it.
I'd also like to remember the many innocents who died in the Blitz in the UK seventy years ago this month. Luckily I was born 6 years after the war ended but as I grew up, remember the bombsites even now. The thought of seeing 600 bombers come over your city must have been terrifying, night after night.
09-13-2010, 12:57 AM,
RE: 9-11 Not Forgotten

I saw that a Air Raid Warden made color movies of it that was recently discovered... I haven't seen anything on this side of the pond... have you seen any of the footage... I'm curious what the buzz was about it over in the UK...


Jim vK
09-13-2010, 01:15 AM,
RE: 9-11 Not Forgotten
Hi Jim,
I haven't seen that but on the yesterday channel here they are running documentaries about Britain at war.
They include programmes about the workers in Britain as well,such as the Miners, farmers, train workers etc. Some fascinating stuff.
My father worked at Vickers Armstrong where they built the Wellington bomber and Barnes-Wallis of 'Dambusters' fame was based. My dad also lived in London near the docks where the raids were going on and I had an uncle at Dunkirk and one with the RAF in the far east so, I have grown up on the history and could still walk fields today and see the old pillboxes of the GHQ Line.
I'll see what I can find out about the Air Raid Warden movie.
Here you go Jim, guys !

09-13-2010, 10:07 AM,
RE: 9-11 Not Forgotten
One tragedy, is just like the next...that was my only observation. Many of the same "technicalities" that allowed and "to some" neccesitated the Pearl Harbor strike exist to this day. Be it known, I am a decorated "war" veteran with friends descended from the Pearl Harbor debacle and a "relative" at the WTC. This problem, is not one that is owned by a few.
It still exists.

Town Drunk

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